Aside from all the glitches, screen freezes, and lost progress that comes with the premier of many online games, "Battlefield 4" pales in comparison to its predecessor, "Battlefield 3. Here are 20 reasons why.
If you’re a fan of the show and can’t wait to find out what happens in Season 4 but don’t have time to read the monstrous books, check out this summary…
Searching for an interpretation of the Meaning of Life that works for all types of belief and non-belief systems, a simplified version everyone can relate to? Well look no further…
Since Hubpages does not feature a method of shuffling your hubs between applicable categories, I decided to outline the best approach of doing so in order to increase traffic to your articles.
Nobody can say pro football is not the most popular sport in America. While college football is third behind Major League Baseball, here are 20 reasons why it still remains better than pro football.
A 2008 Gallup poll showed that 41% of Americans prefer watching football over any other sport, and the numbers have continued to rise. Runners-up included baseball at 10%, basketball at 9%, and hockey at 4%.
What does the Bible truly say about homosexuality and other outdated scriptures Christians no longer follow or practice? Does science prove homosexuals are born that way?
Ever wonder what dark matter, dark energy, black holes, neutron stars, pulsars, and other strange cosmic entities are all about? Looking for a short-and-sweet, not-too-complex explanation?
Does the status quo dictate warp drive technology and the ability to manipulate the space-time continuum will never become possible? Are scientists deluding others based on incomplete information?
Ever wonder how the Universe will end or if there is any afterlife? Will humanity discover a way to escape its own fate? Could we become immortal through science in a virtual-reality Universe?
Will human beings evolve to incorporate the mechanical with the biological, or will we become wholly synthetic? Is the ultimate goal of evolution a mechanical being as opposed to biological one?
Ever wonder what lies beyond our Universe or if there is any type of existence prior to the big bang? Are explanations provided by theoretical physicists confusing or lacking a comprehensible explanation?
Want to know what the future really has in store? Does technology have limits? Does our early twenty-first-century perspective give us the right to doubt any potential accomplishments?
Confused by the inconsistent interpretations of other universes and alternate realities provided by theoretical physicists? Looking or a more specific, logical rendition of the multiverse?
Ever wonder what the Christmas tree or dyeing of eggs has to do with the birth and resurrection of Christ? Suspicious the answer is nothing and they may be pagan in origin? Would God approve?
Searching for a logical, potentially scientific interpretation for some topics considered paranormal? Tired of all the “gimmicky” hype surrounding the topic and how it is portrayed on television?
Are you a pet owner or animal lover and know animals are conscious beings too? If we have a soul, who are we to argue they do not? Looking for a logical approach to help interpret this enigma?
Is science and religion really compatible? Do some aspects of religion or the paranormal have the potential of being proven by science? Should religion embrace and incorporate science?
Is there a happy-medium approach to the topic of UFOs, one based on science & logic? Feel scientists and staunch skeptics should take a closer look at the phenomenon based on the available evidence?
Never quite grasp Einstein’s theories of special and general relativity? Searching for a simplified, short-and-sweet interpretation, but one with a twist? Well look no further…
Are you curious about particle physics, but shy away from it when faced with its overall complexity? Looking for a simplified explanation to this elusive field of science? Well look no further…
Looking for a simplified rendition of astronomy and cosmology in a nutshell, one that outlines all common universal entities in a brief, informative format? Well look no further…
Is the version of Hell portrayed by Christianity an accurate rendition, or did King James get it all wrong? Where did the idea of an eternal hellfire actually originate?
The true meaning of life from a logical-based, scientific perspective, summarized in a forty-word-long sentence that says it all…
Is the concept of time & time travel real or imaginary? Though relativity & time dilation are experimentally verified, could the Universe also exist in a shared state of Now from all perspectives?
Is there a natural, scientific explanation for individuality, or what religious adherents refer to as the "soul?" Will cryonics answer this question once we can safely revive a frozen cadaver?