Robot Technology: The Advent of Artificial Love
This is not science Fiction, this is real!
Have you talked to Mythbuster about getting your dose of “The Red pill” yet? Well get on it, for the Matrix will soon be bashing down our doors! The Artificial intelligent revolution is here, not around the corner; but RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW! We are developing robot doctors, robot solders, miniature robots AND robots that are no more than glorified love dolls! Oh yes don't forget the robots that can give Birth!
The Japanese, Korean and Americans are making amazing headway in intelligent robots, especially female robots! Yes sir, “The Safford Wives” will be a reality in about the next 20 to 30 years! This refers to the movie that was originally made in 1975 and then again 2004; it is about a time in the future when men replaced their wives with robots! Now, the first so called “sexbot” is Roxxy dubbed as the “True Companion.” She has five different personalities and as much sex appeal as a talking plastic bag! What do you expect for “only” 700-900 American bucks! However, Japanese and Korean female robots are way more advance than America’s pathetic attempts at creating female robots. (There is one sex bot that seems pretty realistic, it is called "Real Dolls.") Just check out the videos I downloaded and judge for yourself!
Am I the only one who is bothered by our addiction to technology? In my opinion we are becoming too dependent on something that we ourselves have created! Talk about “graven images” or “no other god’s before me” that is stated over and over again in the Bible! The more we become Isolated from nature and human contact, the more we will suffer in the long run!
Hollywood just loves to produce films about our own creations turning on us and creating havoc. In fact, the very word “robot” comes from a Czech word for force Labor RUR (or Rossum’s Universal Robots). It was in a play written by the Czech writer Karl Capex in 1921. Then in 1942, Isaac Asimov wrote a short story called I Robot and later introduced the Law of Robots.
This Law was as follows:
Law Zero: A robot may not injure humanity, or, through inaction, allow humanity to come to harm.
Law One: A robot may not injure a human being, or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm, unless this would violate a higher order law.
Law Two: A robot must obey orders given it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with a higher order law.
Law Three: A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with a higher order law.
However, we now have robot solders that kill, so I guess this law has been thrown out! So why don’t we pay attention to the warnings of our writers and film producers? I think the truth is that a lot of us have “taken the blue pill.” We like being sheep and searching for the easier and softer path. We want to believe that we can create Artificial Love! For example, how many of you “out there” know of marriages or relationships that have been destroyed by Internet porn? I personally know a few!
Now my research has led me to discover the beginning of a Feminist protest against the creation and production of the female sex androids. Some women feel threaten by this technology, because it is sexiest! This seems a little odd to me, for women have their own sex machines that we men cannot compete with! In fact some women have told me that women did not even need men because of their “little friends.” So I guess that what is good for the goose is not good for the gander?
Over all the leaders of this technology are some well known companies like Sonny and Honda. There is a fairly recent and very innovative company known as Hanson Robots also making great strives in Artificial Intelligence. Now the U.S Army has just recently hosted their seconded “Robot Rodeo” that has invited the top fifty American Robotics Companies to demonstrate there products. These focus on the future of military, disaster relief and humanitarian support efforts.
As I work on this hub the tensions between North and South Korea has once again come to a head and it is hard to say what will happen next. I find it interesting that this would happen as South Korea makes technical breakthroughs that will put them on the cutting edge of robotics. Just to think that Korea use to be consider one of the places all the plastic trinkets were being made!
All these advances will only take away more jobs in this tough economy, but maybe that is the plan. What I mean by this, is it seems to be the agenda of the rich and powerful to not only eliminate the middle class, but also the poor working class. For now they can create machines that will not gripe about the minimum wage! So there will come the day that “true love” will be a thing of the past, for who needs love when you have “Artificial Love?”