What movies are you looking forward to see in theaters this fall? (2012)

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  1. petertheknight profile image63
    petertheknightposted 11 years ago

    What movies are you looking forward to see in theaters this fall? (2012)

    Personally, I am looking forward to seeing Perks of Being a Wallflower as well as The House at the End of the Street.  Towards winter I am looking forward to Breaking Dawn Part 2 and The Hobbit.

  2. Cogerson profile image77
    Cogersonposted 11 years ago

    Looper looks like an excellent original movie...plus it has one of my favorite actors...Bruce Willis in the movie.....should be an excellent movie.

  3. supermanparadis profile image60
    supermanparadisposted 11 years ago

    Great Question! Hmmmm.... Well, This fall there are a few that are getting me excited.  First off is Looper in the next 2 weeks, Then the next big one for me will prob be Paranormal Activity 4, I am a sucker for that series, I also have the advantage of watching movies alone so the effect is much grander...Argo this year is going to be a big hit for the Drama department.  Then towards winter I am really excited for Speilberg and Daniel Day Lewis' Lincoln! And Skyfall, then December I'll take The Hobbit, Zero Dark Thirty, This is 40, and Finally Django Unchained! Thats the list thus far! I'll find some more!

  4. Richard Perazzo profile image62
    Richard Perazzoposted 11 years ago

    Great question! Well, I plan on being at the midnight showing of Resident Evil: Retribution this coming Thursday. Other movies I'm really looking forward to this fall are Dredd 3D (I've heard nothing but great things about it), Looper look absolutely fantastic, Silent Hill: Revelation 3D since I am a die-hard Silent Hill fan, and Red Dawn. For the Winter I think I am most excited for The Hobbit!

  5. melbelle profile image60
    melbelleposted 11 years ago

    The final installment of the Twilight Saga - I think it is due out in November.

  6. MadAndrew007 profile image60
    MadAndrew007posted 11 years ago

    The one I really want to see is Ruby Sparks but it's not playing near me. Looper looks good. There's one called Seven Psychopaths with Colin Farrell, Christopher Walken, Sam Rockwell, and Woody Harrelson that looks funny. The one I can't wait to see is Silver Linings Playbook with the future Oscar winner, Jennifer Lawrence. Even in the trailer she and Bradley Cooper have chemistry together. I might see Perks of Being a Wallflower. Maybe I'll read it first. And then there's Bond. James Bond in Skyfall, which should be different with Mendes at the helm.


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