Vacation Checklist and Packing List
How to Pack - Tips and Tricks
Why Have a Vacation Checklist and Packing List?
Are you going on vacation with the family? Utilizing a vacation checklist and packing list make getting ready for a vacation less stressful!
Nothing is worse than getting to the airport and realizing you forgot something at home. Lists will save you time and money and help you to have a great vacation!
When traveling, I always wonder what to bring and if I am forgetting anything. To make things easy, I have made a packing list for travel. I can print it off and cross items off as I pack them. Once everything has been crossed off the list, I can sit back and relax until it is time to travel.
You can tweak the list depending on where you are going, how long you will be gone and who you will be going with. There is a list for each member of your family, even your pet!
Here is a checklist of things to do before you leave for you trip and a packing list for everyone in the family!
Disney World
Checklist: Things To Do At Home To Prepare For Vacation
- Put mail on hold through the USPS website
- Water Plants
- Take out garbage
- Unload laundry machine, dryer and dishwasher
- Print Itinerary
- Make a schedule to follow while your on vacation
- Look at websites to find out more about your destination
- Find important documents and put them in an easy to find place
- Suspend any holds you have at the library
- Set water heater to 'vacation'. Leave a note to remind you to turn it back up when you get back
- Turn down heater or air conditioner
- Eat all of your perishables in your refrigerator so you don't end up coming back to a fridge full of rotten food.
- Lock doors and windows
- Close garage door
- Make sure appliances are off and unplug them if you will be gone for a long time.
- Make sure all water is off
- How to ensure that your dog is well taken care of while you are on a well-deserved vacation
Tips to ensure that your dog is well taken care of while you are on a well-deserved vacation.
Pets Checklist
- Make sure pets shots are up to date for kennel
- Make reservation for kennel (if during a school break, do it a few months in advance)
- If leaving pets (cats) at home for short trip, buy an extra, disposable kitty litter box
What To Pack: For Women
- Money, Credit Card and/or Checkbook
- ID's and Passport (if needed)
- Chargers for any electronics (phone, laptop, etc.)
- Phone and/or Laptop
- Bottoms (pant, shorts, skirts)
- Tops (long or short sleeve, depending on weather)
- underwear
- bras
- socks
- shoes (tennis shoes, sandals, swimming shoes)
- Outerwear (coats, gloves, hats, scarves, jackets)
- Pajamas
- Make-up
- hair accessories and tools
- medicine
- books and magazines
- jewelry
- bathing suit
- Nail polish
- sun block
- razor
- deodorant
- toothbrush/ toothpaste/ floss
- hair brush or comb
- Medicine or Pills
What To Pack: For Men
- Money, Credit Card and/or Checkbook
- ID's and Passport (if needed)
- Chargers for any electronics (phone, laptop, etc.)
- Phone and/or Laptop
- Bottoms (pant, shorts, skirts)
- Tops (long or short sleeve, depending on weather)
- underwear
- socks
- shoes (tennis shoes, sandals, swimming shoes)
- Outerwear (coats, gloves, hats, scarves, jackets)
- Pajamas
- medicine
- books and magazines
- jewelry
- bathing suit
- sun block
- razor
- deodorant
- toothbrush/ toothpaste/ floss
- hair brush or comb
What To Pack: For Kids
- Passport (if needed)
- Favorite Blanket or Toy
- Chargers for any electronic toys
- Bottoms (pant, shorts, skirts)
- Tops (long or short sleeve, depending on weather)
- underwear
- socks
- shoes (tennis shoes, sandals, swimming shoes)
- Outerwear (coats, gloves, hats, scarves, jackets)
- A picture of the child (in case they get lost)
- Pajamas
- medicine
- books and magazines
- bathing suit
- Activities so kids will ot get bored (coloring books, crayons, etc)
- sun block
- book bag (for all the extra stuff you have to carry around)
- stroller
- toothbrush/ toothpaste
Travel With Baby
What To Pack: For Babies
- Diapers
- Wipes
- Bottles
- Formula
- Onesies
- Temperature appropriate clothes
- Diaper bag
- favorite blanket and toys
- medicine
- stroller
- sun block
Water Plants While Your Gone
What To Do When You Get Back From Vacation
- Turn water heater back up
- Water plants
- Start mail up again
- Turn air conditioner or heater to a comfortable temperature
- Relax!
Spring Break Poll
Are You Going Anywhere For Spring Break?
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.
© 2013 Melanie Casey