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Now what was that number?

Updated on December 8, 2008

The cell phone and your memory?

I will not get into a long involved hub on those alpha particles, or is it radiation, then again it could actually be nuclear charged protons. All these have been examined and researched and even analysed to see if they do in any way affect and or destroy your brain cells, or in anyway affect the neural synapsis that result in or would cause short circuits in our neurotransmitters resulting in; signals are received that were never sent out, and even worse signals are sent out and then never received.

All the big five manufacturers of cell phones have submitted highly researched and in depth scientific studies of more than six million cases where, in these reports, all costs involved in this research project was funded by a concortium of the cell phone manufacturers, this was done so as to maintain impartiality.

The report findings; definetaly have proved that all these allegations are entirely false. The unsubstatantiated rumours were most probably circulated by the traditional telephone companies, in the hope that they regain there lost market share.

The use of cell phones in no way causes memory loss.

However there is definaitly something strange happening, when you habitually carry a cell phone in your top shirt pocket or in the case of ladies that habitually carry them in their bras, purely for ease of access.

You are walking or driving along and you suddenly experience the vibration of your phone, and the phone is not even ringing, a sense of Deja Vu?

Worse you are about to drift off to sleep and this phantom ring /vibration wakes you up out of that twilight slumber, even worse when sleep au natural. Besides why would any one want to make or receive a call when you are a sleep.

Serious points to ponder on

The repeated road safety warnings on not using cell phones while driving.

Surely the traffic departments have had some inside information on the scientific simply that cell phones usage while driving a motor vehicle seriously inhibits the drivers ability to multitask.

The majority of us, when giving directions while talking on a phone cell or otherwise, use the other hand to indicate directions, the other hand is ho;ding the cell phone, and your knee is locked up so as to nudge and guide the steering, I am sure that is why power steering was invented.

What is Dads phone numbers.

Wher the problem really exists and this has become more prevalent since the advent and affordability of cell phones.

You don't even try to remember any of your commonly used phone numbers any more, as the little slim line package does all the remembering for you, you do not even have to write it a number down.

Commonly, you meet some one whom you would like to maintain contact with, you have him give you a missed call, pick up his number and create a directory entry, give him a missed call and he does the same.

Now in order to test this statement, throw away the sim card and buy a new phone, then try and reinstate just your families home, cell, business and fax numbers. How many could you get entered. That was the easier ones, now try great aunt or that school friend who still lives in the same house that she did all those years ago.

How many are you still short of?

Then add the emergency contacts, and hairdressers, optician and dentist, are you starting to get the picture?

It is not the cell phones that are causing the memory loss, it is the technology available that makes us sloppy in not trying to remember these important facts.



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