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Happy October!

Consider our contest as an early treat- the trick is starting early!

With October rolling around, it has become very apparent that fall is well underway. This means lots of great October-themed Hubs, focusing on autumnal recipes, Halloween costumes, and getting ready for colder weather, but this also means preparation for the holidays, which often entails product reviews.

To help you prepare yourself and have fun (plus win cash prizes), we created the Rigorous Review contest- a competition which will launch on November first and last throughout the month (more details in the Pro Tips below). We encourage you to use this contest, which revolves around review Hubs using the Ratings Capsule, to write Hubs that will help online searchers around the holiday shopping season.

Because the contest is open to all sorts of reviews- not just those of products people might purchase as holiday gifts, but also those evaluating places, services, and restaurants, you can also use this contest as an opportunity to create Hubs evaluating places you visit and services you use every day. Though the contest will not begin for several weeks, you can begin composing entries now- just save them in draft form and publish them over the month of November to have a shot at winning anything from $25 to $200 USD.

Happy Hubbing,

Simone Haruko Smith
Head of Outreach

Pro Tips

The Ratings Capsule is the star of HubPages' November contest

Important Rigorous Review Contest Details

Why would you want to submit an entry in the Rigorous Review Contest? There are prizes! Over 60 total:

  • $700 in $25 Daily Drawing Prizes awarded to one randomly selected review entry every day of the contest
  • $700 in $25 Weekly Prizes awarded to the seven best review Hubs each week
  • $50 Best Product Review Prize for the best product review
  • $50 Best Service Review Prize for the best service review
  • $50 Best Restaurant Review Prize for the best restaurant review
  • $50 Best Place Review Prize for the best place review
  • $200 Grand Prize for the best overall review

Want to submit some entries in the HubPages Rigorous Review Contest? Here's how:

  1. Join HubPages
  2. Make sure you are enrolled in the HubPages Earnings Program (this is how we distribute winnings)
  3. Publish a review Hub using the Ratings Capsules that meets our qualifying requirements

What are those qualifying requirements? We'll tell you!

  • Hub entries must contain at least the Ratings Capsule (see our Learning Center guide on the  Ratings Capsule)
  • Hub entries must have at least one image
  • All images must be legally used (see our Learning Center guide on  proper image use)
  • All images (unless original) must come  with attribution and link to their source
  • Entries must be published for the first time on that given contest day
  • Hub entries must be a minimum of 500 words
  • Hub entries must be entirely original to HubPages

And also keep an eye on timing:

  • Hub entries may first be submitted Wednesday, October 31st at 12:00pm (PT)
  • The deadline for Day 1 of the contest is Thursday, November 1st at 12:00pm (PT) Subsequent deadlines are always at noon (PT)
  • The final deadline for entries is Wednesday, November 28th at 12:00pm (PT)
  • Daily Drawing prize winners will be announced every weekday around 4:00pm (PT) (and on the Monday following Thanksgiving for entries submitted for November 22nd and 23rd)
  • Weekly Prize winners will be announced on Mondays (starting on the 12th of November and continuing through December 3rd)
  • Finalists and Grand Prize winners will be announced on Friday, December 7th around 4:00pm (PT)

Finally, we strongly recommend that you keep note of our judging criteria, which can be reviewed on the official contest page. Also be sure to read the full contest rules, which can also be found  on that page under "read the complete rules".

The best way to repare for the contest is to read the entire official contest page

Hub Nuggets

This Week's HubNuggets

One of the most enjoyable things to do on HubPages is hunt around for new talent. Should you not have time to scour the site's newest Hubbers yourself, never fear! HubPages has a special team of Hubbers who scouts them out, nominates their Hubs, and features 18 each week in the HubNuggets competition. In this competition, you are invited to vote for your favorite Hub from each of three different Topics either in a special roundup Hub or on designated Topic pages.

This week, Enelle Lamb presented Hubs from the Food and Cooking, Family and Parenting, and Books, Literature, and Writing Topics amidst some helpful Hubbing tips. The polls closed as of noon this Wednesday, hence I may now present to you the freshest HubNuggets winners- some of the best new talent on HubPages.com. In addition to being featured below, these special Hubbers have won HubNuggets Accolades- amongst the rarest Accolades on the site. Stop by their winnings Hubs and congratulate them on this accomplishment!


      Food and Cooking
38% craiglyn

A Canadian Love Affair

Most of us love somthing we just can't do without. It helps us through our day and makes us feel better. Doesn't matter what it is, it just is!

33% LMSommerauer

How to Ease the Transition to Vegetarian Eating

Making the switch to vegetarian eating has so many benefits for so many people that it's a shame when people don't stick with it because they simply don't have the support or resources to keep going. Here are ten tips to help you maintain balance and moderation when making the switch, provide positive reinforcement to help make your choice stick, and get connected to some terrific support resources. Eat well. Be healthy. Be happy.

13% renee21

My Favorite Gluten Free Chocolate Cake Recipe

When I found out that I was gluten intolerant, I was devastated. I realized that I would have to give up one of my favorite desserts, chocolate cake. After a lot of searching, I finally found a gluten free chocolate cake recipe! The flours...

      Family and Parenting
32% janshares

Thank God For Laptops! - Having Good Conversations With Young People

In our era of technological advancement, today's 25 and under generation take for granted the conveniences they have. Having access to the internet and owning a computer is a way of life that they were born into and could not live without.

22% sbfreelance

How to Raise Ungrateful and Selfish Children

Have you ever wondered how some kids turn out the way they do? We are in such a confusion these days on how to parent. We've gone from one side of the spectrum; beating our children for every miss step. To the extreme other end; indulging our...

