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5 Exercises to Increase Your Metabolism Fast

Updated on April 2, 2015

Use these tips to help burn off your belly

That jiggling spare tire around your waist is doing more than just damaging your clothing budget. Too much stomach fat can lead to a host of health problems not brought on by fat in other parts of the body. So what can you do to get rid of it? Exercise and healthy eating of course!

Assuming you are already immersed in a fitness routine (hopefully one involving cardio and resistance training,) use these five metabolic boosters to keep burning extra calories throughout the day.


If you like to walk or jog, incorporate some sprints and turn your easy cardio session into a muscle-toning, fat-burning workout. You don’t have to sprint like an Olympian either. After warming up (you should have a light sweat going,) pick up the pace to a fast run. When you are ready, hit an all out sprint. Set your eyes on a point about 50-100 yards in front of you and go as fast as you can to that spot. Slow back to your walking/jogging pace for about 2 minutes and repeat. Start with 5 and work up to ten or more. Who knows? You might start hitting the local track for your regular run.

Jumping Rope

Jump ropes are the perfect companion to any workout. Try doing 30-60 seconds jumping rope in between sets with free weights or machines. If the gym is crowded, sprint outside, jump rope and come back in for your next set.

You can also incorporate jumping rope into your breaks at work or when you’re punching a heavy bag or speed bag. Not only will you burn more calories, you will improve your balance, coordination and agility.

Great workouts to boost your calorie burning metabolism
Great workouts to boost your calorie burning metabolism | Source
Javorek coaching an athlete through a dumbbell complex
Javorek coaching an athlete through a dumbbell complex | Source

Do Intervals

Intervals are extended periods of intense exercise. Organizations like Crossfit and products like the P90X put interval training to extensive use. In fact it is nothing new, and does not have to be complicated.

Try the following on the same day as your cardio workout: Bike, run or swim at an all-out pace for 5-10 minutes at a time. Alternatively, choose a set distance and do several 'sets' at maximum effort, resting for a few minutes in between.

Prefer the heavy stuff? Perform several exercises back-to-back. Use a moderate weight to prevent early failure in the muscles.

One example of this is the Javorek Dumbbell Complex:

  • Upright Row x6
  • High Pull Snatch x6
  • Dumbbell Squat Push Press x6
  • Bent Over Row x6

This type of training is intense, so start off with one or two sets and adjust accordingly!



Adding explosive movements to your workout routines is fun and beneficial. Plyometric movements like squat or box jumps, medicine ball throws against a wall and long jumps will enhance speed and power.

When performing plyometrics, a good rule of thumb is to stop when the movement slows down. Start off with less than you think you can do, and work up to higher volume. Don’t be surprised if a little bit of explosive work leaves you aching the next day. Add a little bit to your workouts 2-3 times a week and your body will gradually adapt.

Add Resistance Training or Cardio

The combination of these two elements in your fitness program is a powerful ally against stomach fat. If you prefer to take it steady on a treadmill, adding free weights, body weight strength exercises or suspension trainer exercises will help you burn extra calories, build muscle and strengthen connective tissues.

If the workout is intense enough, your muscles will continue to burn calories long after you finish. For folks who prefer to hit the iron but avoid long distance anything, cardio is your missing ingredient. Steady state cardio is exactly what the unique heart muscle tissue needs to keep its pumping strength up. Keep it simple, do an easy jog, long walk or go for a bike ride 20-30 minutes every day.

For optimum results, stick to a regimented routine for several weeks before changing it up too much. Don’t stagnate though. Changing the routine and trying new activities will refresh the nervous system and stimulate a metabolic response. Put one of these tips to work for you today!.


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