Submitting article to ezine articles,from article that we already posted in our

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  1. profile image52
    Ferhan Joharposted 15 years ago

    Submitting article to ezine articles,from article that we already posted in our blog,can we do this?

    Let say i have a blog, and i create unique content, each day, then i want to create backlinks to my blog, i do this by submitting my article that i have already posted on my blog to any of the article directories out there for example ezine articles, is this good for creating backlinks and improving my page rank ? i think this will let the google crawler will think that i copy my article that i produced and post it in my blog, anyone have any other opinion on this ?

  2. wandererh profile image68
    wandererhposted 15 years ago

    Yes, you can.  EzineArticles allows duplicate content so long as those content are all in your name.

    However, to avoid potential delays, the usual recommendation is to submit to EzineArticles first, and then publish elsewhere once the article is accepted.

  3. profile image52
    Ferhan Joharposted 15 years ago

    Ok thanks for your answers, now the question is .. will the google crawler think that i am copying ? does this will affect me in increasing my page rank ?

  4. CorinneM profile image59
    CorinneMposted 15 years ago

    To avoid the potential penalties involved with duplicate content, you should spin (change) the content by say 20 - 40%.

    Usually, a blog post is shorter than an article. So, by expanding on a blog post to turn it into an article, you change the content enough so that it is not recognized as duplicate content.

    Also, if you submit an article to more than one directory (always submit to Ezine first), you should spin it changing the content 20 - 40% for each submission.

    If the search engines encounter duplicate content, you only get "credit" for the first time it encounters the content. If you change the content for each place you post it, then you will get "credit" for all instances of the content.

  5. Kmadhav profile image61
    Kmadhavposted 15 years ago

    above hubbers are right. Ezines accept some duplicate content where is published on any other site. But if this is with same author name than it is not considered as duplicate. Author name must be a same. Do some changes in content. Try to put your article first in Ezines. In starting first few articles to approve it takes time if you cleared first stage of membership then it will approve very fast.

    If Ezines considered your article as copy from other sites then site administrator will give you the source from where it is published. If the content is matching from the directory or site where you published with same author name. Give a simple mail to site moderation team that this is not copy content.

    For more information about how to put articles on Ezines visit the below url.

  6. buzzyblogger profile image58
    buzzybloggerposted 15 years ago

    Google will flag your content and put all copies in the supplemental index. You are better off writing new revisions of your content. Or focus on unique content, just distribute it on sites with the most traffic. You really need to submit 100% original content to Ezinearticles. They are the #1 leader in articles.

  7. surveyequipment profile image64
    surveyequipmentposted 14 years ago

    I think it is always best to submit a 100% unique article to EzineArticles first. Then once it is approved spin some variants (spin the title as well) and submit one of these to your blog and the rest to other article directories.

    Use something like which will submit unique versions of your article to different article directories over time. This will mean that you end up with lots of unique content out there and loads of backlinks to your blog.

  8. Anita Koppens profile image60
    Anita Koppensposted 14 years ago

    If you're submitting articles to Ezine or other article directories to support your blog site, you should wait until the original post on your blog site has been indexed by the search engines. Otherwise, if you post to Ezine immediately after you post, Ezine will get the credit of the original content (of course you blog still gets some juice from the links pointing to it but you lose the power of "original" content appearing on your blogsite first). I'm assuming Ezine will be crawled more quickly that your blogsite because Ezine is very authoritative.

    It can be even more complex than this because Ezine is again, very authoritative, so the best solution would be to spin the article and get the most bang for you buck (time).

  9. profile image0
    suissforexposted 14 years ago

    Post your article first to Ezine before you posted to your blog.
    Why? Because I did it and someone had copied my article from my blog before I submit to Ezine!! Ezine asked so many questions and now I have to prove to them it is my article and it was published on my site first before the date it was published on the site which has my article.
    I have to go after the owner of that site!!
    Just be careful

  10. 49lart profile image64
    49lartposted 14 years ago

    Google are looking for unique, new and original content. Therefore you can only really benefit yourself if you submit original articles to EzineArticles first. You then have to promote it by linking it to other sites. The page rank is derived from online publishers linking to your article and other sites linked to your blog. You don't automatically get high rank. I have one that is PR4.

  11. TVTopTen profile image61
    TVTopTenposted 14 years ago

    You say you want to create "unique content" but once it appears on E-Zines it is no longer unique.

    The days when submitting to article bases for back-links are over. These links provide little to no value to your site in the eyes of Search Engines such as Google.

    Your time is better spend on creating more content for your blog, submitting to bookmarking sites (digg, delicious, reddit, twitter..etc), and adding articles two Hubpages and Squidoo.

    Duplicating your own content on the web is NOT a good idea in terms of SEO or SEM. Not to mention that in the eyes of the reader you come off as Lazy.

  12. guzie profile image59
    guzieposted 13 years ago

    It is best to submit your article to ezinearticles first.  Once it is approved you can how post it on your own blog or websites.

    But remember you now have 2 articles or content that are duplicate.  So what does someone now do.

    You re-write the original for your own purposes on your site or blog.

    Do NOT use article spinners.  Do your best to "re-write it using your own voice"...In my experience this works best.


  13. CharlesWells profile image61
    CharlesWellsposted 13 years ago

    Re-write your article first manually with the open office word processor thesaurus.  Link it to your blog post or page with a hyperlink and spell out the in the resource box.  That assures your link will be picked up when other publishers scrape your article.


  14. profile image49
    Alexa smith132posted 11 years ago

    For creating quality backlinks,make sure that your article should be unique.
    Otherwise you will not get traffic.
    I submitted an unique article to 2 months ago.
    My article has got more than 5000 views in 2 months.
    And i have got over 2500 clicks to my website through that backlink..
    The main thing is that Largearticle only accepts unique content

  15. profile image51
    Nijanthan Vposted 10 years ago

    I have blog. I write unique articles. Is there anyway to directly link my blog's post with ezine articles?.


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