Which is the strongest medium of Expression - Literature, Fine Arts or Performin

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  1. sentimental profile image39
    sentimentalposted 13 years ago

    Which is the strongest medium of Expression - Literature, Fine Arts or Performing Arts ?

    Literature includes all types of writings viz. Poetry, Phrase, Books,....
    Fine Arts includes - Paintings, Sculpture...
    Performing Arts - Dance,Singing, Music, Cinema.....

  2. Jeff Berndt profile image72
    Jeff Berndtposted 13 years ago

    It depends on the audience. Speaking only for myself, I find that musical theater evokes the strongest emotional responses, especially when there's movement involved--not necessarily dance as such, but coordinated movement. Think of the One Day More song from Les Miserables, performed by the cast while moving in sync on the turntable.

    You've got music, poetry (lyrics), (almost) dance, literature (the overall story), the visual effects of the costumes and any theatrical effects, etc, etc, all in one package.

    But someone else might have a more powerful response to a novel. It all depends.

  3. M. T. Dremer profile image85
    M. T. Dremerposted 13 years ago

    I think it would be relatively easy to compare them if each one made an attempt at the same source material. For example, if a novel was adapted into both a performing art and a fine art. Then you would have one story or idea being interpreted by each medium. Then you could judge which one was the most powerful, though it would be largely based on personal opinion.

    The things I like are the arts that cannot be performed in any medium but their own. For example, Jasper Fforde writes novels that could probably never be adapted into a movie or on-stage play. I mean, how do you depict an inanimate object burping semi-colons or a character having a conversation with footnotes? Or if you look at the picture of the never-ending stairs; it just doesn't translate well to being described with words or seen in a 3-dimensional form (though inception certainly tried). Similarly music doesn't translate to the written word very well and sculpting it won't convey the sense of power you get from hearing singers/instruments. So those are the things that I like; the projects that define their genre and remind us why having so many different versions of the arts is so important to our society.

  4. epigramman profile image60
    epigrammanposted 13 years ago

    ..well that's easy ... this question!
    ..well that's easy .... your provocation of this question!
    p.s. - the hub master said my answer was too short but it's profound just like the author of this question.  Touche!

  5. kalixao profile image60
    kalixaoposted 13 years ago

    Music and movement on synchronicity, definitely. If you're taking into account an audience, music and dramatic performance have always brought catharsis. If you're taking into account only the sentiment of the performer, all performers achieve and express the same intensity through their given medium, but when an artist can write, arrange, perform, and choreograph their own expression - you have the whole thing.

  6. mindyjgirl profile image77
    mindyjgirlposted 13 years ago

    The World:
    1. Performing Arts
    2. Literature
    3. Fine Arts
    So many of us watch T.V its ridiculous the time people spend watching it. It has to be the most influential. Plus music on the radio 24-7. Don't get me wrong I love literature and Fine arts, I am an artist! If you are asking me personally what influences me I would say:
    1. Literature
    2. Performing Arts
    (My Uncle Mike Deasy is in the Music hall of fame so thats pretty influential for me.)
    3. Fine Art
    Thanks for the question!

  7. nancyme profile image60
    nancymeposted 13 years ago

    I think Performing Arts has a wider audience and appeal while Literature is comparatively restricted audience and appeal. But Literature is the best medium to express a feeling, a notion, an idea where you can detail and flesh out emotions.


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