Has my account has been thrown into the sandpit?

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  1. lobobrandon profile image87
    lobobrandonposted 12 years ago

    As the HP rules state that you're not supposed to use two accounts on the forums, I'm using this one to ask the question. Yesterday, I wrote a new hub on a new account which I created 2 days back. Got the hub indexed by google. But, it doesn't show up on the first 20 pages for it's targetted keywords. I found a hub that was surely a spun article (just 400 or so words) ranking on page 7 (That's no good at all; but, just pointing out that there's a worse one doing better).

    Could it be just because it's a new sub domain and it would take time for anything to happen? Because, this one was totally different and all my new hubs showed up on the first 2 pages right from the start.

    1. IzzyM profile image88
      IzzyMposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I have found that it is very rare for a 1 hub account to do anything at all, or maybe I have just been unlucky and not written good first hubs!

      In my experience, it can take up to 10 hubs before Google starts taking your subdomain seriously.

      Having said that, hubs on small, new accounts take an average of 3 weeks after publication to move up the SERPS.

      So, I'd give it a bit longer before jumping to conclusions....and keep writing, that solo hub is lonely!

      1. lobobrandon profile image87
        lobobrandonposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Ya already in the process of writing. I'm definitely not giving up on it. But, was just curious. I know that one day it will kick in even if it's in the sandpit (Which I hope it's not). But, this account started getting me google traffic from day 1 so I expected at least a good rank if not traffic smile

        Maybe I was just lucky here.

        1. Cardisa profile image89
          Cardisaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Hey Brandon, how are ya doing?

          I also have a second account and I find that it took some time for hubs in that account to be indexed and get some Google traffic. I could write crap in this account and it would show up within the first five pages within 24 hours. So you have to give account number 2 some time and publish often for Google to pay it any mind at all.

          1. lobobrandon profile image87
            lobobrandonposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Oh haha that's so true, this account gets on top within hours of publishing. I guess I just have to write more smile Thanks for letting me know.

  2. CASE1WORKER profile image63
    CASE1WORKERposted 12 years ago

    Absolutley the same with me, took five or six hubs on the new account before they got indexed and now are indexed as quickly as this account

  3. mary615 profile image83
    mary615posted 12 years ago

    I wish someone would tell me why you would need more than one account.  There has to be a good reason that I'm not aware of.  Please enlighten me.....

    1. WryLilt profile image87
      WryLiltposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      If you write on lots of topics. For instance you may write about serious health topics on one account, humor and comedy on another, and movies on a third.

      Or if you are a well known hubber and want to keep some hubs private and not linked with your main account.

    2. Cardisa profile image89
      Cardisaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      And also because you can and it's not against the rules and you like diversity.  I don't see the big deal with people having multiple accounts so long as they stick to the guidelines.

    3. lobobrandon profile image87
      lobobrandonposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I want to keep those private and not linked to my main account just as Wrylilt says. I don't want my friends to know about it smile I don't mind if other hubbers know though. It's basically going to be about gardening and after completing that series I'll give wizzley a try.

  4. IzzyM profile image88
    IzzyMposted 12 years ago

    And also because your main account is slapped, and it doesn't matter what you write, Google hates it.

    Yet on another account Google loves it, so for anyone suffering from  the effects of Panda, a secondary account can keep up your interest in writing, and help maintain some income instead of losing it all at Google's whims.

    1. PaulGoodman67 profile image95
      PaulGoodman67posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, I think that's the main appeal in the current climate - as kind of an insurance policy!  lol  Although one can always go one step further and open an account on another website/writing platform.  Hub Ads are great though - it can be difficult to mimic that earning power using Blogger, or Wizzley, or Squidoo, in my experience.


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