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8 Internal Ways to Promote Your Hubs for Maximum Online Earning

Updated on August 26, 2011

How to Hubs Make Money Through Internal Traffic

There are two aspects of promotion when writing hubs (articles) here at hubpages. These two ways to promote your hubpages for better earning money online can be described as internal and external promotion. But many writers who want to make money online have devoted much of their times and efforts to external promotion mechanism, which when utilized fully have a greater potential of bringing a lot of targeted traffic, but giving more attention to external promotional methods and bypassing internal promotional methods will hurt your hubs performance in one way or the other. When promoting your hubs consider the two promotional mechanisms available at hands and give them considerable good amount of time

Let’s briefly look at the two methods of promotions: Internal promotional mechanism – These refers to the activities that are geared towards making your work exposed by utilizing the available promotional methods found at hubpages.  While External Promotional Mechanism involves using mechanism that are applied outside the hubpages web portal and these includes activities such as

  • Submitting hubs to search engine
  • Submitting hubs to article directories
  •  Writing articles with anchored text links to article writing platform like GoArticles etc
  • Buying advertisement spaces on Google Adwords and any other form of advertising online
  • Exchanging links with other writers outside hubpages
  • Submitting your hubs to bookmarking sites like StumbleUpon, Mixx, Digg etc
And many more

Making Money with Internal Linking

Internal Hubs Promotional methods for better earning online

The above few mention promotional mechanisms can be categorized as external methods to get traffic from different sources online to enable one make a lot of money online, with these kind of promotion your work will be entirely based outside your hubpages and this are geared towards bringing external traffic only. The advantage of external hub promotion is that you will have different sources of traffic of high quality and majority are targeted traffic, but this alone is not enough to make you good money at hubpages with affiliate programs

Below are some methods that will help you increase your hub visibility on hubpages, with your good exposure at hubpages, your external promotional mechanism will not take a lot of your energy as hubpages will help drive these targeted traffic for you

  1. Hub (Article) Structure
  2. Hub ( Article) Interlinking
  3. Forum participation
  4. Reading and Commenting on hubs
  5. Participating in Questions and Answers
  6. Participating in hub challenge
  7. Participating in weekly hub mob topics
  8. Participating in ongoing hub contest

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Internal Linking for Money Making Explained

Hub (Article) Structure

For your hub to be more visible here at hubpages, you have to write well targeted articles with high quality contents, the length of your hubs will also determine how useful it is for the readers. A well informative hub would not be less than 800 words. Your hubs (articles) have to be keyword researched; there are free tools one can use to find out how many people are looking for the particular niche. Hub format will take on two forms, you are either writing an informational hub with no intention of making money or you are writing a money making hub. A well written money making hub will enough keywords for targeted Google Adwords adverts on your hub. With targeted Google Adwords on your hub you will have increase Click through rate

Hubs (Articles) Interlinking

Interlinking related hubs will play two crucial roles in marketing your newly and old created hubs internally. First when related hubs are interlinked or grouped together, all information will be found on one page,  this give all your hubs a chance to be read and does not consume time searching for related hubs. It helps you redirect your visitors to your old hubs that might not be getting traffic. The second reasons to interlink your related hubs is to help search engine robots locate your hubs, when robots  come visiting your newly created hubs they will be directed to the old hubs through the links and this will improve your page ranking: more on Google Search Engine Robots

Forum participation

Following and contributing to discussion on the forum helps to expose your user profiles to others, your thoughts and contributions will direct hubbers to your articles, and through these you they will be promoting your hubs for free, and promotion would be in form of rating your hubs, recommending your hubs to others, bookmarking your hubs and linking your hubs on their hubs. Participation in forums increase your user rating and with high user score you may one day be featured on Hubpages home pages, and with this you will have free and quality targeted traffic which will make you more money

Reading and Commenting on hubs

Like participation in forums, reading and commenting on hubs will increase your visibility on hubpages, you will get comments from other hubbers as a favor for commenting on their hubs. Leaving comments let people know that you have written an informative hub which is worth reading, as many comments comes your hub rating will improve as this is will be a vote of confidence by other hubbers (writers) on your work. Comment on hubs will help increase your popularity among hubbers, as you become popular you will be able to get many followers, and once with these followers you will have assured readers of your hubs, comments also improves hub contents

Participating in Questions and Answers

Questions and answer can be a great way to help somebody get information on hubpages. By answering a question posed by hubbers or non hubbers, your are telling people that your care for their problems and as a result they will read more of your writings as this will improve your work online.  By answering a question you will kill two birds at a time, you will be answering this question inform of a hub and two you will be getting already assured readership online

Participating in hub challenge

A hub challenge is an internal mechanism to challenge oneself by produce a number of specified hubs within a given time. There has been a 30 day hub challenge which I did take part and the results were amazing. This is the time that two of my hubs got featured for more than two days and my Google Adsense earning was at its pick, to be honest I made about $11 in one day from Google Adsense Earning. This was documented and you can check it here: My 30 Days Hub Challenge Results

After the incredible results I decided to take part in the wonderful and well coordinated 60 days hub challenged started by: Sunforged.

It is a well coordinated challenge that involves writing 30 hubs in 30 days and promoting these hubs in the next 30 days. The 60 days hub challenge has got a team of 11 of which am one of the team member and many other respected hubbers which can be found here: 60 days hub challenge team members

I have given up a simple goals that I want to achieve during the 60 days of this challenge: Documentation of the 60 days hub challenge hereMoney and Traffic during 60 days hub challenge Log Sheet

Participating in weekly hub mob topics

Other than the hub challenge hubpages have got a weekly hub mob topic to write about, unlike the challenge where you decide on what topic to write about, the hub mob have got a suggested topic that all participating members write hubs about. The beauty of hub mobs is that the topics are researched by the team and your work is only to write informative hubs. Hub Mobs hubs use specific tags that enable your RSS feeds to be distributed by other members participating.

Participating in ongoing hub contest

Hubpages recently introduced contest for writers to compete by producing some quality and informative hubs. Hubs are picked by the judges who choose the best hubs among the many hub submitted, the only short coming of the hub contest at the moment is the restriction of those who can participate. Hub contest is a good way to increase your visibility at hubpages and you stand a chance of earning weekly and grand draw prices, read more Hubpages hub Contest

Did you find this hub helpful, your opinion is valued as this will help other people reading this hub, we write to inform and educate others. Have a wonderful stay at hubpages or you can sign up for free here: Hubpages free sign up

HubPages Tips: How to use keyword research to turn a good Hub title into a great one


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