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God Provided for Us to Diet Healthy

Updated on January 21, 2019
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Ruth, a.k.a. Elayne Kongaika, was raised in the orchard town of Orem, Utah. She married a Polynesian and has had amazing travel experiences.

According to there are over 780 diet plans that have been classified and that are either recommended or not. How many have you tried? Personally I think I will go for the Pasta Chocolate Diet (it is for real!)

You may have heard about a fairly recent diet called God's Diet by Dr. Dorothy Gault-McNemee and also the New York Times best seller, Body By God by Dr. Ben Lerner. They both make it really simple and it makes sense to me. Only eat what God made - eat nothing man made. Boy, that really cut down on the things I keep in my cupboard. That is probably why I am having difficultly losing that extra 20 pounds.

According to Paul the apostle, our bodies are temples of the spirit (1 Corinthians 3:16-17). We have an obligation to take care of our temple. God has provided us with sufficient food of all varieties and tastes to sustain us throughout all of our sojourn on this earth.

God has actually given us many instructions about what we should eat.

Genesis 1:29 - And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of the tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat (food).

Genesis 2:9 - And out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food.

From those scriptures, it sounds like we should be eating anything that has a seed or grows on a tree. Sure, I like pumpkin pie, cherry cobbler and such. They taste much better than just plain pumpkin or cherries (although I would love some right now).

My square-foot garden vegetables

Speaking of pies, my mother made the most delicious flaky crust pies I have ever tasted. She really had a talent and she said it was not difficult for her. Of course, I tried several times to make pies like she did, but they never measured up to hers. Because she was such a good cook, she struggled most of her life with her weight.

I remember at one time mother's doctor put her on a diet that included a cup of skim milk three times a day. That's it. I'm serious! She did lose weight on the diet, but also her health suffered greatly. I can only imagine how she must have felt trying religiously to follow this absurd diet. Who could survive on that for more than a couple of days. She was lacking many of the nutrients and vitamins that sustain a healthy life.

By substituting some of the crackers, chips, muffins and such that we eat with fresh fruits and vegetables, we will not only lose weight, but will feel better. So many chemicals are added to packaged foods that may be detrimental to our health.

I love my square-foot garden right now. It is full of mixed lettuce, pak choy, tomatoes, green onions, beet root and other gifts from God that I can go out and pick to eat any time I like (lucky we live in Hawaii). I feel so blessed to be able to grow these vegetables in my back yard and share them with my neighbors. Since I have been eating out of my garden, I have been eating less processed food.

You might like to read the story of Daniel in the Old Testament where Daniel refused to eat the King's meat and wine for ten days. Instead he ate pulse (foods made of seeds and grains) and water. At the end of the ten days his countenance was obviously healthier than those who had eaten only the meat and wine (Daniel 1:15). I think meat is necessary for us to eat occasionally, but not as the main item in our meals.

Also, check out this other similar bible story hub by Micky Dee:

© 2010 Elayne


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