Are good writers always good readers?

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  1. truthfornow profile image68
    truthfornowposted 13 years ago

    Are good writers always good readers?

    Every writer I have known has been a pretty avid reader.  Do you think that being a reader is necessary to being a good writer?

  2. HattieMattieMae profile image60
    HattieMattieMaeposted 13 years ago

    Ha Ha well, I don't read much of poetry, or novels, but I pull it off very well. Some of the most famous writers suggest it, but of course I will take their advice. Just haven't until now.

  3. WindMaestro profile image59
    WindMaestroposted 13 years ago

    I do think that those that are good readers are good writers, but I think that there are those who do not read thoroughly and yet they can channel themselves and their emotions through written word. Much in the same sense that most musicians are good because they actively listen to lots of music, but there are some exceptions to the rule that are just naturally good, yet do now listen to music. So maybe that is your answer. Some people can become good writers by example and learning, whilst others are naturally good when they pick up a pen.

  4. gregas profile image82
    gregasposted 13 years ago

    Personally, I have never been much for reading. I have read a few books in my lifetime.

  5. Lisa HW profile image62
    Lisa HWposted 13 years ago

    I don't necessarily think being a reader is required to be a good writer (although I do think it can help people see a lot of the techniques and approaches that are used).  I think, though, the way it really "works" is that people who are strong in verbal abilities and language tend to both read and write well.  People who aren't as strong in verbal abilities may certainly be able to read well (frequently aren't the greatest spellers, though), but often struggle more to write.

  6. aylee95 profile image60
    aylee95posted 13 years ago

    I think that being a good reader has something to do with being a good writer. Yet at the same time I believe that the two have nothing in common. It's more of a neutral person-to-person thing I believe.

    A person may be a good writer yet have no patience to go through even 5 chapters of a novel. Another person may be able to finish a 2000 page book in one day (given they have enough time) yet might not be able to write even one page. Then, of course, there are people that can do both superbly.

  7. nifwlseirff profile image83
    nifwlseirffposted 13 years ago

    Writers often read a lot, sometimes in detail, but often skim-reading. I'm not sure I would class speed reading or skimming as reading well, so I'm hesitant to say that all writers are good readers. Writing well may also stem from having good verbal communication skills (not from reading).

    Reading widely and in large quantities will improve writing skills (grammar and style). But not all avid readers can communicate well (verbally and/or in writing).

    I think improving as a writer has a lot to do with actively working on writing skills - this does include reading widely and paying attention to how the piece you are reading is written, then taking the information learnt and applying it to your own writing.

  8. NatalieSack profile image61
    NatalieSackposted 13 years ago

    I think being an avid reader is a natural adjunct of being a writer.  If you love words you will gravitate towards writing and reading them.  The same way that if you love chocolate you will gravitate towards brownies and Ho-Hos for dessert instead of vanilla pudding.

  9. Melchius profile image59
    Melchiusposted 13 years ago

    I think you can write without being a reader but if you want to be a good writer you've got to read widely.  Just like in any other sphere you learn from your betters.  Reading work by good writers rubs off.  Without that I can't see how you can progress.

  10. Deborah Brooks profile image60
    Deborah Brooksposted 13 years ago

    I believe you have to like to read.. in order to want to write.  I find if I havent read in a while my writing stinks..

  11. bell du jour profile image61
    bell du jourposted 13 years ago

    I don't think anyone can write unless they read a lot.  We learn so much about writing from reading.

  12. Marturion profile image61
    Marturionposted 13 years ago

    Absolutely!  First rule of writing:  Write what you know.  Second Rule: You don't know enough.  Good writing comes from research.  research means READING. 
    Plus... Let's face it, writers do need to compare with other writers if they want to improve their craft.  And, it's not just about comparing style and technique, it's about becoming absorbed in the written word. If you aren't passionate about literature, then how can you be a passionate writer?

  13. Freeway Flyer profile image68
    Freeway Flyerposted 13 years ago

    There is definitely a connection between becoming a good writer and reading good writing. The struggle for me, however, as I try to become a better writer is that the time invested in writing cuts into potential reading time. I still don't know how to find the right balance.

  14. Levertis Steele profile image71
    Levertis Steeleposted 13 years ago

    The more one experienes language and its many words and arrangement varieties, the more equipped one is for writing. So, reading is probably the most important prerequisite for writing. I cannot imagine a great writer who is not hooked on reading.

