How noble is the teaching profession if it pays meager wages?

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  1. Anjili profile image64
    Anjiliposted 12 years ago

    How noble is the teaching profession if it pays meager wages?

  2. steveamy profile image60
    steveamyposted 12 years ago

    Nobility has nothing to do with remuneration....I cannot objectively answer as I am a teacher.....What I will say, is that as a society, education (and teachers are a part of that) is not nearly held in the esteem as the lip service society pays it...

  3. profile image0
    Gusserposted 12 years ago

    Meager wages? get real teach. The per hour rate makes electricians & nurses green with envy.

  4. profile image0
    Old Empresarioposted 12 years ago

    Good question and it's easy for everyone to say "oh, but teaching is so noble no matter how much you make". Before I attended college, all of my public school teachers were terrible. All they taught me was how to hide cookies in a little plastic bag and eat them throughout the day while kids do busy work. Teachers have an important job and they are not paid as well as they should be. For that reason, I think teaching should be a job for young people who are just starting out after college and for older people in semi-retirement.

  5. the Teaching Doc profile image62
    the Teaching Docposted 12 years ago

    What does it mean to be noble?  If you equate that word with high standards, ethics, moral character, and quality the answer is yes.  If you consider the contribution teachers make to society (the good ones, that is) as highly worthy, then this is a noble profession.  However, if your definition of noble includes like aristocratic the answer, quite obviously, is no.  If you think that nobility requires a title like king or queen or dukes or duchesses, then of course the answer is no (at least in most cases).  By the way, how much does a duchess get paid anyway?  If you think of chemistry as in "noble elements," why are you even reading the response.

    I hope many others throw in their answers.  This is a great question that speaks to societal values.  Money or meaningful contribution?  Noble endeavors or noble blood line?

  6. yoginijoy profile image63
    yoginijoyposted 12 years ago

    Teaching is a vocation since it certainly is not a high paying profession at this time in history. Several factors contribute to the low pay, one being the fact that we live in a patriarchal society which pays low wages to professions that have a majority of female workers. Another factor is that our society does not value education or learning, but rather entertainment. Look at how much actors or professional athletes earn. We choose what to consume, and we tend to consume entertainment rather than knowledge.

    1. Doodlehead profile image47
      Doodleheadposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Average teachers in California in 2012 made $84000 a year for 9 months.   Most make more being on committees.   Permanent jr college instructors do even better raking in over $100,000  UC profs can exceed $250,000 plus consulting fees and books.

    2. Anjili profile image64
      Anjiliposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      How does California compare with the rest of the country?

  7. Sullen91 profile image71
    Sullen91posted 12 years ago

    Question could be restated as: 

    how noble is the teaching profession?
    if it is noble, why does it pay only average wages?

    There's no relationship between noble (high principles) and high paying. I would argue there's an inverse relationship.

    As to your question, teachers provide a good to society that lasts forever, potentially (knowledge). Knowledge is the biggest constraint on productive capacity. More knowledge helps one not only to earn more money; but also to be a more enlightened person -- who can appreciate a greater quality of life and make a positive impact on those around him.

  8. ackman1465 profile image60
    ackman1465posted 12 years ago

    I find it amusing that you think that "nobility" is reflected in the wages that someone is paid for what they do.    Great example:  Mother Teresa.  The woman lived in squalor and sacrificed all in effort to help improve the wreched lives of those in her flock....

    Ironically, teaching is one of our (USofA) most UNDERPAID professions.   Here, we have people who are influencing the very learning and lives of future generations.... and the "leaders" who hold the purse strings of their income are absolutely niggardly about it.....    Frankly, when I am King of the World, you will find that one of my early decisions is going to be to exchange the income levels of teachers and congresspeople.....   (and, YES, I am going to exchange their "benefits packages" as well!!!!!)......

  9. profile image0
    CJ Sledgehammerposted 12 years ago

    I have met very few teachers that are "noble". Many of them cheat their way through their boards and should be considered indoctrinators instead of educators. Have you noticed the trend of teacher/student affairs recently?

    I have seen many teachers who only "work" 9 months out of the year, yet strike because they didn't get a pay raise, but are already making $50,000 per year, not including their retirement package, perks, holidays, and health care packages.

    If you want to see how noble this profession is, then don't give in to their next contract demands. I promise you - they will strike as quick as lightning and leave your children high and dry. They don't care if they leave your children unattended and they don't care if your children ever learn another thing again.


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