Caring for a newborn is a challenge for every new parent but when uou fibromyalgia you have a whole different list of challegnes to overcome while giving your baby everything he/she needs.
I have offered a lot of advice on managing your fibromyalgia over the years but how do I manage mine?
Learn the important role excercise plays in managing fibromyalgia symptoms, how to start and what to try.
Most people are afraid of spiders. I get it, even though I think they are probably one of the coolest animals on the planet I totally understand that the way they look and the way they walk freaks people out. But read on before you judge that little...
The first trimester of my pregnancy was horrible. I was exhausted, my pain was high, I was relying on Tylenol 3 to control that pain way more than I would have liked. My nerve pain coupled with morning sickness, hip pain and poor sleep had me...
5 great books for young adults by Canadian authors.
5 Great Canadian books to add to your child's library!
A satircal step by step guide to NOT finishing your novel...EVER.
My own experience dealing with ignorance in my personal life.
When you suffer from fibromyalgia the decision whether or not to breastfeed can be very difficult and complicated.
When you have fibromyalgia you spend a lot of time and breath telling people that you’re fine. But sometimes that’s not the answer people want and sometimes that’s not the answer you want to give because you know what? It’s not true. Not...
Learn how to tell your friends and family about your disease in a way that is accesible and understandable.
A comprehensive list of studies on commonly used fibromylagia medications and their effects on pregnancy.
Having fibromyalgia doesn't have to mean losing your sense of style. Learn how you can stil enjoy fashion within the limitations of your FMS pain.
Learn how to write believable characters who make believable decisions with this in-scene character worsksheet.
Looking symptoms up online rarely leads to anything good. Learn when it is a good idea to look up medical information and when your questions are better left to your docotor.
There are a number of reasons why an author might use a pen name (pseudonym, nom du plume). Considering using one yourself? Not sure if you need one? Read on to learn all about why an author might choose to use a pen name and if it’s the right...
Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional but an FMS sufferer who is eager to spread awareness and to help other sufferers deal with this disease. When even a kiss hurts Intimacy, whether physical or emotional, is vitally important to...
Creative writing comes in every shape, size and length. Learn how (and why) to challenge yourself and improve your writing by working outside your comfort zone.
Learn about the incredible success I've had treating my Fibromyalgia Syndrome with the medication Mirapex.
Five books that have taken me on more powerful emotional journeys than I have ever experienced before. They may make you cry but they will also teach you so much about the world we live in. The good and the bad.
The Mohawk’s origins come from either the Mohican, Iroquois or Huron tribes (likely worn by all the above). It’s origin is in question, but we do know that it was worn, along with paint, to look fierce during wartime. In World War II American...
Here's my first experience with ritual body suspension with the Modern Body Suspension team in Vancouver.
Romance novels get a really bad rap. I know for years I wouldn’t go near one. I kept expecting overly-muscled manly men who constantly save or protect virginal young women from themselves, or better yet some equally handsome villain with...
Every cliché was once an interesting and potentially innovative idea, that was the problem. After a few hundred uses they kind of lost their awesome. Read some of the most overused cliches in science fiction.
If you’re a writer, and I’m assuming you are since you’re here, you’ve probably been told about a million times that there is one thing that all writers have in common: they write. Being a writer is not about being published or receiving fan...
10 very unique prompts that will help you plow right through writer's block, or just have a lot of fun!
5 science fictions books that are must-reads whether you've loved the genre for years or are discovering it for the first time.
Ever forgotten the name of a great book? Or read one over and noticed how differently you were affected the second time around? Read how and why to keep a journal of all the books you read.
Learn to bind and decorate your own journal with supplies you already have at home.
Since you actually clicked on a hub called Pens and Their Uses I’m just going to go ahead and assume that you REALLY like pens. If you don’t really like pens all that much, be forewarned, this hub really is all about pens. Today pens are...
Is your healthcare provider taking care of you? 8 interview quetions to ask your doctor to make sure that you are getting the care you need.
A whole story in just 250 words? Learn how (and why) to tackle this tiny story!
My personal experiences with seven different fibromyalgia medications over the past three years. Amitriptalyne, Cyclobenzaprine, Gabapentin, Mirapex, Prozac, Tramadol and Tyenol 3.
Ever wonder what all those strange-sounding ingredients in your cookies are? I did. Here's a glossary of the ingredients I didn't understand in two boxes of cookies in my cupboard.
