When should I give my child a cell phone?

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  1. Niicks profile image66
    Niicksposted 12 years ago

    When should I give my child a cell phone?

  2. engineer05 profile image60
    engineer05posted 12 years ago

    Hi Niicks,

    I think it varies from a child to another. when your child becomes more independent and he/she seems to be self dependent in his social life... you should start showing to him that you trust him and build his self confidence by for example giving him a cell phone.
    the age should be like 8-12 years, i think.

  3. profile image0
    idratherbeposted 12 years ago

    Seeing adults so fixated on cell phones in stores, driving their cars and even church. I see no need for a child to have one until age fourteen or in middle school where they might be involved in after school activities.

  4. networmed profile image57
    networmedposted 12 years ago

    As soon as she/he is responsible enough. I have a niece who's age 7 years old when she got her first cellphone. We taught her to use it responsibly and she is using it until now responsibly. She is now 14...

  5. taw2012 profile image60
    taw2012posted 12 years ago

    When you feel that your child is responsible enough to handle a cell phone you an give him one. I suggest after 16 years of age.

  6. shadowspyro99 profile image60
    shadowspyro99posted 12 years ago

    good questions, even in the store i see 11 year old with cell phones, the only problem is that kids can use there cell phones to hack into grownups money credit card, and then the kid gets grounded, what you do is that you don't have the cell phone cunnected to the internet, if I were you I wouldn't give your kid an expensive one, otherwise they will end up with no internet at all, in fact you would be worth by giving your kid a track phone that way it can only be used for an emergancy only, usualy it is good to give your kid at around age 11 one that is when they will be asking for one, two kids these days are more in danger and would need to use there cell phone to call for help like I said you could give them a track phone then you the kid will know that you understand them and they know that you love them and you could tell them that they can afford and expensive one right know if they begin to ask why didn't they get this one. hope this helps.

  7. Levertis Steele profile image74
    Levertis Steeleposted 12 years ago

    Give your child a cell phone when there is a real need. The child may need a cell phone under these conditions:

    1. to call a parent to pick him/her up after some practice or other event.

    2. to call parents in case of an emergency when on a date or out with friends anywhere.

    3. in most situations that separate the child from a responsible adult.

    Of course, you need rules in place. The phone should never be taken to school or church. Never let the child, especially a young one, keep the phone at all times. Retrieve it once they have returned home. Do not tell them that the phone is theirs; tell them that the phone is for their use in appropriate situations. Also, monitor the phone's call history. These are children, not adults.

    Keep in mind that pay-as-you-go minute phones are inexpensive and can be purchased with allowance money, so children can purchase their own phones and buy minutes, especially the ones who have jobs. Rules concerning this ability need to be established and consequences of abusing phone privileges need to be discussed. A phone may not be for every child. The parents must decide based on their knowledge of their child.

  8. profile image0
    pixnumposted 12 years ago

    When you will give a cell phone to your child, depend on how you will understand your child. If you understand your child’s need and necessity well, then you can give it when you think right. Always, remember that if the relationship between you and your child is very well, then you will never need any cell phone for your child. Still, you will need to give a cell phone to your child only for security reason. As, when your child will go to school or college and you need to trace him or her, then you can give your child a cell phone. The right time for any child for getting a cell phone is just at the moment of entering at college. Again, it will depend on you how much you can read your child's mind.

  9. JustSimple info profile image73
    JustSimple infoposted 12 years ago

    My kids have all had their first cell phone when they turned 4.   I taught them how to use it for emergency, and I had a family locator service installed on the device so I can keep track of the device which was always with them, and it did come in handy sometimes..  Depends on your area, where you live, and your comfort level, and the cost of the device.  A good prepaid simple add minutes type of phone maybe all you need to start off with.,

  10. Rpenafiel profile image62
    Rpenafielposted 11 years ago

    The need for a cell phone for your child is determined by two factors: the need for it; and maturity of the child to handle the device responsibly. Moms view cell phone as safety tool when their child is away from home and you simply need to take it away once their home. No phones should be kept in children’s room with a close door. Parents just need to implement a strict rule in the house for using one. You can also weigh-out the risk and the advantages of the phone for your kids. Internet capable phones for younger kids is a big no because they are highly vulnerable once online. I would suggest lending them a phone with kid-friendly features like Just5 or that one from Samsung too. You can have these phones for the sole purpose of communication and as safety device while limiting the risk of kid’s exploitation from the internet.


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