Should the IRS be forced to reimburse taxpayers for the money spent on making vi

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  1. bethperry profile image83
    bethperryposted 10 years ago

    Should the IRS be forced to reimburse taxpayers for the money spent on making videos?

    It has been revealed that the U.S. Internal Revenue Service spent thousands of dollars of taxpayer money in making videos for employees. One video was a dance video, two others were parodies, one of Star Trek, the other of Gilligan's Island.Other activities enjoyed by IRS employees have also come to light, such as pricey conventions and bonuses. Do you feel the IRS employees that enjoyed these luxuries and those superiors that ordered/approved them should be forced to reimburse taxpayers?

  2. Don Crowson profile image61
    Don Crowsonposted 10 years ago

    The IRS is imitating those Rich Republicans at their coporate meetings.  Gee, why condemn the IRS for have fun when they condemn the Corporate world for haveing fun.
    More double standard by the Liberals who think that corporate jets are spending too lavishly on the Corporate VIPs, but the gopvernment spends lavishly on themselves.

    Reminds mne of the French.  "Let themeatcake"

  3. Pollyannalana profile image61
    Pollyannalanaposted 10 years ago

    No we should not and if anyone thinks so let them pay it like the ones here kissing butt of government that will see them dead if it means bettering themselves! Blind fools. I am ashamed I was ever a Democrat, and I certainly must have been blind. No matter what they find out on these crooks, from murder (letting the Benghazi four die) to singling out enemy groups to punish for Obama, they none will call wrong a wrong. They will be sorry, they have to be because none of this is going to get covered up no matter how long they try to hold out! Now Obama is putting his liars into positions where they cannot be questioned, but he has too many out there with knowledge to get them all...unless he is sending drones.

  4. LandmarkWealth profile image66
    LandmarkWealthposted 10 years ago

    Funny how Dennis Kozlowski of Tyco went to prison for abusing the funds of shareholders for his own personal use outside of normal business activity.  Enron execs were also prosecuted in a similar manner.  But the IRS, and lets not forget the GSA scandal from last year...Nothing.  Nobody will pay back anything.  Nobody will go to jail and nobody will even be fired.  They will simply be redeployed to another level of incompetence.  And that will only happen to the high profile cases. And this only scratches the surface of the waste and nonsense in the Federal Gov't.  Not to mention the local gov't. 

    The General Accounting Office tells us that 60% of all gov't services are redundant.  Meaning we are paying for the same thing at least twice and only receiving the benefit once.  Considering the GAO is another Gov't agency, the data is probably even worse.  But they're too inept to keep track of it. They do after all commonly put out statements about not being able to account for a billion dollars here and there... that is simply missing. Imagine telling an IRS auditor you can't account for a billion dollars...(especially if you're part of the Tea Party these days).

    There is good and bad everywhere.  The difference is when people in the Private sector get caught doing something wrong, they get fired, prosecuted and/or hit with a lawsuit.  In the Gov't...they get a raise or even promoted.   So I wouldn't hold your breath for accountability.  Keep in mind, the GSA...who was responsible for wasting millions of tax payer dollars on lavish trips and videos last year didn't pay back anything.  And the sad part is the GSA is the agency who's role it is to oversee the business operations of other Gov't agencies to ensure efficiency and eliminate waste.  LOL   I think we would have seen better results with Bernie Madoff at the helm.

  5. jdw7979 profile image73
    jdw7979posted 10 years ago

    Personally, knowing the IRS has been swindling tax payer money the way they have, I say we abolish the IRS! We Americans are already taxed enough, and in troubling times.

    1. bethperry profile image83
      bethperryposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      jdw7979, I really wish I could choose two Best comments, because yours would be one of them. Thanks much for saying the plain truth!

    2. LandmarkWealth profile image66
      LandmarkWealthposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Actually it's the Fed's monetary policy through currency devaluation that is most responsible for the divide between wealthy and the poor.  Tax havens wouldn't exist if we didn't force them their with our non-competitive oppressive system.

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