What are the differences and similarities between types of cellphones - iPhone,

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  1. nmdonders profile image74
    nmdondersposted 12 years ago

    What are the differences and similarities between types of cellphones - iPhone, Android, Blackberry?

    Just wondering what features one might have that the others don't and what purposes each serve.  Any info is greatly appreciated.

  2. tjdavis profile image60
    tjdavisposted 12 years ago

    I was a big iPhone believer until my first Android phone. I do not like the iTunes you have to use with the iPhone. I have the HTC Vivid and really love it. The thing I like is the fact that it's bigger overall and has a much larger amoled screen with such vibrant colors.The vivid also has flash. I like having the larger screen to watch movies on. Even the lady at the AT&T store admitted the Vivid screen was way better than the iPhone. The Android market has every app iTunes has. The vivid has a much easier way to sync and transfer files than iTunes. But, of course, this is just my opinion.

    1. nmdonders profile image74
      nmdondersposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you. I've been hearing a lot about the Android lately.  I'm only slightly familiar with the iPhone.  What ever happened to simply dialing a number and talking to someone? Haha "there's and app for that." It's cool you can watch movies on it.

  3. pinappu profile image79
    pinappuposted 12 years ago

    Simple comparison between Android, iPhone or Blackberry is a difficult thing in a few words. A full hub will be needed, though I shall try.

    1) iPhone is the brand name of the phones made by Apple and Blackberry is of RIM. While Android is a mobile OS. Android powered phones are manufactured by different companies around the world.

    2) iPhone is a premium and fashionable device which is fast and very reliable. It is powerful but too easy to operate. iPhone is not very customizable. You are limited by the company.

    3) Android phones are of different hardware and price range. Android is very customizable. You can change everything of Android.

    4) Blackberry is not very popular nowadays. They are loosing ground fast to android and iPhone.

    5) The iPhone and Android phones are very powerful. You can play interesting 3d games in both. There are thousands of apps in both platform.

    1. nmdonders profile image74
      nmdondersposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for the breakdown.  It look like you may have a new hub idea smile

  4. SportsBetter profile image64
    SportsBetterposted 12 years ago

    iPhone was the original smart phone.  It changed the way we do everything.  PC and Mac are disappearing as more people are starting to use their smart phones for internet, email, shopping, social media.  It is pretty amazing.

    iPhone - is probably the slickest out of all three cell phones.  It has really good hardware. Their whole user interface is very well built and is easy on the eyes.  Everything has smooth transitions and is fun to use.  It handles phone applications, but if you are a developer it is hard to get an app on their store unless it gets approved. Apple make sure you can't change many of the settings in the phone and all of their apps are up to the apple standard.

    Android- Is very close in comparison to the iPhone.  Although not as smooth and slick, they have many different phone models to choose from.  You aren't stuck with the one model.  Android is very customizable, in which, you can do pretty much anything you want to it.  You can change backgrounds, customize widgets, style the desktop however you want.  The apps aren't as well built as iPhone, but they are getting closer.  The thing with the Android store is you can upload any app you want as a developer.  Android is so much more flexible than iPhone.

    Blackberry- is running out of steam.  Although back in the day they used to be very wide spread, today's smart phones are crushing blackberry.  Although, blackberry has a few touch screens, they don't compare to the iPhone and Android market.

    1. nmdonders profile image74
      nmdondersposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for the info. I think the iPhone is a great phone. I've heard about it being quite difficult to get your apps up on the Apple store and that Android is much more relaxed in this sense. I'm not a developer but as a user this still effects me.

  5. Nora411 profile image66
    Nora411posted 12 years ago

    Blackberries are more of a business type of phone. It's a great phone for emailing and work related issues. It does have apps, but many of them are apps that you need to pay for.

    Androids are more of a pleasure phone. You can download a lot of goofy apps, as well as have the business emails and all of that great stuff. Most of what your looking for can probably be found for free (as in apps).

    If you ask me I would reccommend an Android! Cool phones and you get it all; work and fun! smile

    1. nmdonders profile image74
      nmdondersposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      That is what I've been told  - Blackberrys are more for emailing and business relations. So far I think it's kind of a tie between iPhone and Android smile

  6. Ciel Clark profile image71
    Ciel Clarkposted 12 years ago

    I have a Droid phone now.  I previously had a Blackberry but I wanted to change to the cool touch screen.  The Droid is great for browsing and looking at things, but not great for emailing-- I constantly make typing mistakes on texts and emails on the touch screen but on the Blackberry I don't need to look to type.  Also I think the new Blackberry's photos are better quality-- next phone change I will probably go back to  Blackberry... Unless something new has come out!

  7. maverickmonk profile image61
    maverickmonkposted 12 years ago

    the major difference between these 3 types of phones it the operating system, apart from OS they have their own hardware difference based on the models

  8. profile image49
    jhanks64posted 10 years ago

    The new BlackBerry 10 OS and phones are hugely different from the old OS7 phones mostly discussed here.

    I've put together a comparison of the current Smart Phone systems



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