Uk Rapper Needs Your Support !!!

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  1. writer83 profile image56
    writer83posted 13 years ago

    hi there - My little brother has been working really hard over the past year trying to get a record deal. At the moment he's climbing the chart ladder over at the source. If you are in the UK and like his track PLEASE please vote for him !

    He writes his own tracks - sings his own music , and needs help from hubbers.

    This video was recorded in Stockport (Manchester) … 9/uvid/279

    If you'd like to join his fanclub please add him to face book Mark Dowling (DBO)

    Thanks so much it means a lot.

    1. LaMamaLoli profile image60
      LaMamaLoliposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I really enjoyed it, tried to vote for it but you have to sign in so I couldn't. Good Luck to him - cool track.

  2. profile image0
    ryankettposted 13 years ago

    I'll vote for him, because he is your brother, but it does annoy me when British people completely drop their natural accent and rap like a cross between an British-Jamaican from London and Tupac. So many rappers do this, and seldom will they become successful until they drop the obvious influences. A good example being Lowkey, who rapped for years in an American style before dropping this and just being himself.... a British Asian from London...

    I don't want that to sound too critical, he is a good lyricist, but he is from Stockport. Where is the references to his hometown, or his accent, it just makes him sound like his is trying to be somebody else instead of himself. Are people from Stockport/Manchester ashamed of their accent? And is there REALLY a problem with racism against white people in Stockport? Or any of Northern England? Really?

    I want to hear about Stockport, Manchester, England, thats what the British scene is all about right now

    And is he aware that there is already a rapper and producer named D-Bo? Thats a little like me starting a trainer business and calling it Nike. Will vote anyway, but can't really support him.....

    1. writer83 profile image56
      writer83posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Ryan- DBO is a nickname given to him at school ! The Stockport accent is still there ?!!

      He has filmed the video locally , and is very proud of his home town , having released 2 albums with lyrics about Stockport in there smile

      He doesn't want to sound like anyone other than himself - and if you were to sit down and talk to him - it would be the same accent that he uses in his rap video !

      He's 100% him.

      I can see your point though , but you would really have to sit down and talk to him to know who he is , and what he's about smile

      Thanks for the vote though.

      On another note - any one that does vote has to register it literally takes seconds an email - name and password . That's it , no long extensive form to fill out.

      Thanks every one !

      1. Joe Badtoe profile image61
        Joe Badtoeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        sounds like a scam to me! Why the need to supply contact information? And will this info be sold on to unscrupulous junk mailers?

        Sorry to be negative but Rap is on its way out.

        Still wish your brother the best because he's having a go.

        1. writer83 profile image56
          writer83posted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Hi Joe- It;'s certianly no scam ! It's a UK site thta gives local talent a chance to compete to be on the TV.The top 30 will have their tapes sent to theTV studio !!

          As for rap being on the way out - ... not sure your right there wink

  3. camlo profile image84
    camloposted 13 years ago

    Your little brother makes a great sound - really enjoyed listening. Have voted.

    1. writer83 profile image56
      writer83posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks so much Camlo.

      He is 37 th now and rapidly climbing the ladder. If anyone would like to join his fan club and keep updated - you can join him at facebook 'Mark Dowling'

      Thanks everyone for your feedback/ votes smile

  4. profile image55
    hattersmenposted 13 years ago

    te reason for the registering of emails is so that votes can be restricted. In X-Factor or Big Brother an individual can ring up and vote as many times as they want. In this competition each individual is allowed to vote only once for a given track. this prevents the over repetitious vote cheating that has gone on in otyher competitions.

    just to add.......these lyrics and tracks are all the lads own work, 100% genuine. And as for his is definitely Stopfordian as the people from Stockport are known.

    See his other videos and tracks on youtube...
    D-Bo Uk Rapper
    D-Bo Outside View

    Happy listening and just remember voting closes midnight Tuesday 31st August
    The top 50 go on to the television production rounds


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