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The World's Longest Running Family Feud

Updated on January 11, 2014

Father Abraham's Many Son

I am sure that many of you have heard of Father Abraham (Abram). There is even an old, childhood song that goes something like this;

"Father Abraham had many sons. Many sons had Father Abraham, and I am one of them, and so are you. So lets just praise the Lord..."

Which was always a great bible school sing along song. Even though bible school children love to sing the catchy tune, many of the pupils have no idea who Abraham really was.

Father Abraham, was born in the land of modern day Iraq. Abraham is considered by Jews, Christians, and Muslims to be the patriarchal father of their individualize, monotheistic, faith. Abraham is the father of Isaac; who along with his sons, founded the twelve tribes of Israel. In the Qur'an, you will find that people of the Islamic faith believe they are the direct descendants of Abraham. Christians also believe that Jesus had a direct, ancestral-link to Abraham as well.

What we do know of Abraham, is that he eventually settled in the land of Haran, which is modern-day Palestine/Israel. The bible tells us that God told Abraham, his direct descendants would forever beholden, rightful, owners of the land of Canaan. For centuries upon centuries, religious warfare over ownership, has scarred the landscape of Abraham’s homeland. Because the feuding parties, biblical kinsmenship to Abraham, their in fighting has essentially caused the longest running family feud in history.

In the tenth century, Christians invaded Jerusalem at the Pope's bequest. During this conquest, they vivaciously murdered thousands Jews and Muslims. However, what the Pope and so many crusaders forgot to realize was, God's direct promise to Abraham. In fact, Abraham’s great-grandson many times removed, was none other than Christianity's own Jesus Christ.

According to the Qur'an, Holy Bible and the Torah; Palestine was for all the children of the patriarchal, Father Abraham to share. When the Muslim's reconquered the land, there was relative peace throughout the land. History tells us Christians, Jews, and Muslims lived closely intertwined and worked together side by side. Through out the sands of time, Jews and Christians left Israel in the hope of discovering a new life, in a far off land somewhere else. Jews and Christians flourished in their new respective homelands for centuries.

Then there was Hitler.

Starting long before 1948, Jewish survivors of the Holocaust began to flocked to Palestine. Staking their claim on the fact that Palestine was once the ancestory homeland of the Jewish people, many displaced Jewish immigrants after World War II began migrating back to their "promise land." It did not take long before the Jews wanted all the land of Palestine to themselves. Therefore, much like the tactical techniques of Hitler, native Palestinians were systematically removed from Jerusalem and other major Palestinian cities.

In a brutal and bloody coup, the Jewish sect began to round up surviving Palestinian Islamics and herding them like cattle into refugee camps. The lands in which once Palestinian Muslims lived peacefully with their fellow brethren, have all been destroyed and reconfigured. Much like the countryside of war torn Poland and Germany after World War II. In the end, the vast majority of Palestine was renamed the State of Israel in 1948. In my opinion, this was the beginning and end to peaceful chances between our religions. You can say, it is the straw that broke this family's back.


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