The Basics of Film For People Who Are Interested in Going Back To An Old Technology.
This is a dissertation on what the concept of Drawing Levels means. There is a surprising lack of understanding when a "Level 3 drawing package" is the topic under discussion. This is a standard set of terms.
Tools, clothing, safety and awareness issues any bike rider should know
A remarkable number of people use bicycles for short trips for varying reasons, yet there are many who never treat the machine with the same respect and consideration that they would give a car.
Children can create their own version of Hell both for themselves and those around them. What can be done to manage traveling with young children.
Imagine you are creating a drawing of something that needs to be documented. In this case I'll use a car because most people can easily visualize one. Imagine that you need to create multiple views of that car so that someone else will able to build...
For many years I have heard people here in the USA complain about how difficult it is to convert Inches to Metric and Metric to Inches. It involves a bit of math and the results are rarely even in either system. For example the...
New CAD Operators and engineers who do their own work face challenges when getting started in this field.
The lessons learned by a first time dog owner
Men and women can share the work during the home renovation project. It is really just a matter of passing along information and good advice. Anybody can learn to cook or saw wood within limits.
Dealing with Hepatitis C and end stage liver disease.