all your unanswered
- 1,135Racism, Institutional or Otherwise, in America
Credence2 (2 months ago)
- 39Are people acting stranger lately?
AgnesB201 (7 months ago)
- 16Why Can’t People Accept Individual Differences? A Satire.
Vlado - Val Karas (7 months ago)
- 4Religion & Marginalized People
MizBejabbers (9 months ago)
- 0The Festive Season Through Victorian Eyes
Nathanville (12 months ago)
- 10Work, Work, Work
gmwilliams (13 months ago)
- 19social-issues/begging-the-new-occupation
Miebakagh57 (14 months ago)
- 23Religiosity
tsmog (15 months ago)
- 89let's publish names of women seeking abortions
craekkel5 (17 months ago)
- 49Don Blankenship, ex-con, GOP senate primary candidate
beh123 (18 months ago)
- 8What Are You AFRAID Of? Really?
gmwilliams (18 months ago)
- 5What's Up
Credence2 (19 months ago)
Sharlee01 (20 months ago)
- 4Painful Setbacks Can Be A Learning Opportunity by Pamela
Kathleen Cochran (21 months ago)
- 5The Oscars
GA Anderson (22 months ago)
- 14Oh Lord, It's Not Hard to Be Humble by John Hansen
Brenda Arledge (22 months ago)
- 21Free For All
Nathanville (23 months ago)
- 10Single Mothers & the Deterioration of the Black Community in America
gmwilliams (23 months ago)
- 141The QUALITY of Life Issue
Miebakagh57 (23 months ago)
- 13Blinkies - Fake Blind Street Beggars - By John
Jodah (24 months ago)
- 21What is your personality type? Take the quiz.
Ellie Simmonds (2 years ago)
- 3What WILL It Be
Credence2 (2 years ago)
- 444Roe v Wade has been Overturned
tsmog (2 years ago)
- 1Irresponsible Parents in the United States
Nathanville (2 years ago)
- 46What do you think about classes?
Nathanville (2 years ago)
- 7Will It Continue to Exist in the 21st Century?
Credence2 (2 years ago)
- 9Are you a perennial?
Kathryn L Hill (2 years ago)
- 0What are your thoughts about the war between Ukraine and Russia?
Sugar Faith (2 years ago)
- 11A VERY DARK Day in America-The OVERTURNING of Roe vs Wade
wilderness (2 years ago)
- 3Pandemic and the Law of Jungle by Val Karas
Vladimir Karas (2 years ago)
- 9Does Racism Exist or is There an Underlying Sociocultural Paradigm
Misbah786 (2 years ago)
- 7The Effects of "I am always right Syndrome" on Today's Society.
Stephen Tomkinson (2 years ago)
- 44Transgender athletes and fairness
Castlepaloma (2 years ago)
- 1Presonal Finance
Sharlee01 (3 years ago)
- 9The Green Book: The Bible For Black Travelers
Pamela99 (3 years ago)
- 31Now for Something ENTIRELY Different..
Miebakagh57 (3 years ago)
- 12Can't Let Go It Seems....
Kathryn L Hill (3 years ago)
- 5The Church’s Role and in the Fight Against HIV/Aids by MsDora
Jodah (3 years ago)
- 9A Simple Honest Look At Biden's Immigration Executive Orders
Kathryn L Hill (3 years ago)
- 3More Thinking
Castlepaloma (3 years ago)
- 8The MADDENING Madness
Kathryn L Hill (3 years ago)
- 433 things that are stopping the poor from working
gmwilliams (3 years ago)
- 7Do you think the transgender agenda is grooming children?
Kathryn L Hill (3 years ago)
- 24Middle Class Anxiety in America
Ken Burgess (3 years ago)
- 28Yes, YET AGAIN
Castlepaloma (3 years ago)
- 8BBC Exec says Idris Elba's "Luther" isn't black enough to be real.
Credence2 (3 years ago)
- 18Are trees racially offensive to black people? No seriously are they?
Castlepaloma (3 years ago)
- 58Bluefield College suspends basketball team for kneeling during anthem
donotfear (3 years ago)
- 1Has social media ruined the human connection in society?
Kathryn L Hill (3 years ago)
- 10Black Lives Matters nominated for Nobel Peace Prize. Thoughts?
Kathryn L Hill (3 years ago)