is there anyway you can teach a horse to trust you again after it has been beati

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  1. Bryanslittleangel profile image60
    Bryanslittleangelposted 14 years ago

    is there anyway you can teach a horse to trust you again after it has been beatin and miss treated?

    Like he try's to bite, and sometimes he dont wanna lead i rode him once but electric fince shocked him and he through me off now it is hard to get a saddle back on him

  2. TexasChickiMama profile image60
    TexasChickiMamaposted 14 years ago

    My Dad, was the original Horse whisperer...He could make all horses into the loving animals they want to be.

    1.  let the lead fall in the arena and walk away. slowly.  They will follow as this was the way the mare taught the colt in the first place.  First fro way off then they will get closer and closer...have a treat handy apple slice or carrot.

    2. talk low and nice all the time about the weather the day your love the trust you want with does not matter just make that contact without ... interruptions.

    3.  slowly start to touch them on their neck and on their shoulders still talking to them.

    DO THIS EVERY SINGLE DAY> this make them know that you are going to be there for may take weeks or months...Abuse is a nasty memory to be rid of.  If you really try to make this connection the Pay off is HUGE!

  3. Pearldiver profile image68
    Pearldiverposted 14 years ago

    Wow I was going to say that Texas; but I could not have said as well as you.  Trust is the key as it is with people.  You must treat them in a way that they know that YOU are not a negative to them. Carrots are the best, even beyond a sugar cube.  I have found that if it is something that they haven't had before; then they relate that taste only to you.  Because, everyone uses a carrot with horses, coat it in something sweet that it will know comes just from you.

    It is important to always talk in a low key and do so as much as possible with eye contact. Let the horse decide, offer your open hand with the treat; in this way the horse also knows your scent. It also gives you the chance to have the horse relate you to a gentle touch as while it is eating the treat (your hand still there) you can scratch the horse under its chin (a place it can't reach).  It starts to look forward to your company, so you must visit daily. And do what Texas has suggested. When you walk away don't look back - the horse will only follow you when it trusts.
    Hope you do well; it is worth it in the end, they are loyal friends. Good Luck

  4. profile image53
    Friesian crazyposted 14 years ago

    You will have to take it slow, particularly because of the electric fence incident, which may cause him to associate you with pain. Spend alot of time with him, brushing him, talking to him while you work around the barn, patting him, finding his itchy spots, etc, to try to help him associate you with good things without actually asking or forcing him to do anything. I would be wary of using treats, particularly if he has tried to bite in the past. If you do decide to give him treats to win him over, make sure you feed him from a bucket, not by hand, and do not let him take them until you are ready.

    It is important to be patient, particularly of shy behaviors or times that he may overreact to a stimuli (such as the saddle) but to also correct him if he is aggressive towards you. Biting cannot be tolerated, because you could get injured. Because he has been previously abused, it makes his behavior uncertain, so make sure when you give a correction (however might just be a raised voice), that you are ready to react if the horse acts out or becomes skittish.

    With the saddle I would suggest getting him used to gently throwing a saddle blanket on it again and again until he just stands there and is bored. Then do the same with the saddle. Put it on and off..all the way.. Do up the girth and everything  Once he is okay with that, or even if he is still a little jumpy, put on the saddle and go work him from the ground.. on the lunge or just walking around grazing on grass. You want him to stop anticipating bad things (ie: riding/getting shocked) with the saddle.. so do different things that he doesn't expect and might enjoy. Try going past the place that he shocked himself and let him graze there.

    It would be helpful to know a little bit more of his history. Your description of a horse who tries to bite, doesn't want to lead, and throws you off and doesn't want you to ride again..could be the behavior of any who is abused, one who is spoiled, or one who just likes to be bad!

  5. flread45 profile image61
    flread45posted 14 years ago

    I don't know if you beat the horse,but if so you willnever get him to respond to your orders again as he is afraid of you and will do what any animal will do to defend itself.The electric fence thing,will keep the horse from going close to any wire fence forever,while you are in the saddle.
    It sounds to me like you need to take this horse to a trainer and get him started over again,if you like him that much.If you are afraid of him you may as well sell him,because he is aware of your being afraid of him and he will eventually hurt you.
    good luck.

  6. monaleasa profile image59
    monaleasaposted 14 years ago

    You have to have an open heart and hold your heart in your hands... so to speak... It will take a lot of time, trust and a good sense of humor.  Donot approach your horse or your barn if you have had a bad day, are in a bad mood or have any negitive feelings or thoughts... they pick up on that.  Patience, time and a whole lot of love will help.   

    With all the advise that you have been given I'm sure you  will build the bridge your seeking and I'm sure your horse will teach you alot about yourself along the way.

    Good luck and enjoy the opportunity.

