Are we future problems medicating children with antipsychotics?

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  1. NGRIA Bassett profile image60
    NGRIA Bassettposted 14 years ago

    Some of these agents have not been tested for use on children. What potential problems may be caused?

    1. MikeNV profile image67
      MikeNVposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Most drugs are not "tested" long term.  The typical trial is a few weeks to months.  All drugs have side effects.

      To say something that alters brain chemistry is "safe" for adults but not for children is a paradoxical statement. While a drug might be more tolerated by an adult that doesn't make it safe.

      You take drugs... any drug with risk. Society thinks that you can just go to a doctor when you have a problem with your health and they can magically fix it.

      All a Doctor does is cut you or drug you.  The fixing is up to the body.  And outside of antibiotics few drugs do anything to cure a disease... they just treat symptoms.

      If you want to be healthy you prevent disease through diet and behaviors.

      Medicating children is a very dangerous practice.

      Pharmaceutical profits are off the charts as Television ads continue to pitch their "cures".

      Can't get it up?  Take a drug.
      Feeling depressed?  Take a drug? Drug doesn't work - try a different drug.
      Going too frequently - yep take yet another drug.

      Our society is heading down a path where Corporate Pharmaceutical interests will have seniors on multiple drugs just for profit.

      And it's easier for a Doctor to write a script than to figure out what is wrong.  And patients are to blame as well, because they get mad when a Doctor doesn't write them a script.

      1. Colebabie profile image59
        Colebabieposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Thats not true at all.
        The three phases of clinical trials takes about 6 years.

    2. profile image0
      cosetteposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      i would consider every available option before even considering putting my child on drugs. sad

      bad, bad idea.

      1. earnestshub profile image80
        earnestshubposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I agree. One of my grandchildren could be diagnosed as having problems, but he is just very bright and easily bored. Now he is 6, the benefits of coping with him are paying off big time. He is becoming a well rounded little guy who is confident.
        Don't crush kids, cherish them. Much less need of drugs when we listen to kids. smile

  2. Cagsil profile image71
    Cagsilposted 14 years ago

    There is already a problem with adult medications, which haven't been solved. I'm afraid the FDA isn't doing such a good job, like it's suppose. It's sticks it's nose, where it doesn't belong, but won't be tougher on the manufacturers who produce the products.

    So, who is the FDA suppose to be working for? Citizens or Business?

    There are a great many problem in America and many of them need to be addressed. Yet, no one is willing to do anything about, so the politicians, wtf- the citizens don't care, so let's do whatever we want. And, you know what- they do exactly that.

    Who is kidding who? I say, "Enough is enough!"

    Drug manufacturers continue to discredit the herbal community, as liars and dishonest, even when the herbal supplement can cure, in some cases. TRUTH- not fiction.

    Herbal supplementals can work wonders, but people don't believe it, and the drug manufacturers get to keep their high priced drugs, so they can charge HUGE amounts to the insurance company, probably well above reasonable rates. You want to know what's killing the insurance companies- it's the costs of the doctors and all other expenses, which rake them over the coals. Plus, in America, the homelessness which is averaging about 13% isn't helping either, because they walk into a hospital, get treated and never pay for their services. And, hospitals can not ever turn away a patient because of their lack of ability to pay. Which is a very high moral ethic to undertake. It's ONE of the things that defines true American unity.

    Unfortunately, that message is getting lost, I afraid.

    But, I think you raise a valid point. big_smile

  3. rebekahELLE profile image85
    rebekahELLEposted 14 years ago

    I just read this in the NYTimes, a study was done about the percentage of children receiving medicaid being prescribed anti-psychotic drugs. there is a significant disparity between middle-income children and medicaid recipients taking drugs.

    very interesting topic, would love to hear some intelligent discussion. … r=1&hp

    are there any doctors or counselors here with an opinion?
    I don't have time now to discuss, but I have certainly seen these children in the classroom and the effect on them, even as young as 4 yrs. one child was being given so many different drugs at the age of 5, he was dangerous, a threat to himself and others. the doctor had diagnosed him with adhd and bi-polar, even though he (dr) said a child can't really be diagnosed with bi-polar until they're older.

  4. CodyPhrenism profile image57
    CodyPhrenismposted 14 years ago

    Definitely weight gain, heh

  5. EFPotter profile image61
    EFPotterposted 14 years ago

    Antipsychotics by nature alter brain chemistry. A human's brain isn't fully developed until the twenties, so to be altering it with chemicals when it's so young is completely risky. I'm eighteen. I'm a legal adult. I can drive, join the army, buy smokes, own property, do things without permission, and handle all of my own money. My brain isn't done growing and working itself out. I'm currently taking something as simple as a medicine for chronic migraines, and there are mild side effects that I can't imagine children handling.

    Medicines are drugs. They're chemicals that change things in your body. You wouldn't let your kid huff or drink--you should think long and hard and weight the benefits and risks of putting a youngling on an antipsychotic drug.

    1. nightnday profile image60
      nightndayposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      People make many valid points, but try reading what professionals in the field have to say  on sites like:

      1. NCBI and the National Institute of Health:
      "Evaluating Drug Safety in Children & Adolescents with Bipolar Disorder"
      2. American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

      Going for natural remedies in combination with therapy and nutrition can do wonders.  But if your child is having acute psychosis (hallucinations, breaks with realities, disorganized thought that impairs) these things may just not be enough.

      Everyone is different and timing is everything.  During acute psychosis, life may be endangered. Holistic remedies usually take time to take effect and trying them for instance, when your kid is suicidal...? A crisis may call for meds.   

      As a bipolar, even when I combine 4 days yoga, therapy 2wice a mo., diet, jogging, supplements (choline, omega, st johns etc) and acupuncture, I land in an episode.  I'd like to go guru, but meds (the lowest dose possible) for me, are a must.  Despite their drawbacks, I chose them, because w/ me, they lead to stability.  Obviously, there is a lot more at play when it comes to kids.
      Not enough studies have been conducted to a) diagnose children clearly as bipolars, in a way that lead  Drs to a consensus or b) determine the long-term effects of drugs on kids.  Talk to various MDs & weigh cost/benefits wisely, taking into consideration the severity of your child's state.

      Note:   The more times a person has episodes, the less likely a long-term recovery is.  Once you've had 1, you always run the risk of having them.

      I am sorry that you have to face this choice and wish you well.

      1. profile image0
        StormRyderposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Very good points you made!
        Why do we see so many people on these med's?..Not only young people but all people. In college we had classes with a guy that suffered from  what his doctors called mild schizophrenia and we were discussing his condition in class with him one day and he asked the room how many of them were on medication. Out of a room of 38-40 people nearly half said they took some kind of mood altering drug ranging from prozac to haldol. I was shocked by the number. Our professor (who as maybe in his late 50's), said that he couldn't remember anyone being on any kind of med's when he was in college and has seen a dramatic increase of use in the students he has taught over the past ten years... So where is this stemming from?? Is it all the additives we put in food? Is it the recreational drugs our parents took when young?..Vaccinations we received as kids?..
        What is the root of all this??

  6. zaureny profile image59
    zaurenyposted 14 years ago

    Who knows these days. Everything we eat, drink, bathe in, breathe, and touch seems to have some form of carcinogen, or makes us bat sht crazy. No wonder kids are killing kids, they're coo coo for coco puffs!


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