  15. jirel profile image74
    jirelposted 13 years ago

    I guess a writer is also a good reader.A writer knows how to write, focus on important matters ,emphasize them and create life in them.Even when they are reading they try to read between the lines .They are very detailed because they themselves are writers who are reading something written by other writers.

  16. leenamartha profile image38
    leenamarthaposted 13 years ago

    Definitely! First rule of writing: Write what you know. Second Rule: You don't know enough. Good writing comes from research. research means READING.

  17. tenet profile image61
    tenetposted 13 years ago

    There might be a connection between the two. Usually, people who love to read are the people who can write well. Just like those people who are good listener can talk well.

  18. profile image56
    eburnhamposted 13 years ago

    I don't think you need to be.  My daughter is an excellent writer and she rarely does any reading.

  19. Bravo Lelouch profile image60
    Bravo Lelouchposted 13 years ago

    not depends upon people to people. A good writer must also be a good reader but that's not the case in most of the writers.

  20. profile image0
    susanm23bposted 13 years ago

    Yes, I definitely think it's necessary to be a reader to become a writer.  I think those who have an affinity toward writing absorb writing techniques through their reading--techniques such as creating pictures with words, evoking emotion with words, etc.  Those techniques don't necessarily have to be taught--writers learn from other writers.

  21. profile image0
    onlookerposted 13 years ago

    Well in most ways yes, good readers make good writers because you have to be well read to explain a lot of things, material wise. On the other hand, some people may have a knack for thinking out of the box, being super creative like they were born with it. Everything not necessarily has to do with reading. To make things clearer how about the young artistic poets and the singer/song writers? you getting me?

  22. Pandapocalypse profile image67
    Pandapocalypseposted 13 years ago

    I used to think so but being in the classroom has changed my mind.  I have seen so many kids that are atrocious readers, or who simply do not read, create some of the best writing I've read.  Sometimes it is almost a bit strange how much the two do not seem to overlap.

  23. lawdoctorlee profile image83
    lawdoctorleeposted 13 years ago

    Most definitely.  They go hand in hand.  Reading reinforces proper grammar and spelling and increases your vocabulary, which in turn makes you a better writer.  Reading also exposes you to different styles of writing, which helps create your own style and makes your writing interesting to others.  This is one of the reasons it is so important to get children to start reading at an early age.

    You don't have to read the classics...just read about what things that interest you.  For instance, I'm not a big poetry fan, most of it goes over my head.  I like biographies and history books. Some people like to read technical books - but it all has the same influence.  The more  you read the better writer you will become.

    If you have children that need to be encouraged to read, you may want to check out my Hub "Top 10 Ways to Encourage Children to Read."  You can find it at: … en-to-Read

  24. Karanda profile image74
    Karandaposted 13 years ago

    Is it possible to be a good writer without being a good reader? Most of the top name writers say the best thing they can do to improve writing is to be a good reader. That doesn't mean reading a book a day but reading whatever comes your way. read more

  25. samadaslam profile image60
    samadaslamposted 13 years ago

    It is not necessary but often it is observed that a good writer is a good reader as well. The reason is obvious that a good reader can pick the soul and idea out of thousand words before eyes.

  26. profile image55
    wim99posted 13 years ago

    Recently I read a suprising statistic about readers stating that many adults have read only a couple books since high school. Subjectively, this may or may not lead to better writing, but its the isolation that inspires. Considering the mind of great writers works best when a sense of isolation occurs(its an escape from boredom). Yes there is a corelation in reading and writing but one should develop as an individual. Word Power is developed through education whether or not one is in school.

  27. Kathleen Cochran profile image74
    Kathleen Cochranposted 13 years ago

    A writer who doesn't read is like a surgeon who didn't go to medical school.  How do you know how to do it?  How do you perfect your skill?  How do you learn from other's mistakes? 
    Stephen King reportedly writes 2000 words every day (if he finishes a book, he starts another one) and spends half the day reading.  If he sets so much store in reading, I'd say, there must be something to it.
    Aaron Sorkin said good writers borrow from the great writers - great writers steal from them!

  28. DIYmyOmy profile image71
    DIYmyOmyposted 12 years ago

    I believe that the best way to learn to write is to read.


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