Are we at war with the Food Industry?

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  1. ZipperConstantine profile image79
    ZipperConstantineposted 9 years ago

    Are we at war with the Food Industry?

    Eating organic is expensive.  And most people can't afford it so t hey keep eating the hormones, pesticides,  antibiotics and GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms in food.  The food industry can produce foods products cheaper by doing so.   Just do a search on the internet and read about what is going on with our food. It is literally making us sick, giving us allergies, disease and killing us.    And don't forget the in-humanity to the animals we eat. If you read about that it will make you even more sick!!!!  We have to keep pressure on the food industry to stop it!!!!!

  2. Lady Guinevere profile image65
    Lady Guinevereposted 9 years ago

    To understand this more fully one whould have to read the series of articles that the National Geographic magazine had going since last May.  If you want to learn more about it you can go to their website:

  3. Niko Linni profile image78
    Niko Linniposted 9 years ago

    The food industry won't stop because it's profitable. And I don't want to see more regulations passed because really, those don't do much but give more power to those who don't really need it (Big business or the government - take your pick!).

    A good way to battle from within is to look at where certain fast food chains get their stuff from, and really support them. For instance Chipotle believes in "Food with Integrity" - they try their best to get all natural ingredients and to get meat from places that ACTUALLY care for their animals. It differs by locations (Logistics and all that) but from I read from their site all locations try their best to live up to the FwI ideal.

    Carl's JR recently released a promo "All Natural" Burger that uses supposedly all natural beef. If that thing sells pretty good, hey they might keep it on perminately and maybe it might start a new precedence if it keeps it up.

    GMOs I think depend on which ones you're consuming. I don't think all GMOs are bad as heck, bananas are Genetically Modified too! They aren't naturally that shape.

    As far as Fast Food being this evil boogyman to health, I don't think so. But then again, I'm not (suppoedly) forced to eat it every day, but I think there's ways to eat a better diet through research and planning. It might not be organic, but I think even just upgrading from continuous fast food would be a start.

    And of course organic is expensive. It takes more effort to make sure something is "organic" and doesn't get ruined. So naturally that'll drive the costs up for it. That's why GMOs and other such foods are cheaper - they're cheaper to produce. So I guess one of the large challenges is figuring how to get organic food produced cheaper and more efficiently time and effort wise.

    1. Lady Guinevere profile image65
      Lady Guinevereposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I am with you on GMO's.  Many are not bad as the say.  I also agree with you on Fast foods.  Nobody is twisting anyones arm to eat a hamburger at those places.  They have many other healty choices. Damning the whole for the few is not a good idea.

  4. M. T. Dremer profile image85
    M. T. Dremerposted 9 years ago

    It's true that the market goes where the money is. If sales of organic and non GMO foods goes up, they will find ways to sell it. So really, the only thing we can do is purchase the healthier foods and tell people about the dangers of the non healthy foods. Corporations will always find a way around regulations and protests if there is still money on the other side.

  5. DzyMsLizzy profile image86
    DzyMsLizzyposted 9 years ago

    I agree totally.  While "all" GMO's might not be bad, the majority of them are.  Particularly the foods into which they have spliced herbicides and pesticides to make for more maintenance-free crops.  Their profit at the expense of our health.  No wonder we are seeing so many new "allergies" and "diseases" these days.  It's not the gluten--it's the poisons added to the food to keep it cheap to produce.  Today's wheat is not your grandmother's wheat!  Therein lies the problem.

    As for organic being more expensive, that it is, and I fear it's also a numbers game.  It should cost LESS, not more, to NOT add things, just as when unleaded gasoline came out, it cost more.  Why?  The lead did not have to be subtracted through some complex chemical process; it was an addition in the first place.  All they had to do was NOT ADD IT.  That costs less. 

    Big corporations will find any excuse and stop at nothing to drive prices and their profits up.  The poor little organic farmer is caught in the middle, trying to compete against these agribusiness giants.

    The only way to force the corporate hand is to boycott their products, and it is so difficult to get a universal boycott.  Sadly, the government of the USA has been sold out to these corporate yay-hoos. 

    Many other countries have banned the Monsanto products because of the GMO issue; but us?  No.  Our representatives have been bought and paid for by these evil-doing corporate CEOs and their lobbies.  It is sickening, and we need to vote out all those reps who have sold out.  THEN maybe we can get healthy food back.


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