Croatian town Karin on Karin Sea
Does paradise exist? Oh, yes, we can find it everywere around us, I have found it in so many places in my country. With big pleasure I will share with you some more pictures of Croatia.
In this Hub i will lead you to visit 2 nice places close to area where I live: little town Karin in Karin sea, and in the second part of this article, go with me to visit one interesting peak of biggest Croatian mountain Velebit, called TULOVE GREDE.
Karin sea is almost completely closed sea gulf with special climate, nearby the mountain Velebit, 20 minutes drive from city of Zadar, which look completely different then the rest of the Adriatic coast. All area is soft and green, with few green rivers which flow into the Karin sea...
I took te pics of small town Karin and river Karishnica. Karin is touristic place, which was inhabited from the ancient times. This old church of st. Mary and st. Francis monastery (from 15. century) were completely destroyed in the recent war in my country ...They are renewated few years ago and I am very proud because my boyfriend did the project of that renovation...Now they look completely the same as before.
Traditional Croatian music and pics of Croatia
Tulove Grede - mt. Velebit
Now we will go a little bit in the mountains.
Mountain Velebit is Croatian sacred mountain, the biggest one and the wildest one. which stretches above the Adriatic see, protecting this part of country from the influence of continental climate.
Tulove grede (Tulo’s Rafters) isone very interesting and so often visited part of the mountain Velebit. Up to this peak leads old road build in the time while Croatia was under rule of Austro-Hungarian Empire, in 1832, so it is possible to come there by the car (very slowly) or by the motorbike (even more slowly and not too recommended, say my experience).
Tulo´s Rafters are conglomerate of dignified white limestone cliffs which Mother Nature shaped with special attention and love, in various heights and shapes.
Due to the road, this place is often visited from people around the world, who respect enjoying the quiet moments in connection with nature.
So use your imagination and sit with me on the motorbike and let`s drive to this beautiful, legendary peak. Old legends about fairies and dragons residing there are still alive and very materialized in extraordinary shapes of the cliffs.
Tulove grede - at last!
This amazing place looks like most beautiful white crown which is consisted of many limestone pillars in various heights and shapes. When you come close you, just realize that these cliffs are alive, you see so many various faces and creatures which limestone shaped so you know you came to the sacred place where immortals reside. There are legends that there were living just dragons and fairies, and I swear that they are still there, mighty and dignified, spreading their wings above all area.
You enter there in the mystical land of wanders where you can hear only wind wispering the secret tales to your soul, while fairies play with your heart and dragons give you strength, courage and wisdom to create nice and dignified life.
If you view the pictures very carefully, in full size, you will be able to recognize creatures and faces which are shaped in limestone.
All photos are taken by Tatjana-Mihaela, 1 month ago.
Prints of my other photos are on sale in my online gallery : http://tatianamichaela.redbubble.com . Please check them.
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