What you do think about govt. entitlement programs...?

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  1. SparklingJewel profile image65
    SparklingJewelposted 14 years ago

    yes, we have gotten so used to them, we think they are ok...is it time to rethink where we stand..?

    "Bernie Madoff took money from people who thought he'd invested it, gave some to others who thought it as a partial return on their earlier investments and kept much for himself. That's called a Ponzi scheme, and his $50 billion fraud was called the biggest ever. But it wasn't the biggest. Social Security and Medicare are much bigger ones. These are trillion-dollar scams. Medicare has a $36 trillion unfunded liability. Social Security's is $8 trillion. There's no money to keep those promises. But Congress isn't investigating this scam. Congress runs it. That FICA money you thought government had saved for your retirement is gone. There's nothing left but IOUs backed by nothing. Your money was spent not only on current retirees but on wars, welfare, corporate bailouts, earmarks and all the other stuff Congress wants. For years, this was possible because the FICA tax brought in surpluses that allowed government to pay retirees more than they contributed and still help buy those other things. Those days are gone. ... Our forefathers would be appalled. After the American Revolution, when the new government was debating how to pay its bills, George Washington said this about a national debt: 'We should avoid ungenerously throwing upon posterity ... the burden we ourselves ought to bear.' Well, we sure are dumping my generation's debt onto posterity. I wish we had more politicians like George Washington." --columnist John Stossel

    1. profile image0
      Poppa Bluesposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      How many people when they die would leave their families with nothing? How many would run up huge debts before they die that their family would then be required to pay?

      This is the logic of the left. Create big entitlement programs without truly funding them and let future generations worry about how the bill will be paid. Somehow the left is able to justify it all as "compassion"! Hogwash!

  2. Shadesbreath profile image76
    Shadesbreathposted 14 years ago

    As long as we have the best airplanes and missiles, who is going to collect?  Maybe we're not borrowing on posterity at all.  Maybe we're stealing presently.

  3. profile image0
    Brenda Durhamposted 14 years ago

    Medicare and Medicaid should be reformed,  get the fraud out of those, keep 'em, and nix the current health care bill disaster.

    Obama's trying to entitle the people he wants entitlement to go to, it's that simple.   The fool should be reformed himself.

  4. Padrino profile image60
    Padrinoposted 14 years ago

    Don't forget the next Democrat voting block, the illegal immigrant about to be legal!

  5. lovemychris profile image76
    lovemychrisposted 14 years ago

    I just had lunch with my mom and she told me about one:
    A T &T...
    When Bushco was trying to pass medicare part D, A T & T was worried about the cost.
    So Bushie gave them a $28 million subsidy to pave the tracks, and also allowed them to write the medicare part D costs off on their taxes!

    JUST like that article I quoted yesterday...A T & T are not the only ones pulling this scam.

    So now A T & T are crying that they're going to have to raise costs thanks to the Obama administration....because Obama isn't giving them that sweet deal.

    Take it off your profits fools! You've all gotten spoiled by having 8 years of doing whatever you want...get rich, pay minimum taxes ......RIP AMERICA OFF.

    ooooooh the big bad guvmint is gonna git you now.
    It's About Damn Time.

  6. Sab Oh profile image57
    Sab Ohposted 14 years ago

    I guess unemployment (not to mention the cost of services) isn't high enough for some people.


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