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Advantages and Disadvantages of Being a Male

Updated on August 11, 2011

So lzlpio90 wrote a hub titled, " Advantages and Disadvantages of Being a Girl/Woman ". The link will be included below. After publication, she asked if someone could write a hub from a male perspective. Judging from my past works, I feel highly qualified to help her out. I'll borrow her format and away we go!

Advantages of being a male:

You can wear any kind of clothes and any color of your choice without looking odd.

This is true for males also. None of you females think we have any fashion sense. Mommy dresses us as children, our women dress us as men. Therefore, if we should happen to be wearing "stupid" clothes, it's a females' fault! So, us guys are in the clear.

You can wear men's clothes.

Of course we can, we Are men. I wouldn't advise wearing female clothing.

You can have as many hairstyles as you want

This is true for men also. However, we can take it one step further and go bald. No need to worry about spending time doing hair then. Plus, a lot of woman find bald sexy!

You can wear light and heavy make-ups

We can do this also. Anyone ask why, just tell them you think you are an Eighties rockstar.

You don't need to pay for bills (dinner, snacks, drinks etc.

Just look to my hub "What Top 5 things should a female have in her purse?". A man expects a woman to have credit cards in her purse. There are times when we will not have to pay for the above mentioned. The hub will explain.

You can be emotional and cry your heart out

Men can do this also. However it can only be during sporting events. Your favorite team loses, you, as a man can cry. The more important the game, the more wailing allowed.

You may also cry if you run out of beer, your car gets scratched, or you favorite stripper club closes.

You can take advantage of "Lady's first" rule

That's right ladies first. I have no problem letting a lady go first. It sucks when we're in a minefield and she steps in the wrong spot, but.............she wanted ladies first.

You can be with your girl friend without anybody thinking you are lesbian.

This is true for us men too. I would however, like to go on record saying I am a lesbian. I love woman and will not hang my head in shame. Even hanging out with our guy friends we won't be considered lesbian. Homosexual maybe, but not lesbian.

You won't regret piercing your ears.

Again true for men. That tattoo you got after a drunken night in Thailand might be regretful.

You can loudly scream when watching horror movies

Just replace horror movie with chick flick. You get the same results.

You don't have to deal with heavy materials.

You got me on this one. However, if you are a female body builder I expect you to do the heavy lifting. Just call it training.

You don't have to waste 5-10 minutes of your day shaving your beard.

Sams for the men. Santa doesn't shave. The homeless guys don't shave. Besides, females spend that five to ten minutes shaving other areas.

You can paint your nails without seeming weird or gay.

Again I elude to the guy that thinks he's an Eighties Rockstar.

You can freak out over mouse, cockroaches and snakes without looking so foolish.

While we can't do that I need to set the record straight. You women look foolish freaking out.

You don't need to change your flat tire

That's what AAA is for.

You don't have to do anything to prove your a man.

Like this is false. We have to kill your roaches and mice. We have to carry all the heavy lifting. Plus we have to venture into the dark, rainy night to change your flat tire. Failure to do so will label us "unmanly".

Alright, done venting. Shall we move on?

Disadvantages of being a man


Worst week of the month. You all become Satan. We get called names and blamed for everything. Even after a day of abuse, there still will be no sex.


It's life or death for us too. Again the name calling starts. We will be hit and punched. Blame will find it's way to us once again.

Unequally get paid.

no argument there.

Inferior than men.

Truth hurts huh? Just kidding. A lot of countries keep women down.

Spending almost an hour for self preparation.

Only reason you women take so long is because you judge each other. Men don't care.

Girls clothes are so expensive.

This only bothers me when I'm stuck paying the bill.


Yes you are. Lighten up girls. Be like us men. Stay immature and have fun!

Keeping your underarm hair-free

Men don't have to. I can offer other suggestions for that problem. Think different hairstyles. Braids, pigtails, maybe a perm. Otherwise, dress in long sleeves.

You cannot go outside topless!

Please do. I'm not going to call the cops.

You have to have a purse or handbag when going out

At least you look good doing it. A man holding your purse in public is never a good thing. Besides, who is going to carry our stuff if you forget your purse?


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