Is it worth doing a writing course?

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  1. KarenCreftor profile image87
    KarenCreftorposted 12 years ago

    Hi there,

    I've just completed my first month of writing on HP and I'm hooked!! I want to be a full time writer (particularly articles online and for magazines) and wondered if it was worth doing a course or not? The one I've been considering is this one... … e-articles ...though it doesn't cover writing online I don't think.

    Do you think it's worth it? Or am I better off getting straight out there and/or learning more from online and books?

    Have you ever done a writing course? Was it useful?

    I would really appreciate any advice and opinions on this. Money is very tight and I want to put it to good use and if I do a course want to make sure it's the right one for me smile

    ~Kaz x

    1. lobobrandon profile image89
      lobobrandonposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Your here just one month you'll learn lots more and I don't think you'll need a course unless you need a certificate.

  2. KarenCreftor profile image87
    KarenCreftorposted 12 years ago

    Oh there's also this course, but I don't know do you think it looks like a scam??

  3. habee profile image91
    habeeposted 12 years ago

    All writing courses are not created equal. lol. I have some hubs about writing tips, as do some other hubbers. You might want to check out a few articles on Hubpages for free first.

  4. DIMIR profile image73
    DIMIRposted 12 years ago

    The one thing I've realized is an in person writing course is so much better than online.  I overall recommend writing courses.  You get a bunch of writers to look at your work.  What is better than that?  But really, watch out for online courses, because some are great, but many are... sub-par.  Check your local libraries or Craigslist or any type of local gathering to see if something gets together around you.  It will still be a bit of money, as the person in charge... needs to make money.  If you live in/near a city, it is a really great experience.  If you live near a college, sign up for a few college writing classes.  Again, money, but professionals who've been teaching and learning for years!

  5. WriteAngled profile image73
    WriteAngledposted 12 years ago

    "On completion of your course, you will receive these qualifications:
    Qualification: Writing Saleable Articles Diploma
    Writing Saleable Articles Diploma issued by Stonebridge Associated Colleges, entitling you to use the letters SAC Dip after your name"

    This screams scam to me! Particularly the last line: SAC Dip! lol

    The second one looks even scammier from the landing page.

  6. melbel profile image94
    melbelposted 12 years ago

    What you might want to do, if you want to take courses, is take some English courses at a community college. You could take English Comp which would be the first course. Then you could go in any direction depending what kind of writing you want to do:

    Exposition & Persuasion
    Communication (Speech class which will help you kind of get some ideas across in your writing)
    Creative writing (not really 'hub' stuff in terms of making money, but if you like creative writing, go for it!)
    Technical Writing

    You could also go on a writing course on your own.. you could do something like read up on brushing up on your writing. I go to Purdue and they have a seriously awesome English program and seriously a lot of their stuff is published right on the Interweb:

    MIT also offers writing courses in its free OpenCourseWare program:

    Hopefully this is helpful!

  7. AdeleCosgroveBray profile image87
    AdeleCosgroveBrayposted 12 years ago

    I'll echo something of what others have already advised.  Avoid online courses, which are largely money-making ventures for the company running the course.  If you wish to add to your paper qualifications then you'd surely do much better by attending a recognised college course.

    To become a better creative writer:-
    1) Read widely.
    2) Write daily.
    3) Join a local writers' group to get (and learn how to give) useful feedback.

  8. KarenCreftor profile image87
    KarenCreftorposted 12 years ago

    Thanks so much for all your replies, they've really helped me!

    I've purchased some books on writing which all have exceptional reviews and thought I'd take it from there. I've decided to read a lot from books and online rather than a course, but you never know this may change in the future smile

    Local courses aren't great here sadly and online courses do worry me. You hear a lot about them making the courses deliberately difficult to encourage a high drop-out rate, ensuring maximum profit.

    Anyway I'll keep you posted on how it goes. I'm particularly drawn to writing online and for want of a better term 'self-help' books, mainly because this is what I enjoy but also to build up a passive income (who doesn't want that right?)

    Thanks again all of you for such valuable advice!

    ~Kaz x


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