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Freemasons and the New World Order

Updated on April 8, 2011

Freemasons and the Illuminati...

The world is changing very rapidly, and we are on the verge of a New World Order that was started on its path centuries ago by the Illuminati and Freemasons…  Just about everyone has heard about the Freemasons, as they are in every town and village across the world and initiate men into a brotherhood of symbols and rituals for mutual benefit.  This is a very popular networking tool for upwardly mobile men, and is considered a fast track for power and success especially at the high powered universities of the Ivy League such as Harvard and Yale…

The Illuminati was begun in or around the year 1776 in Bavaria and the ultimate goal soon became world domination and infiltration for power, control, and wealth purposes.  They were soon chased out of Bavaria by the government when their true goals became known, but they went throughout Europe and into the many Freemason temples to infuse their knowledge and beliefs.  They also brought it over to the New World with the goal of creating a brand new country (The United States) to help them achieve their ultimate dreams of achieving a new world order over a period of time.  This country was to become their masterpiece, something that had never been accomplished until then…  Most of the founding fathers of the U.S. were Freemasons and/or Illuminati members, since these organizations were set up to benefit the upwardly mobile leaders of this new world.  It has become almost a requirement to rise to high power in the U.S. today, to have become a Freemason and be connected to all the other members in association. 

Freemasons and their Teachings...

If you’ve ever watched the movie “The Good Shepherd” with Matt Damon about the years following WWII and the Cold War with the creation of the CIA, you will know how important these associations were to these men.  The Freemasons have many secret handshakes that are required to be used when meeting new people, and the way that you shake lets the other person know that you too are a Freemason with all the right connections!  You can watch videos of the leaders of the world today shaking hands with each other and how they interact.  It’s rare to find anyone in a position of extreme power that isn’t a Freemason or some other similar organization…

The Freemasons have been declared an occult group and very contradictory to Christianity and other religions because of the high amount of secrecy involved and the many oaths required of the initiates.  The highest rank or level is called the 33rd degree, and supposedly the higher you go the more secrets are dished out by the organization.  There are even some very popular Christian leaders such as Pat Robertson who have reached this level in the Freemasons, but most people see it as a path leading to the dark side…

Freemasons and the 33rd Degree Level...

One leading figure that has reached the 33rd Degree level has spoken out that he now knows that the whole process of growing and achieving different levels is working to bring you closer to the teaching of the Devil so you can follow him.  I’ve included the video below of him talking about it…  I’m sure that there is a good side to the Freemasons, and most initiates are totally unaware of the dark side of the groups, but I also believe that they are helping to bring in the evil New World Order spoken about in the Bible that is needed for the Anti-Christ to come into power.  All the signs are happening right now for the creation of this very soon, and they are probably just waiting for the next world crisis such as total financial chaos.  This could very well be happening tomorrow if you are keeping up with all the huge debt loads and possible national defaults around the world.  When things get really bad and the prices for just about everything skyrocket, people will be looking for an organization or person to help solve all their problems, even if that means giving up national sovereignty to a group such as the United Nations…  This is exactly what is being planned right now, and they have everything in place at a moment’s notice.  All that needs to happen is for the crisis to occur…

Do some research on your own and find out the answers to this big puzzle including the Freemasons, and I’m sure you will come to the same conclusion as I have.  The Bible also talks about end times prophecy and the last days, and everything I’m reading is matching up the time frames right about now.  The Catholic St. Malachy prophecy about the last popes mentions that Pope Benedict is the last pope on the numbered list and there will only be one more after him who will preside over the church during the last day’s tribulation period…  We are very near the Rapture of the church, which happens just before the 7 year tribulation…  Are you ready?


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