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Things I do to Stay Active

Updated on November 11, 2024
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I share my experiences, my emotions and believe in myself. I am positive, confident and love life.

Stay active daily

Daily chores are small and are not effective if I am not using enough energy. I prefer to keep fit and active, Sedentary lifestyles are being inactive.

Sitting at the computer and browsing online does not appeal that much to me. Occasionally, I browse online on cold, windy, and rainy days.

On sunny and clear days. I would spend time outdoors.

In September I pick figs. Most people dry their figs out in the sun the natural way is the best. This is not my favourite for the season, but i do it for fun.

The days spent outdoors are happier times.

Also, the season of walnuts. I picked walnuts toward the middle of September, when I noticed the small squirrel picked the nuts, I knew then it was time to get up there and pick our share of nuts too and left more than a dozen walnuts for the squirrels.

The black small squirrel with a white patch down the middle of its chest runs up a few trees to reach their dens and hide nuts.

I observed the squirrel many times carry a nut from other trees close by and the small creature disappears past us to its den.

A few times it happened that the squirrel dropped the nut and it did manage to hop after the nut, found it and off it went to the nut again up the steep road.

This happens while crossing the street or when a vehicle suddenly speeds by.

The noises of vehicles disturb the route of the squirrel. Often, I see the squirrel, hop about on our oak tree. I tried to get a photo, but not clear enough.

The squirrel is fast and cautious of its surroundings.

November in the Croatian language means STUDENI meaning cold. I prepare for the olive picking, a day spent in the field. I don't climb up step ladders, or trees. I pick wherever is reachable on the much lower branches.

Around this time of year, the weather is sunny with clear skies.

I often make nut liquor from the green walnut nuts when picked at their earlier stage. The walnuts in their young stage of growth are picked for liquors and towards the middle of September the walnuts are ready for harvesting when it's bigger and the skin feels slightly drier.

I peel off the green skin from the walnuts to allow for a better product for the winter. The peel on the shell if left on causes mould and the nuts don't dry as well.

Nuts were picked at a much later stage when fully grown. Olive picking is an energetic activity.

Activity adventures!

Acorn picking is one of my best activities. Annual activity keeps me on my toes.

I call it an activity because I am active and enjoy the new developments each day. I am involved in an energetic activity is a great idea to avoid growing fat and unhealthy.

Acorns are edible.

I am sure you won't risk it. For centuries pigs ate acorns and, in some places, pigs are fed acorns even to this day.

I enjoy picking acorns!

An oak tree on the side of our driveway has more acorns than last year. Each time I pick an acorn the next one falls off the tree. I spend an hour, sometimes two hours picking acorns on days in December. Acorns are picked off the ground for animals like pigs.

Walnuts are a main ingredient in Christmas cakes and make a good snack. Pickled walnuts are another idea if you have the time. Olives are picked when green, or when gone dark in colour.

If picked when green the oil is bitter. When olives are picked ripe or dark in colour the oil is not bitter.

A local oil mill down the road is where our olives are milled for the extra virgin oil. Olive oil is used for cooking, pickles and for a good skin tone.

You can have a smaller tummy if you had a teaspoon of olive oil daily.

Exploring nature is a wonderful part of my day.

I came across a pretty picture of mushrooms and had to capture the feature.

These mushrooms are not edible!

My new discoveries have taught me of the surroundings, I sometimes take for granted. I feel fitter when outdoors. I noticed a change in myself since spending more time outdoors. I feel relaxed and less stressed.

Too much time spent indoors can make you feel like a couch potato.

I am responsible and reliable in what I do in my life. Winter in Croatia as most people complain about how depressing and boring it is.

I don't see it that way.

When you think of life as boring and depressing you will lead your way that way.

I chose not to think of boring days.

Seasons are at different times of each year.

To feel happy and active I have to create that life for myself. The five months of winter in Croatia can make one feel bored and depressed.

During this time, I make sure my days are occupied with some activity.

When the weather gets rough and cold, I stay indoors.

I don't allow the winter days to get me down. I spend time reading, watching movies, baking, cooking healthy meals and with having interesting conversations with family.

Playing card games or board games is still a good idea.

I have been occupied with small activities since September.

My daily schedule allows for a positive meaning of daily activities.

The choices I made changed the way I think about life.

I could choose to go the negative way, or the positive way. I chose to make my life a better one in Croatia.

Some people don't know how to cope with boredom or with living in a foreign country.

The simple chores around the home can allow for active days and meaningful moments.

Winter activities are interesting if you approach a positive mind.

In January it's cold with rain and snow falling around the area or further north of Croatia.

The outdoor activities are mostly gardening and farming.

Attitude plays an important role. Lifestyle changes are enormous, and when don't know how to grasp these moments with a clear mind everything can fall apart easily.

I didn't understand the many challenges and events, but I decided to take on these challenges with a positive mind.

The climate of Croatia is different to South Africa.

Sunshine all year round in South Africa, and in Croatia, summer and winter are Mediterranean weather and not what I had experienced before.

The little things I do for myself to be happy and active show me that person I did not know in my past.

Experiences are not always good or bad sometimes in between. Some people I know do get bored in the winter and complain a lot of the summer days. It is either too hot or too cold.

Life is what you make of it!

It is easier said than done!

People get bored at work or at home.

The idea is to be happy with new beginnings and make your life happy.

It is easy to fall into the old boring routine of life.

Change that attitude!

Bring on a bright idea and be creative.

I learned to differ from the daily plans, getting up each day with a new agenda.

Whether a rainy day or a sunny day I know how to keep days occupied.

The long winters in Croatia can be very cold and make outdoors impossible.

My experiences

Olives picked and ready for milling.
Olives picked and ready for milling. | Source
Walnuts picked in September.
Walnuts picked in September. | Source
Acorns on  the oak tree.
Acorns on the oak tree. | Source
Walnuts dried   and ready for eating.
Walnuts dried and ready for eating. | Source

Winter activities

What are your winter activities?

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This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2015 Devika Primić


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