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Republicans Wanted to Impeach President Obama

Updated on May 19, 2019
Abecedarian profile image

Barack Obama rescued the U.S from a depressions, the Republicans him out after one term. Impeachment was the their solution.

2 Term President: Barack Obama
2 Term President: Barack Obama

Email running rampant with faux news....

I received various emails and they were all of viral nature. To hear it from the Right Wing media, the Democrats are "evil" and bringing the end of the world.

John Cornyn of Texas, said that a Republican "Tsunami" would let them take over the House and maybe even the Senate.John Cornyn and Pete Sessions were optimistic that they would have enough Republican seats to stop the "Obama Agenda" dead in their tracks. He was correct in that the viral and nonfactual emails helped their cause to get them elected, but their Tsunami only helped them to stall, not to annihilate the Democrats.

My question, "when did running a country and trying to do what's right become an agenda?"

People like Sarah Palin and the Tea Party candidates continue with fear-mongering, warning of "Armageddon" and World War III. "The Republicans Will Impeach Obama" they say.

Republicans looking to take control of the House so they could impeach Obama, according to an email. They said they won't do it right away because they need 67 Senate seats that they won't get, but "if" Obama wins a second term, the House will vote to impeach him before he leaves office.

So, instead of using the time they have been given to do what is right for Americans during tough economic times, they will use the time to continue to go after the President of the United States. This is not only counter-productive, it's insane.

Let us not forget that this is the same party that helped former President Bush take us into a war under false pretenses and continued to support it after the death of many Americans who fought for this country. They have done nothing but obstruct this countries policies to help it's party gain strength and put Americans back to work. Now they want to continue the same failed policies to support the rich and the same divisive practices they used under the Clinton Administration. If you're not Republican, we need to impeach you?

Other than a waste of time, money and resources that can be put to use in helping to move the country forward; what good is it to impeach a president that is at the end of a term? This would be nothing more than a political party attacking another party and using this as a distraction from having to commit to anything from immigration reform to economic growth.

It has been continual state of gridlock in Washington. Supporting big business has not gotten Americans out of the unemployment line and back to work. It has not strengthened the U.S. economy.

Can the middle class continue paying the burden for the rich and carry the weight of this country on it's shoulders? Can you?

The Things You'll Do to Sell a Book

Joined the bandwagon to sell a book?
Joined the bandwagon to sell a book?

Dick Morris a racist opportunist

Dick Morris was a good friend of the Clinton's, dating back to Arkansas. He lived high on the hog because of his association with them. An odd friendship being that Dick Morris was a Republican and the Clinton's were Democrats. He even served as an advisor to Bill Clinton while he was President.

In 1996, Dick Morris was caught in a scandal when a paper contacted him that they had photographs of him and a prostitute on the balcony of a Washington DC hotel. At which time, he resigned from Clinton's campaign.

He was known as one of the most ruthless political consultants and with that, he used all the information on the Clinton's to right tell all books about them.

Then a black man ran for office, Barack Obama and Dick Morris' true colors came out. The Republican party had lost some respect for him because he had been wrong on several occasions as to how things were going to turn out. He even told them that Hillary could win, it just depended on how the Democrats would come out and vote; for a black man or a women.

When a black man was elected to the highest office in the United States, Dick Morris should his right wing, lunatic fringe side. He released his book Catastrophe, it was a book disparaging Barack Obama, Congress and fear-mongering that President Obama would take our Freedoms and turn them into Socialism.

© 2010 Lady Liberty


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