George W. Bush misspeaks about Medal of Honor recipient.

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  1. uncorrectedvision profile image61
    uncorrectedvisionposted 12 years ago

    The president doesn't even remember who he awarded a posthumous Medal of Honor.  What an idiot?!

    1. Reality Bytes profile image74
      Reality Bytesposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      LOL what a coincidence so has Obama? … 4870.story

      1. TMMason profile image60
        TMMasonposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Hahahaaaa birds of a feather.

      2. uncorrectedvision profile image61
        uncorrectedvisionposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        It was Obama in this case.

  2. Anolinde profile image80
    Anolindeposted 12 years ago

    Don't know if this is true, but I'm not surprised if it is. … onor-screw

    1. TMMason profile image60
      TMMasonposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      It is true, the only one that reported it that I saw was Fox. But that is nothing new. From Stalin to Obama the Leant Leftist News Orgs. have ignored most of what Leftists do wrong for decades. Not only in American Politics either, but world wide.

  3. shogan profile image77
    shoganposted 12 years ago

    Neither of them did anything wrong in this case other than being human.

    1. uncorrectedvision profile image61
      uncorrectedvisionposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      How many times was a Bush malapropism used to plaster him with the idea that he was an idiot?  Time and again we see Obama trip up when the teleprompter isn't telling him what to say.  The media that treated Bush like a villain treat Obama like a saint and a genius.

      1. shogan profile image77
        shoganposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Maybe I misinterpreted your title.  Wasn't your thread about Bush?

        Either way, my point was simply that forgetting someone's name, especially when you're interacting with a countless number of people in an official capacity, is pretty human.  I think US politics has become too concerned with irrelevant situations.

        1. uncorrectedvision profile image61
          uncorrectedvisionposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Thank you for your fairness.  The thread was more a veiled attempt to lure out those who see Bush as fool and Obama as genius.  Neither being true.  We elect men and ask that they be capable and better than the ordinary person.  We are not angels but you and I can at least be honest.

          I did not nor would I ever vote for Barry. That having been said, he seems like a decent man and doting father.  These are good qualities in a next door neighbor.

          1. profile image0
            klarawieckposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Do we?

            1. uncorrectedvision profile image61
              uncorrectedvisionposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              And there you go - the typical - look at GWB he must be an idiot.  That is exactly what this thread is about.  If GWB was such an idiot and Barry is so brilliant then why...never mind.  I have concluded that those who are so simple in their thinking aren't clear headed enough to bother with.

              1. profile image0
                klarawieckposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                It's not being simple in thinking, it's Occam's Razor...

                "The simplest explanation for some phenomenon is more likely to be accurate than more complicated explanations."

                Let's face it, Georgie wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer roll

                1. uncorrectedvision profile image61
                  uncorrectedvisionposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  Occam's razor requires validity in the original observation.  When one's own prejudices regarding the conduct of another leads to a conclusion than isn't the observers own prejudice also subject to Occam's axiom?  The simplicity of mind that leads one to continuously conclude that GWB was an idiot reflects of a lack of intellectual honesty by the observer.

                  By what measure does one conclude that GWB was any less capable the BHO?  The teleprompter-golfer-partier-vacationer-namecaller-organizer-campaigner in chief has time and again demonstrated that he is not ready for prime time. Using your own criteria - he is continuing the policies of that numb skull GWB(across the board)  if one draws the obvious conclusion, those policies appeal to both genius saviors and foolish frat boys.

                  If GWB is the dull knife and BHO is continuing those policies are we to conclude he is the sharp knife?

                  1. profile image0
                    klarawieckposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    I haven't shared my thoughts on Obama. I was only making a statement about GWB. Isn't that right?

                2. American View profile image60
                  American Viewposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  O-Man is not even in the drawer.

          2. shogan profile image77
            shoganposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            It is refreshing to hear someone else speak in such a balanced way.  I think it's high time we examine policy in a non-confrontational manner, and leave the nonsense alone.  No one's perfect, and searching for such a quality in a leader is a sure-fire path towards disappointment.

            1. uncorrectedvision profile image61
              uncorrectedvisionposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              Balance is nto possible but politeness is.  The difference in understanding of human nature, the relationship between man and the state and the meaning of liberty are so different between liberal and conservative that all that is possible is polite disagreement.   I do not believe that there is a shared universe of discourse or understanding and therefore no shred reality upon which to agree.

              1. shogan profile image77
                shoganposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                Polite disagreement is what I view as balance in this context, not that we can all agree on policy.  While you clearly disagree with Obama as a president, you said that he seemed like a decent man and a doting father.  That's what we're missing too much of in the US, the ability to see beyond one dimension, whether it comes to our politicians or our neighbors.

                I really do try to think about each issue, rather than stereotype or follow a party line.  I've always believed that I should do my best to try and see where a president is coming from, regardless of party.  I might disagree strongly with a certain policy, but I feel diminished if I don't at least try to assume the best about the president's intentions.

        2. Reality Bytes profile image74
          Reality Bytesposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          The Medal of Honor is not some meaningless trivial situation.

          You are discussing a HERO.  One that sacrificed his life on orders from his Commander in Chief!!!!!

          For the Commander in Chief to be confused about our Heroes is not only embarrassing it is simply appalling!!!!!

          Next time, the human responsible for placing the words in Barry's mouth via the teleprompter needs to get their facts straight or get another job!  Perhaps flipping burgers!

          1. Uninvited Writer profile image80
            Uninvited Writerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Both presidents made this mistake and you only fault Obama?

            Maybe it's time for a robo-president who never makes any mistakes.

