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Bring It: P90X Day 44

Updated on November 16, 2011

P90X is a hardcore, back to basics workout promising to get you results. Results you have never seen before. These results will be so defined, you will walk away from this program in the best shape of your life. Then again, this program might become addictive and you might never walk away again. P90X was created by Tony Horton, who used the concept of muscle confusion to really get that chiseled effect in a relatively short amount of time. I have been on this journey for the past 44 days, and by the time I reach 90 I am hoping to show you how drastic of a transformation I have undergone. Not only has this transformation been physical, but I have also broken mental barriers as well.

If you would like to start from the beginning of this series, please click here. If you want to read about my previous day with P90X, click here.

Please leave your comments below. Not only does it motivate me, but it has also motivated others who have come across this series as well. Hopefully today we can work together to achieve something really powerful; a world full of healthy people.

P90X is an extreme workout with a huge following. It has promised to give results. What will you do to get those results?
P90X is an extreme workout with a huge following. It has promised to give results. What will you do to get those results? | Source

Bring It

Today, once again, was Plyometrics. According to Tony Horton, this is the X in P90X. That only bothered me at first. Even though we are equipped with the ability to jump and run, once we grow up, the ability may still be there, it is just a little bit more difficult to convince ourselves to actually do it.

To top it off, I apparently like to torture myself. Plyometrics is hard enough, but for some reason I have found the nights before my workout, particularly Plyometrics, have been late. This morning I finally crawled into bed at 1 a.m. and then I was up before 6. The temptation to crawl back into bed this morning was very strong.

However, we know the motto... just push play. So that is what I did. And obvioulsy I survived otherwise you wouldn't be reading this right now.

So, what is the key to keeping at your workouts. It is simple - find them fun.

Wanna Have Fun

Just have fun with it

What is one of the biggest reasons people stop exercising? My guess would be because they got bored. I know, because I have used that excuse far too many times in the past. However, from all those times I quit, I have learned something.

Working out is about perspective! If you dread it day in and day out, you are going to grow to hate doing it on a regular basis. That will eventually lead to failure. Failure will lead to guilt and guilt will cause you to start over again. If you don't change your perspective and start to like what you are doing, you will start the vicious cycle all over again. This is not the rollercoaster ride you are going to want to be on.

Now I am not suggesting that you get all crazy and jump into P90X like I did. Just thinking it is fun is not going to make you enjoy this workout. Afterall, this workout is not for everybody. However, getting moving is the first step. Choosing something you like to move at is the next step. Having fun is the final step and what will keep you going day after day!

Fighting stance...

And the competition begins. They are involved in a highly physical game of table tennis. And people thought video games were bad for you. Not only are they having fun, but they are getting a good workout in as well. Check out those squats!
And the competition begins. They are involved in a highly physical game of table tennis. And people thought video games were bad for you. Not only are they having fun, but they are getting a good workout in as well. Check out those squats! | Source

Get the goods!

Wii with Wii Sports Game - White
Wii with Wii Sports Game - White
Play video games - play sports. The best of both worlds in this package!

Workout - Have Fun

There are several different ways to workout and still have fun. Here are just a few suggestions.

  • Play the Wii - The Wii is a great video game to get you moving. Nintendo is ithe first that allowed you to play video games while being active. (Remeber the powermat on the original Nintendo?) Since the craze hit, Playstation and the Xbox have also created similiar platforms. However the concept is still the same - play and move. A great game to try is the Just Dance series. I guarantee you will work up a sweat!
  • Sports - Who doesn't like losing themselves in a good game of basketball, or running the bases after hitting a homerun. Or better yet, scoring that touchdown that won the game. There is just something about playing a sport that will make you forget about the time you actually spent exercising.
  • Swim - This is a great form of exercise. Not only is it relaxing but it is easy on the joints as well. This might be difficult for some because not everybody knows how to swim. However, playing in the water can have just as many benefits. Every hear of Water Aerobics?
  • Run - Some people find running fun. I am still working on convincing myself of that. However, I do find it can mentally clearing. It can free you from life's greatest pains. All you need is some tunes playing and the great outdoors. This is also a great calorie burner and probably one of the best ways to lose weight.
  • Walk with a friend - Who doesn't like chatting with a friend. Well if you do it while you are walking, not only will it be fun, but you will both benefit. If you have ever gotten lost in a conversation, you know how easily you can lose track of time. Can you imagine looking up and realizing you have already walked five miles?
  • Workout videos - With a variety of workout videos, there has to be at least one for everybody - from Bellydancing to Pilates to Kickboxing to Sweating to The Oldies. There are a million to choose from and the best part is, if you don't like it, toss it to the side and try something else.

Obvioulsy this list isn't all inclusive. The types of fun workouts all depend on your perspective. I like to occasionally play a good game of raquetball with my husband. Not only is there some friendly banter, but a lot of calories burned. I also enjoy taking a family bike ride. When my kids get older, my goal is to get them into hiking. Enjoying the great outdoors is a great way to get in a good workout and have fun while breathing in some fresh air.

So - what do you do for a fun workout?

Want More

If you are still thirsting for more, click here to go to Day 45 - the official halfway point through my workouts!


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