Note: throughout this hub and in the title I refer to the sufferer as “she” and the healthy spouse as “he”. This is not to suggest invalidity in same-sex relationships or those where the healthy/sick relationship is reversed but simply to...
Considering that between 90%-60% of FMS sufferers are women, and that many of them are of childbearing age you would think that the internet would be rife with helpful and well researched information about the effects of pregnancy on FMS and FMS on...
Is there a cure for Fibromyalgia? When newly diagnosed with FMS it is almost certain that you’ll go to your favourite search engine and begin searching for FMS cures. Surely it’s possible that someone has found a wonder-cure and is hawking it...
What is fibromyalgia? What causes it? How does it work and why do we get it?
Is fibromyalgia going to kill you? Studies show that fibromyalgia will not deteriorate your body in the long run but the difficulties of living with this disease have proven too much for some sufferers.
Living with a chronic, painful, incurable disease is depressing. Take a little time to do this excercise and discover that your life is still beautiful.
Though awareness is spreading, fibromyalgia is still considered to be a “controversial” diagnosis. This poses a problem for those of us who have it.
Fibromyalgia is a poorly understood condition. It can be very difficult to seperate fact and myth. Read about 19 of the most common myths about fibromyalgia and learn what's true!
In mid-2009 it started getting harder and harder for me to finish shifts. After numerous visits to an unempathetic doctor (to say the least) I reluctantly shortened my shifts from eight hours to four, from four to none. First my full-time job gone,...
Thinking about getting a tattoo? Read about a few things you should know beforehand to have a safe and enjoyable tattoo experience.
There is a great deal of animosity between fans of Tim Burton’s and Christopher Nolan’s Batman films. Fans on both sides of the fence champion their pick for the best leading man and director while consistently attacking the other. What is the...
Toilet, Loo, Water Closet, Crapper, Throne or John. Whatever you want to call it we all need to use it at some point in they day, though most of us don’t much like talking about (which I think is wise). Very few of us however think about the...
Felix the Cat didn't always look the way we know him today. Over the years he has experienced massive makeovers. Learn about his history and watch clips of Felix the Cat through the ages.
Planning to propose? Read this article to avoid the words mistakes.
A few simple tips on lowering stress and getting restorative sleep so that you can feel a little better.
Discover one of Vancouver's most beautiful parks.
Great characters must have two main components. First they need charisma and a strong, magnetic personality. They must also have a clear function within the story. They need to change and grow as a person as the plot unfolds. They need clear...
Let’s face it, unless you’re independently wealthy, have a full staff taking care of your chores and no children, pets, friends, family or other hobbies there are always going to be things in your life that will distract you from that book you...
When you have fibromyalgia you often feel desperate to get just a little bit of restorative sleep. Here are a few tips to make your nights (and mornings) a little easier.
We all know immersion is the best way to become fluent in a foreign language. Unfortunately traveling to a different country (or a different part of your country) is not always an option. Here are some tips to immerse yourself in a foreign language in the comfort of your own home...for FREE!
18 Tips NOT to follow when writing you’re next short story: Tip # 1 Tell don’t show! Don’t force your reader to figure out what’s happening. Make your story easy to follow and more fun by explaining everything that is happening in plain...
Today it seems like almost everyone has tattoos, but there are still many workplaces that require ink to be covered up. Here, you'll find over 100 jobs that allow tattoos and career opportunities for people with visible ink.
If life is worth living, it’s worth recording. - Tony Robbins Throughout my life I have started many journals and until now I have not been able to stay faithful to one. What kept me going this time was a few amazing facts about how journals...
Fibromyalgia is an invisible illness characterized by symtpms such as widespread pain, fatigue, irritible bowel syndrome, sleep disturbances, mood swings, slow congnitive functioning and name a few. For me it all started with the...
Everyone knows the Earth is a globe right? Wrong. Learn about a whole society of people who genuinely believe the Earth beneath our feet is flat.
SPOILER ALERT: THIS ARTICLE CONTAINS PLOT SPOILERS ABOUT THE 1971 FILM WILLY WONKA & THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY!!! Since I was very young, I don’t remember how young, Mel Stuart’s iconic film Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory has been my...
Learn all about sonnets, including what they are, what they're usually about, the different sonnet forms and why sonnets are important. Then you'll learn how to write your own!
A complete 10-step guide to how and why to write a personal letter to your friends and family.