            1. Reality Bytes profile image74
              Reality Bytesposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              Could you show me Bush's faux-pas.  I have not seen it?

            2. uncorrectedvision profile image61
              uncorrectedvisionposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              Did Bush make this mistake?

            3. uncorrectedvision profile image61
              uncorrectedvisionposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              We have an emotionless president now.  Oh sorry not emotionless, callous.  Laughing, playing, partying on the taxpayer dime while millions have to go on food stamps and languish in unemployment lines eventually falling off as Barry laughs at no "shovel ready jobs."  FDR may have been a fraud but at least he knew the value of pretend compassion or at least Eleanor did.

            4. American View profile image60
              American Viewposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              Look, Noone can deny Bush has made mistakes speaking and with names. So has O-Man, just as many but the media does not pounce on him like Bush. So has ALL Presidents bfore and so will the Presidents after. It happens, we all mis speak at sometime. If you tell me you have never misspoke or mispronounced a word, you are full of......... well you know the rest.

  4. lorlie6 profile image73
    lorlie6posted 12 years ago

    Mr. Bush mispeaks?  Really?  smile)))))

    1. uncorrectedvision profile image61
      uncorrectedvisionposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      It was Obama who misspoke.

  5. Rising Caren profile image78
    Rising Carenposted 12 years ago

    I dislike Bush (as a president; I'm sure he'd be great at a party) as much as anyone else, but let's give credit where credit is due....

    Obama did this mistake, not Bush. It ain't right to blame it on the wrong person not matter how fun it may be to make fun of him.

    1. TMMason profile image60
      TMMasonposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Yes Obama did it. Doesn't matter to most on the left though. It is all about blaming Bush with some. And no, I do not like Bush or any other progressive Repub.

    2. uncorrectedvision profile image61
      uncorrectedvisionposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      The point was to reveal those who think that Obama is infallible and Bush was an idiot.  Neither thing is true.

      1. TMMason profile image60
        TMMasonposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I agree and I do not like either. Too many run on just pure ideological hate these day, UC. And it, WE, are destroying our country as much as the politicians themselves are.

        We are all to blame. Sad state of affairs in this country right now. Hopefully one day all Americans will figure out we have been pitted against one another to occupy us, while they screw us all.

  6. thisisoli profile image72
    thisisoliposted 12 years ago

    Haha brilliant, nothing comes from things such as this anyway, people form teh left attacking the right, the right attcking the left. Personally I think the US voters need to start cticizing tehir own parties rather than fanatically supporting them.  Too much big business control has gotten in to US politics in my opinion, there are real issues to be dealt with rather than a president getting some guys name wrong.

    1. Reality Bytes profile image74
      Reality Bytesposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      He was not just "some guy" he was a  Medal of Honor recipient.

      Bit of a difference.

      1. uncorrectedvision profile image61
        uncorrectedvisionposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        The most solemn duty a President can perform for a service member is to honor him with THE Medal of Honor. To forget the name a circumstance of someone who has not only given the last full measure of devotion while performing in ways far above anything that can be expected is a disgrace for a Commander in Chief.

    2. uncorrectedvision profile image61
      uncorrectedvisionposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      It is the mis-perception that Bush was a fool and Obama is a genius that I was attempting to highlight.  Big business would have little interest in government if government took far less interest in business.

  7. Uninvited Writer profile image80
    Uninvited Writerposted 12 years ago

    Sorry, I was going by the title of the thread. Why would the OP lie about this?

    You guys expect your president to live up to some unrealistic ideal that you certainly don't live up to. Maybe it was only posted on Fox because the family of the man whose name the president flubbed understood and did not make a big deal about it. You, and Fox are exploiting this dead man to make political brownie points.

    1. Reality Bytes profile image74
      Reality Bytesposted 12 years agoin reply to this … 4870.story

      I only found this after also reading the thread title and researching.  My link is not a FOX link?

      I understand that our president is making so many campaign speeches that it is hard to keep his facts straight. I thought that the presidential aides would fact check his speeches b4 he gives them?  He would not last a day on these forums. smile

    2. uncorrectedvision profile image61
      uncorrectedvisionposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Democrats have long feasted on the bodies of the dead for political gain.  Agitating to see the bodies of the dead taken from their transport in flag draped coffins regardless of the family's suffering.  Rigorously tracking body counts.  Turning every dead enemy into a martyr to GWB's hubris.  Where are these images and voices now that Holy Barry is getting innocent soldiers and civilians killed in, not only, Iraq and Afghanistan but Yemen and Libya?

      The point of the thread was to get liberals to reveal themselves as easily duped.  But the 2008 election did that very well, indeed.

      1. John Holden profile image60
        John Holdenposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Unlike the conservatives who don't take every opportunity to remind us of every body killed by Stalin, or Mao, or Pol Pot.
        No, they've never feasted on the bodies of the dead for political gain.

        1. uncorrectedvision profile image61
          uncorrectedvisionposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          In reference to historical events one can refer to Mao, Stalin and others as cautionary tales about the centralization of authority without dining out on the dead.  The difference is in contemporary events and the use of contemporary numbers when in the opposition and then ignoring the same numbers when in power.

          The war dead under Obama are invisible.  The slaughter of innocents by American bombs in Libya is ignored. The stumbling and bumbling regarding Yemen, Syria, Iran are all hidden and written over by the friendly media - sounds like Izvestia and Pravda.

          I do not delude myself into believing in the sainthood of politicians or political partisans but I do defend the political philosophy from which I operate.  If a conservative said to me, "We need to control the media and control the message."  I would be appalled. (In this case my British friend - conservative is a political philosophy deriving from the foundation of America, check Edmund Burke for a British perspective.)


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