Writing and Writers

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  1. profile image49
    grace siodoraposted 13 years ago

    Writing is a powerful tool for the free expression of one's ideas and worldview.Sometimes,a written work becomes a catalyst for change.Under oppressive regimes,the craft of writing becomes a means to an end,instead of just an end in itself; a Voice,when all is mute and voiceless; a Mirror,reflecting a people's pain and struggles,revealing them for the world to see.In such a time, writing demands courage,and the writer needs to transcend his own agenda for the pursuit of truth. In pursuit of a higher ideal, a writer needs to delve deep into his soul, deeper than the demands of his stomach and extricate himself from his patrons for he cannot be beholden to no one but the Truth.That is a higher calling, a most rare Summon that plagues, that haunts and hounds the Gifted with the Gift.And if perchance, he tries to escape the Giver of the Gift, the writer transforms into a zombie-like existence,a "walking dead", writing sans  passion, lifeless.

    Writers are the privileged few who can penetrate the "invisible walls" that people build around their private lives. So to be a good writer, I presume, one must listen intentionally to life's groanings and discern what is facade,fiction or reality. A writer should be a lifelong learner.willing to learn,interacting with other cultures,putting aside personal biases and prejudices.

    1. Shadesbreath profile image77
      Shadesbreathposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I would call that an artist more so than simply a writer, but I for the most part agree with your general point.  The difference between an artist and a victim, in the situation you describe early on, is in finding the right way to communicate the sense of truth so divined (if I may use that term).  It's not just the seeing and grasping, but the virtuosity to pull it off.

      Anyway, you should write a hub.  Forums are empty and vanish into nothingness right away.

    2. eslevy17 profile image60
      eslevy17posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I agree. On a related topic, I always wonder at all the writers who say, when asked about advice for aspiring writers, that they should write. What about reading? I've always thought it should be 80% reading, 20% writing, until you start writing and then it should reverse gradually.

      1. Frenchiie33 profile image60
        Frenchiie33posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I agree, as an aspring writer myself I find that reading helps a lot when it comes to actually understanding the written word and knowing how to use it to get my views out there. Of course it is important to write to gain experience and create an individual style, but it is more important to understand language and how to use it.

  2. miss_jkim profile image74
    miss_jkimposted 13 years ago


    It seems to me that the writing you "speak" of is more journalistic in nature. Whether writing for a newspaper, news journal, magazine or even a book, it is always necessary to be true to ones ideals while remaining neutral as facts are told.

    I, on the other hand, write from my heart and from my head. Memories and incidences in my life that have molded and made me into the person I am today. I like to think that this type of writing is more artistic and interspatial. Still, I must relate the facts in as unbiased a manner as possible.

    Perhaps you have heard of the saying "Garbage in, garbage out" as it pertains to the computer. I believe it is the same with writers. Reading is food for the writer's soul. We must be careful what we read lest we spew garbage from our finger tips onto the blank canvas of the printed page.


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