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  1. profile image0
    Muldanianmanposted 12 years ago

    Has anyone had any experience of taking diazepam?  I have read that they are very addictive in a very short time, so cannot understand why doctors are still prescribing them.  On the other hand, I have spoken to a woman who had them for three years, and stopped them cold turkey without any problems.  I have also read about a woman who has been taking them since 1973 without any problems.

    1. qwark profile image60
      qwarkposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Diazapam is valium.
      It's incredible stuff.
      It is addictive.

      it has an amazing ability to calm ya down, reduce anxiety and depression.

      I use it seldom.

      When I do I buy the 10 mg pill and break it into quarters.

      I wouldn't take 'em regularly unless Dr. advised.

      When I feel I need to get some sleep or get a little anxious about sumthin', I take one 2 1/2 mg segment. that gets the job done for me.

      5 or 10 mgs would render me useless...lol You could tell me you were going to behead me and I'd smile and tell ya to "go for it" with a big smile on my face....smile:

      It's a wonderful drug if used right!


    2. dutchman1951 profile image59
      dutchman1951posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      as long as it is used to assist with finding the problem that created the need ofr the drug, then probly ok, but to many doctors just hand out a perscription, un-checked. So in that case it is abusing the drug, not fixing the problem.

  2. njmanura profile image86
    njmanuraposted 12 years ago

    Diazepam is a long acting benzodiazepine. It can be used to calm you down and to induce sleep. But you may need increasing amounts as time goes by to get the same effect. If you take it for years and then stopped suddenly, then may experience withdrawal symptoms. E.g. Insomnia, tremors ataxia, sweating, hallucinations.
    sleep induced by diazepam cannit compare to natural sleep but it can calm you  down and reduce anxiety. Even i used xanax during a viva exam to reduce tension.
    But it is not recommended to use it for than three months. But on and off use can have minimal problems.
    Hope this helps

  3. samofahmy profile image56
    samofahmyposted 12 years ago

    Diazepam is a sedative which may cause you to be drug dependent if used for a long time. mostly it is precribed for short durations to relieve stress and anxiety. but it can also be prescribed for long term therapy in some psychological problems such as resistant anxiety disorders and panic disorders.
    its effect and dose of dependency like many other drugs  variable from one individual and another

  4. K9keystrokes profile image83
    K9keystrokesposted 12 years ago

    I found it very helpful after my spouse passed away. I had loads of anxiety and couldn't relax or sleep much. It made the situation less overwhelming. They are very easy to get addicted to, but if used as directed, sparingly, and with open-eyes, it is an outstanding tool.

    1. IzzyM profile image88
      IzzyMposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I once asked my doctor for a course of valium to help me sleep while going through a difficult time in my life, and he refused to give me them.

      Valium while useful in some situations and for some conditions is not a cure-all.

      Genuine crisises (crises?) in one's life is reason for one or two doses only, not even a week's supply. Reality has to be faced up to, in order for us to overcome grief and move forward.
      Ans we do move forward. We hurt and that is natural. Nothing can take that pain of loss away.

      There are many people today prescribed repeat prescriptions for Valium when they don't actually need it, but are addicted to it in the sense that they need it just to feel normal.

      Withdrawal from the drug has to be accomplished slowly to avoid devastating side-effects.

      1. profile image0
        Muldanianmanposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I have been taking them for a week now, but am not going to take one tonight. I have already cut it down to 2mg at night.  So I am hoping that I will not have become addicted in this short time.

        1. IzzyM profile image88
          IzzyMposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Well you never said what caused your pain, and I am not asking, because that is personal, but whatever it is will still hurt tomorrow and the day after that again ad continum, but drugs will not cure it.

          Time will. Slowly and surely you will gain acceptance and one day you will awaken and probably not even notice that the pain has lifted a little.

  5. earnestshub profile image80
    earnestshubposted 12 years ago

    Any of the 'pams are good muscle relaxation drugs.

    I take 2X10 milligrams to unlock back muscle when they go in to spasm.

    They are dangerously addictive and can cause anxiety as well as relieve it.

    I need to take diazepam about twice a year in a single large dose followed my deep tissue massage. Very useful, but a truly terrifying drug to get hooked on in my opinion. smile

  6. IzzyM profile image88
    IzzyMposted 12 years ago

    Diazapam is only one of a group of successful benzodiazipines that have changed our lives.

    There was another more recent one, whose name escapes me at the moment, who many more people are addicted to.

    It first came to my attention about 18 years ago, when a friend of mine was put on it while suffering post-natal depression.

    It worked, as it replaced a hormone or substance missing from the body, but 2 years later this woman wanted her life back and couldn't get it because she was dependant on those pills.

    Doctors seem to find it easier to prescribe than to help people come off them again.

    My manic-depressive friend here is on them too. I didn't even know she was manic-depressive till she told me, so good are those pills.

    But she decided (on her own) to come off then overnight and I watched her flip out.

    She went against her doctor's advice, she went against my advice, and if she was mis-diagnosed before, she isn't now.

    Did she have manic-depression, or did the drugs cause it? As a trained nurse I have always had trouble understanding labels being put on people. Most psychiatric illnesses are only an extension of what is normal. None of us are normal. What is normal?

  7. Mighty Mom profile image78
    Mighty Momposted 12 years ago

    Benzos are definitely addictive -- you get hooked before you realize it. And the withdrawal, unless tapered off very, very slowly, can be worse than heroin.
    So best to use only sparingly and short-term. They are NOT intended for long-term use.
    Having said that, benzos for some people are the only thing that works on their anxiety. Although doctors these days push antidepressants as the wonder drug that supposedly also works for anxiety, people I've known who don't have depression but only anxiety disorders don't do well with Prozac or Celexa or any of the SSRIs that (IMHO) are handed out like candy by primary care physicians who have NO business prescribing them.
    Don't even get me started!

    You are wise to keep your intake of Valium limited.
    Whatever your need for it, Muldanianman, I hope you feel better soon through alternative means!! MM

    1. IzzyM profile image88
      IzzyMposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      PROZAC! That is the name of the so-called wonder drug I mentioned in my posts.

      Great for a while, then it pulls you into its dark underworld.

      1. Mighty Mom profile image78
        Mighty Momposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Oh no! Not the "P" word!!!
        Prozac's dark underworld starts almost immediately for some people.
        It is downright dangerous for teens/young adults. Side effects really do include suicidal thoughts.

        Given the choice between a nice, mellow Valium haze and a life-numbing, sex-life killing antidepressant... I'd go for Valium every time. But of course it doesn't do the same thing as the SSRIs.

    2. iyoung03 profile image73
      iyoung03posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I have taken Benzos in the past for anxiety and have been able to stop w/o any problem or withdrawal.


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