Celebrating One Year of Earning Money From Hubpages
Making Money Money on Hubpages
I have some good news and bad news for you. Which ones do you want to hear first? Well, I will start with the good news.
Who hates good news? I am celebrating 1 year of writing articles at HubPages. I found Hubpages by chance as I was fooling around the internet looking for sites that could help me earn online.
I have been active for that whole year and let me say I have been faring not too bad. Hubpages is a good place to be. You learn to utilize your writing talent among others.
You learn a lot of new things altogether. You enjoy the support you get from an overwhelmingly friendly community of fellow writers.
You meet and make friends with many of the writers from all over the world. So the benefits of being on Hubpages are numerous.
However, Hubpages is not a quick get rich site. Thus for those who would think they can make all the money they want overnight, they must think twice.
It takes time to start earning something decent and again it will depend on your article quality.
Making Money Online

Categories That I Have Some Articles
Since joining HP, I have written a number of articles. I have dwelt with the following categories:
a) Computer and software
b) Books and novels (fiction)
c) Commercial and creative writing
d) Politics and social issues
e) Communications
Creative Writing

Hubpages Is Not A Scam Site
I can assure you I have enjoyed being here and I will keep on writing to continue honing my skills. Up to now, I have published 38 hubs.
These hubs have generated over 40,000 views across the world as of the time I was posting this article (not much if you are a veteran).
So you can bet that at the time of reading this, that number of views has increased. I have also noted a considerable increase in the number of views as time goes. Hubpages is for real. It is not a scam site.
My Top Performing Hubs
These are some of my top-performing hubs:- The Major Motherboard Components and their Functions, Computer Bus Architecture Types.
Over that period of time, I have received numerous feedback from you and others, thanks a lot. When you see people reading and commenting on your hubs, you get the urge to go on.
More adrenaline is pumped into your system. So keep on reading and commenting.
So, as I celebrate my 1 year at Hubpages, I am also celebrating the fact that I have reached a payout. That is the other good news.
I joined the HP ad program the moment it was made available to all writers. Actually, in my case, it is doing better than the Google one. Reasons, I don’t know.
I also did join the e-bay program though I can not judge its performance at the moment, definitely, it's giving me something as compared to the Amazon program.
Paypal Issue
Now, the bad news. HP pays using PayPal. Am in Kenya and here, PayPal only allows sending and receiving, but you can not withdraw your money to any local bank. That is bad news.
So my question is to you, is there another legal way I can be able to access my money? I need suggestions from you so that I can be able to withdraw my hard-earned money and enjoy my Christmas.
To PayPal, I wish they could enable us to withdraw our money to a local bank. In Kenya, dozens of people are joining the online market by day, so it remains untapped potential.
They can also collaborate with mobile companies because they run very efficient ways of transferring money e.g. Mpesa services.
To my hub fans, a big thank you for your support and I am looking forward to your continued support. Big up to the many African writers who are toeing the line with the technology.
Update, August 24, 2012
We now have a safe, easy and convenient way of accessing money from a PayPal account.
Thanks to the introduction of Equity Bank PayPal Money Transfer Services in Kenya. It is now possible to withdraw our PayPal money with ease.
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This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.
© 2011 Patrick Kamau