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How To Prepare For Tests

Updated on October 22, 2011

Tests are defined as a process for critical assessment; a way of determining the presence, quality, or truth of something and many times tests are simply a basis for evaluating an individual. Tests can be in many forms, struggles, questions, or even striving for something.

Aims Of Tests

Tests are usually given to evaluate a student’s understanding of the subject, to see where the student is unable to comprehend the knowledge. In a way tests are taken to ensure that the students have learnt something in class.

I bet you have heard adults say that the life of a student is very easy. Now, comparing the lifestyles of adults and students obviously adults are more stressed. However, the student has as much stress because, they need to study, learn, remember and achieve a good result to move forward in life.

Different Types Of Tests

No matter what the test is, it is always stressful. Now, you may be thinking that once you finish your studies, you will have no more tests, however, that perception is wrong. Tests exist in every moment of your life. You cannot get rid of them, the only way to overcome is to prepare and pass them.

From the moment of birth, each individual has to partake in many tests. As an infant, there is the test to stand up and walk the test of courage to overcome the fear of darkness or some fear. As a student, tests are generally for schools, you need to pass them to move forward in life. 

Then comes the point of no return- adulthood- as scary and exciting it is. There are responsibilities, worries, tests each and every day. Some of those tests could be the tests of working hard to get promoted in your job, the test of integrity, the test of belief, the test of striving to keep yourself from giving up.

Tips To Prepare For Tests

In different situations no doubt, these steps will vary. However the idea is to strive and do your best. Although, do be careful as these steps are not set in stone, they are mere guidelines. You can come up with your own best strategy too.

Steps For Students

  • Attending Classes: Yes I know that nobody likes waking up in the morning; especially to use their brains, but see you need to attend the classes’ every day, on time to make sure you have a grasp on what’s happening. Besides, a famous person said, “No pain, No gain”. It might be tedious and at times difficult, but not impossible. So get up, go to classes and learn. Trust me it isn’t that bad. You just need to think that learning is fun and it is good. Then you’ll see major improvement.
  • Study Regularly: Just attending classes is not enough. You need to study, and that even study regularly. This means no last minute cram sessions. Just do your homework, class work and pay attention. And it will all work out.

  • Understand What The Test Is About: This basically means, go and ask your teacher about the format of the test. Is it multiple choice questions, fill in the blanks, long questions or short ones? Then plan and study accordingly. The teacher won’t bite, don’t be shy. It is their job to help you.
  • Test Scoring: In simple words, make sure you know the areas which will have heavier marking than the rest all you have to do is ask your teacher. Once you know the important areas, learn them well. But don’t forget the others, minute marks do matter you know!

  • Eat and Sleep: Here is the most favourite part of all, eat and sleep. Now just because there is a test does not mean that you should study day and night. Your body has certain requirements. Just study in measured doses. Sleep well before the test, and eat a fulfilling scrumptious breakfast. It is after all the most important meal of the day.
  • Relax: Alright, now it’s probably the big test day. Calm down, take deep breaths. No need to be agitated or apprehensive, go with a positive attitude and it will all work out.

Some Other Important Steps

Now similarly for all the other tests:

  • You Need To Believe You Can Do It: Forget what others say, make yourself believe that you will overcome the obstacle and research and do your best to pass in that test.
  • Be Optimistic: A little difficult, since when nothing seems to work out you want to give up. Did you that point becomes the real challenging part of the test? Just hope for the best. Remember aim for the sky an the worst that will happen is you’ll fall on the tree.

  • Work Hard For A Good Result: Put in some effort, try at least. The worst might happen however, there is the chance of the best happening too right?
  • Do Not Worry: This could put a very negative effect on what ever you have prepared so it best to relax.
  • Failure Is A Sad, But Real Part Of Life: So be proud when you fail and say this, “I failed but I am proud that I worked hard to try and succeed in it.”

Alright, I have helped you out till here. Now just follow these steps and enjoy the beautiful challenge we all call life.


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