20% Asalexander

The Hardest of my Daughter's Diagnoses

Adopting my daughter from Russia and learning of her many disabilities.

      Books, Literature, and Writing
50% memymoi

How to design a map for a fictional fantasy world - simple steps

An Innovative guide to creating a map for a fictional fantasy book. In 6 easy steps this will guide you through the process of map-making and help create a history for the country or continent your story takes place in.

31% christen whalen

The Necromancer - Chapter 1

The drawers were ripped open, one right after the other, clothes being tossed mercilessly to the floor. It was almost eight o’clock – she had to hurry. “Mom!” Levi called. “Do you know where my black sweatshirt is?” “Your...

12% tinamariemiller

Crystal Clear Raindrops

The beginning musings of my memories as a child.



Hubber to Hubber

TToombs08, From Somewhere between Heaven and Hell without a road map., 620 Fans, 52 Hubs, Joined 3 years ago

CloudExplorer Interviews TToombs08

A long-time Hubber reveals her background and inspiring good deeds on HubPages

Terrye Toombs, I love reading your Hubs and think they’re super funny. My very first question to you is: What is it that you find on HubPages to be the most enjoyable for you (whether it be participating in Forums, Q&A, Hub writing, fan following, networking outside of HubPages, or what have you)? Why do you feel this way?

Thank you. You are too sweet! And, thank you so much for that very kind compliment. That kind of feedback really validates all that I attempt to accomplish and encourages me to give each Hub my everything so that I don’t let readers down. After all, they sacrifice precious time to come to my Hub and I don’t want it to be a waste.

The most enjoyable part of being a participant in HubPages is getting to know some outstanding writers. I learn from every writer I encounter as they all have a different style and view, no matter what the topic or subject is. If you gave three writers the topic “potato,” all three of them would view it and write about it differently. That helps me to see something from more than my point of view. And it challenges me to push myself to be a better writer so that I can connect with the reader and they can relate to me or what I’m trying to express.

Terrye if you had the chance to become a superstar comedian that could be showcased on television would you take the job?

I’m afraid I would have to pass on the chance to become a superstar comedian or even a mediocre comedian. The first reason being that I’m a high functioning introvert; I just would not be capable of performing in front of an audience.

The second reason would be; I have a horrible memory and I’d probably forget everything by the time I walked out onto the stage. And lastly, I couldn’t leave my husband and son alone long enough without one or both of them getting into some sort of trouble.

I read your profile that you’re from the wonderful state of Arkansas in the U.S. and currently live in the Badlands of North Dakota. What kind of fun moments, entertainment, activities etc. do you choose to enjoy in your home state of residence?

That’s actually a very hard question to answer. I don’t really have a state of residence. I still have my Alaska driver’s license (what I consider my home state where I grew up) because we haven’t stayed in one spot long enough to warrant getting a local license. In the past year, we’ve bounced back and forth between North Dakota and Montana because of my husband’s work.

As for fun and entertainment, we enjoy exploring the beautiful badlands that Theodore Roosevelt once called home. We also enjoy making a monthly trip into Billings, Montana to get out “big city” fix. We’ve visited friends in Wyoming, enjoyed Yellowstone National Park, Pompey’s Pillar National Monument, Fort Peck Dam, and a bunch of places where either Lewis & Clarke or Custer’s Army visited on their historic travels. My husband and I both have a love of travel and are always questing to get to the top of the next hill to see what’s on the other side.

For the average Hubber, writing online articles can be tough; do you have any words of advice for newbies and those looking to improve on their overall voice and Hub-writing techniques?

In my advanced English and journalism classes, the professors always advised us to find a “writing buddy” to exchange papers with. It helped immensely having that instant feedback to know if we were on the right track or had areas where we needed to focus on and fix.

I would give the same advice to new Hubbers; find another writer that has a passion for writing and help each other become better writers by giving good advice; you will both learn from it and grow as an author. Above all else, if you have a real love of writing, don’t give up and don’t get discouraged. It takes time, patience, commitment and determination. You *will* get there.

As a three year plus HubPages veteran, it must be tough to maintain such a high level of Hubtivity, and you seem to do it so well. With your ultra-funny attitude and gift for being so supportive of your fellow Hubbers, what is it that drives you to continue onwards Hubbing with such intensity?

I wish I could do more. I don’t really feel like I’ve been as active as I’d like to be. But, that little thing called “life” tends to get in the way.

For what drives me, I would have to say; I know what it’s like to spend hours writing something, publish it and then it sits there and no one reads it. It’s so hard to stay motivated if you never get that “wow, I can understand and relate to that” reaction from a reader over something that you’ve written.

It doesn’t happen as often as I’d like, but if I see a writer that has been on HubPages for a while and has very few views, I’ll carefully go through one of their Hubs, looking for common and easily fixable errors. Then I’ll email the author and ask them if they mind a little helpful criticism. If they are open to it, I’ll send them my recommendations and answer any questions they have. After they feel confident, I’ll share their work with other Hubbers (the “Share with Followers”) and across several social media outlets. Then I’ll show them how to do it for themselves.

I was lucky enough to have a number of other Hubbers (billybuc, Miss Olive, Sunshine625, etc) throw me some helpful hints that have really helped me to improve in a number of different ways. I’m just trying to pay it forward.

  HubPages Fun Fact: Some people have a fear of Halloween! It's called Samhainophobia: http://sharynsslant.hubpages.com/hub/Fear-of-Halloween-What-is-Samhainophobia

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