Not everyone would want to own a bed and breakfast, Several years ago my friend Diane told me she had had that dream, What kind of person would want to do engage in such a giving, labor-intensive life-style?" Of course! It's the kind of person who has all the characterists that Diane has!
How will you as a writer incorporate the Coronavirus into your writing? The story was thrown into our laps and we have an obligation and privilege to record it while our memories are fresh. There are hundreds of angles to this story and infinite ways to express your voice. History requires it!
A little hard on yourself? If you know what "examination of conscience is" you probably are. Most of us become saddened by the things we fail to do on a daily basis or feel guilt for the things we have done. A little trick can defrizz the frizz of failure and put the glow back on your soul.
7 Characteristics of the Cheerleader in Your Life - Cheerleaders fall under the category of "consul" on the Myers Briggs Personality test. Myers Briggs puts the cheerleader in the extroverted category, but the cheerleader in your life might actually have come introverted characteristics.
We mistakenly took the Bear Camp Road from Gold Beach to Grants Pass through the Klamath Mountain range in Oregon.
a personal account of simple technique that helped the author cope on a day when depression and sadness might have taken over - a home-remedy, self-help method that perhaps may work for you.
6 Characteristics of Regal People. Are you a sequin person, a regal person? In this tribute to author Billie Kelpin's life-long friend, we find characteristics that can help make all more refined.
Build online quiz games for your customers, clients, students, or readers with easy to use do-it-yourself software and watch your stats in traffic and time spent on your website or blog soar.
Holiday family discussions can change a person. In this humorous essay, a pre-teen girl shuns womanhood after her aunts discuss "women stuff" and embraces a more tomboy approach to life
Live your life so you have few regrets. You're young. You're busy with school. Maybe you're in love. But history is happening around you as it happened for us during the Civil Rights Movement. Find something honorable and be part of it.
a slightly humorous, slightly serious look at Christopher Nolan and David S. Goyer's Warner Brothers movie that was a smash hit with everyone except me!
a procrastinator's guide for entertaining: 7 last minute quick fixes for those times your company is at the door and you're not ready. Run out of paper towels? Just cooked fish? These hints will help
one fan's open letter of tribute to Valerie Harper whose comic brilliance brought the character of Rhoda to life in the 70s on "The Mary Tyler Moore Show" and her own spin-off TV sitcom"Rhoda"
Writers! Use tricks that Software Engineers use all the time, and make editing your articles, web content, and blogs fast and easy. Three useful "hot keys" you'll love to try.
What could be wrong with positive thinking? Are you a postive thinking pusher? Do you believe that if only your friend thought more positively his or her life would be better? You may be wrong.
a tribute essay to all those who take the risk of shining in the world and how all of us can try to be less self-conscious, more self-confident and self-actualizing on our way toward self-esteem
This will be a get-it-out quick article. Why? Because the 2012 Presidential Election is only a week away as I write this, and any undecided voters need to get the lowdown on inside information from this ordinary, admittedly biased, citizen. Having a...
a nostalgic essay reflecting life in the '50s and how a mother's songs and poetry powerfully shaped her daughter's views of ethics and morals.
Humorous essay on being left-handed in a right-handed world. Includes a list of famous left-handers, a left-handed rap, and some funny left-handed situations. A fun read no matter what hand you use!
Yes you can, even if you don't draw! Steps to publish for Kindle, Nook, iPad; how to submit manuscripts of children's books to traditional publishers; positives and negatives of various formats. FUN
Visiting Ground Zero in New York after 9/11. It's the shoes that touched some firefighters in New York. It's the shoes you remember and it's the shoes that can add purpose to your life.
Unpatriotic, that's what they'll call me. That was my answer in a response letter to host Barbara Carlson's question in 2001 as to why so few callers were against military action after 9/11.
Simple and fast space saving idea at Christmas time or any Holiday. Throw anything in this bag, books, stacks of magazines, clutter, anything to create space for company visiting at Christmas.
a mother's birthday poem to her daughter on her birthday as an adult recounting the mother's sentimental memories of her daughter as a child and the countless interactions between parent and child
Unique is the relationship between mother and daughter. In this lovely birthday essay/poem, the author, Billie Kelpin, compares the delicate task of growing a rose and raising a daughter.
Can a "mission statement" be romantic? Perhaps all marriages need a mission statement uttered by each other and to the world on our wedding day and revised throughout our married lives together.
Tour the BEST of Orange County, Ca. in a day! Use this hour-by-hour helpful itinerary to tour Balboa Island, Corona Del Mar, Newport Beach, and Huntington Beach - all in beautiful Southern California.
Make the most of your first self-tour of wine country near Santa Barbara, CA with this handy guide and "stop-by-stop" itinerary. Carefully chosen wineries help you pack in the most fun on your visit.
Whether it's Thanksgiving or not, talking about the 'turkey in the room,' the trophy on the shelf, the picture on the wall, can lead you to a closer relationship to the relatives in your life.
I never wanted New York, not in a million years. My daughter gave it to me. She took it in her hands and threw it toward my chest and screamed, "Here, take it, Mom! There’s nothing else like it. You’ll love it.” Not wanting to insult her, I...
"Rings and jewels are not gifts, but apologies for gifts," says Emerson. This humorous essay examines the noble reason why we bake, knit hats, make birdhouses and on and on at Christmas time.
Feeling guilty for using your air-conditioner during peek hours? Author Billie Kelpin reflects on Catholic guilt and her family's first air-conditioner.
Wearing any kind of button or slapping on a bumper sticker carries a huge responsibility.Here's a look at one very self-conscious woman's unexpected experience in a Post Office in Pittsburgh and a humorous altercation over a political campaign button.