  7. annettelennon2 profile image59
    annettelennon2posted 14 years ago

    take it slow and introduce everything with positive re-enforcement and like Parelli get him to join up with you,
    I had a mare that would throw anyone that would show fear of her when they rode her.  I kept showing her nothing but love and respect she was the best horse and ended up being the best therapy horse we ever owned.  She was Khemosabis daughter and is 23 an now retired. I still pay homage to her no my license plate, blackmare

  8. profile image53
    old fashionposted 14 years ago

    repetition and reward. always carry treats with you and use a soft cooing voice. move slowly and with purpose. as the horse becomes brave enough to approach you reward it with a treat. do not try to impose any further then you are welcome. it will take time. lots of time but sooner or later it will learn that you are not the one that harmed it and you are the one that has goodies. you are the one that talks softly and you are gentle. over and over again. I have astud horse that was abused to the point of being blind in one eye and deaf in the same side ear. he still darts away sometimes and he still hesitates when i enter his stall with his coat of a rasp to file his hooves but he has learned that i have never hurt him. bite sized snickers usually get me very far. cookie wrapers get his attention and the cookies get me his attention long enough to show him i mean no harm

  9. Stimp profile image59
    Stimpposted 14 years ago

    As most people have mentioned, you will need to go back to "ground zero" if he/she is a foal with no human interaction.  When I'm around a foal or any other animal that may be afraid of me...a Ferrel cat for instance, I just "be".  I'll be around the animal in a pasture or whatever and read or do something quietly....maybe for an hour or so.  I, personally, like to sing and use a sing songy voice when speaking to them.  Eventually, he will get used to your presence and come to check you out.  put your hand out, don't rush him into anything.  The best way to have someone or something come to you when they are Leary is to back off, right?  Retreat when they move back and eventually they will move forward again.  If you are that frightened of him, you will, from this point need to get a trainer to train YOU with the horse and start with the leading, then lungeing (or round pen training), then grooming, etc....  I think saddling at this point is like putting a lion on his back....just don't do it.

    I know from experience....I purchased a TB off the track as a 6 yr old.  I was green, he was green.  as you know "Green on Green makes Black and Blue".  I got scared of him, I had to start from zero with a trainer.  Once they get in your head, it's hard to shake it and once they get in your head they know it and will test you everytime.

    I eventually broke my fear...but then became fearful again after a couple of spills.  I didn't ride him for 5 years...last year my friesian was killed while we were on a trail ride.  He slipped on an embankment, threw me, but as he tried to roll away from me, he broke his back and passed away naturally.  At any rate, I realized had I not been a good rider, I'd be dead too.  So, last spring I mounted that TB and he KNEW I had no fear....AFTER 5 YEARS we were a team again and we picked up right where we left off.  I thought...there is nothing he could do that could outdo what Ben and I had been through.  Today, I'm confident again.

    I think YOU need confidence in your riding again.  I'm sure you are a good rider....just get some confidence in yourself and your horse.

    And always always always remember "Always trust your dog and Always trust your horse"...period.

  10. dmitchell88 profile image60
    dmitchell88posted 14 years ago

    Yes!  But it's not going to be just an over-night process. It's going to take time, patience, and love. It all depends on the horse, and every horse is different. Horses all react different and the best way to earn their trust, is to know what exactly they have trust issues with. If possible, try and get as much information on that horse as possible. It's whole background. If any way possible try to get in contact with previous owners. As many as you can (hopefully not too many!). Ask them how the horse was with them, what types of issues and problems that horse had then. What did they do to try and fix the probelem. By finding all of that out,  you can try to pin-point about the time when the horse started to have issues, and with what. Always go slow. Never push a horse. They can only take so much at a time, or they'll get bored, ansey, or even reluctant.  Abused horses can also be very dangerous.In your case you say that he tries to bite, that could say someone put him in pain, or would hit him in the face. That can also make a horse headshy which is very common. Don't let him bite you, and never let him get away with it. Disipline him right when he tries to do it. and firmly say no. If you let him get away with anything once, he'll think it's okay and repeat it over and over. When you lead him you say he got shocked by the elec fence. Well, at least he should be able to respect fences then haha. Try leading him again, away from any fenceing. Before you lead him around, turn his head and neck (flateral direction) and let him look around, that way he know's nothing is around to hurt him. And try to lead, slowly and walk around. . Then once he's leading around fine, try with just a saddle blanket, away from any fencing again. Either out in the middle of pasture, or even tied up. Start off slowly. Take the blanket and slowly rub it all along his sides, and slowly put it on his back. Repeat that several times, and after a little bit he should be perfectly  fine with that. Then slowly do the same thing with the saddle. After some he'll forget all about. Like i said, as long as you show him you're not going to hurt him he will have trust in you.  If you dont have experienced in abused horses, then you shouldn't even have it, because it's dangerous for you and the horse.

  11. Horse Reader profile image69
    Horse Readerposted 11 years ago

    Most of the other answers are right. Time, love, and patience.

    1. Lunge them. Either with or without a lead as long as in a pen safe.
    2. Check the saddle. Make sure it still fits him.
    3. Avoid the fence. He won't be able to regain confidence around it.
    4. Give him a ball. The biting could be an attitude or boredom. A ball will give him something to bite.
    5. Treats. Don't over use them but encourage him to follow you with a treat or carrot piece and praise.


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