Why FireFox Browser? Mozilla Firefox Download
Surf in Style.:"Firefox":.
Mozilla Firefox Browser
What makes Mozilla FireFox stand out and why should you use it instead of other browsers? Other then the fact it’s a free firefox download, and the fact that most browser are, what makes it so different? It runs the internet, I can read my mail, and I can look at cute girls online like any other browser, so why firefox? There are many reasons why you would want to use firefox over any other browser. Hopefully, after saying these five points about firefox, you will want to get Mozilla Firefox.
Fastest Browser on the Planet.
Firefox, using its totally organic software is indeed
remarkable. There has been many comparisons between mozilla firefox and microsoft internet
explorer (and other browsers). Firefox, every time and on every platform has
beat the rest in loading. The time it saves you over a month of just loading is
about 4 hours! Imagine what you could get done if you had a chunk of time of 4
hours free! If time is money, and we always complain about it, why not get firefox! Firefox 3.5 is also 69 times quicker then IE 5!!
Best Add-ons EVER?
Firefox allows developers to make your life easier by making add-ons. These add-ons are incredible for what they are! The macro programs (extensions) run seamlessly to effect your experience on firefox. There is one for everything from downloading everything on a page to helping you save snippets of information, and even spell checkers. There are so many I can’t list them all. Firefox remains the most editable browser on the planet, with easy plug-in ways of adding your own custom images, custom headers, fonts, and menus makes FireFox the best choice for enhancing your online life.
Thousands of Firefox Add-ons for any User!
Fully Customizable!
Mozilla Firefox is open source software, allowing for use for virtually anything. By combining that and the ability to make extensions for it, there is nothing that cannot be custom. For most of us, we aren’t coders and have no reason to learn it. Due to other people’s efforts (and firefox itself) you can customize almost anything. From the way the top image looks, to the positioning of the icons and search bar, to adding any other toolbars you want, by dragging things to the status bar, and much much more!
Ability to be Safer ONLINE!
Firefox has become the safest browser online to use. It
blocks annoying pop ups and helps prevent you from getting viruses and other
bad infections from the net. It has fully customizable security features and
even a private browsing mode. Also on the browser there is one click verification of sites to make sure your protected.
Standard tools?
Firefox comes with its standard array of built in tools. It has a great bookmarking tool for your favorite sites including one click bookmarking, it remembers passwords for you using a master password so no one on your computer can access your usernames/passwords, and it of course was the first browser to have a Tab system for windows. Very rarely do you ever need to have more than one window open, allowing your computer to run faster!
Funniest Remediation of Firefox being the Best Browser
Firefox is the ULTIMATE browser.
Firefox is growing quicker than any other browser in
history. For most downloads in one day it broke the world record, and your
still not using it? There are millions of people ready to endorse firefox and
use it because its so much safer, it crashes less than any other browser, and
is just the greatest thing since the creation of photoshop (sorry, graphic
person here!)! Take it from me personally, you want to use Mozilla Firefox Browser!
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