In this article Bishop Hayes explains why Apostolic Succession is apostolic in origin, and is valid practice for the Lord's church.
3:12-13 “Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from...
To the church for whom the Lord had no rebuke, is given a stern admonition. Their's was a crown that needed to be protected. One may never rest the vigil against the evil one.
Because of Philadelphia's faithfulness, the Lord grants her a privileged status; we discuss that here.
In our second segment on the church of Philadelphia we look to the Lord's acknowledgement of their faithfulness.
In this first segment on the epistle to the church of Philadelphia, we examine the credentials of the one sending the letter.
In this study we consider the biblical resurrection of the dead. The nature of the resurrection and when it will occur are addressed.
In this article we discuss what is commonly called the Rapture of the Lord's church. The following questions are asked and answered: "What is the nature of the Rapture?" and "When will it take place?"
In this article we discuss the importance of the shed blood of jesus Christ to facilitate redemption.
This article will examine what the Bible has to say concerning the outward adorning of a Christian.
This article addresses the question: How do children of Christians become Christians? Is the way of evangelicalism right or wrong?
This study examines the texts that speak of the Coming of Christ. The Greek words erchomai and parousia are considered and their application is explained.
Since the Bible states that God hates "Putting Away," it is important to harmonize this with God allowing divorce, and participating in it Himself. This article addresses that particular issue.
Here we explore the biblical reasons for divorce and remarriage. Many are convinced that the Bible gives no reason for divorce, others accept only 1, but this writer demonstrates. at least, 4.
Here, for the first time we discuss the power of the "Certificate of Divorce" as a license to remarry - both for the guilty and innocent parties.
In this episode on divorce and remarriage we examine what the apostolic church (the Lord's church of the 1st century) had to say on the subject.
Here we examine the question as to the center of authority for the Christian. Is it the Church, as the Catholic and Orthodox declare; or is it holy Scripture as the Protestant and Apostolic profess?
This article introduces all the words of Jesus concerning the subject of divorce. By this introduction of Christ's teaching on the subject we set a compass heading for further study.
This writing seeks to place into the hands of Bible students an easy to understand introduction to the book of James. Luther called this blessed Epistle an epistle of straw. Luther was wrong.
This writing offers an introduction to the Fourth Gospel, the Gospel According to John. This book of the Bible is a Gospel Apart. It is "the other" Gospel. We discover what makes it different.
The New Testament gives two separate genealogies for Jesus. In this article we examine why, and discover some great truths. Most importantly, we see how God is faithful in His covenants.
In this study we examine the importance of biblical symbols, especially in relation to the holy Communion.
This article covers the question as to the nature of the biblical elements of the Lord's Supper. Christians are divided over leavened or unleavened bread; fermented or unfermented fruit of the vine.
There is a message being sent from non-denominational type churches that just anyone may officiate at the Lord's table. Counter to this is the question of the imperfect minister. What says the Bible?
With the many different practices of Eucharistic observance in Christianity it may be a challenge to know what the biblical frequency is; this article seeks to present the biblical view.
This article reviews the question; Is partaking in holy Communion necessary for salvation?
The subject under review in this writing is what is commonly called the “Millennial Reign of Christ.” The word “millennium” means: one thousand; but, is the 1.000 yrs literal or figurative.
We continue our study of Kingdom theology by reviewing Revelation's quadruple warnings of imminent fulfillment. The challenge to futurism is glaring.
This is the first episode on the Christian woman's headcovering taught by the Apostle Paul in the NT. In this introduction it is demonstrated that headcovering is give to be a teacher of headship.
The question of "Who may Partake of holy Communion" is explained by this writing. Some churches practice "open communion", while others practice "closed Communion." Which is biblical?
As one searches the New Testament for a reference to the Christian altar, it comes as a shock to evangelicals that the Lord's Table is the only New Covenant altar mentioned. Here, we declare it so.
This writing establishes the biblical phrase "Breaking Bread" as a discriptive name for the Lord's Supper.
In this writing the author gives a brief description of the different terms used by Christians to describe and identify the sacramental meal Christ instituted the night before His death.
This article is the introduction to a series on the Lord's Supper. Jesus instituted this covenant meal and commanded its observance. Here we review the teachings of those whom the apostles taught.
When the book of Revelation was written has everything to do concerning how the book's prophecies are to be interpreted. The scholars are divided as to an early and late date. Which is correct?
The article before us examines the "signs" Jesus gave in Mt 24. Signs, which Jesus said would appear before the end of the world/age.
Christians profess monotheism. But is it true. In this article "How Is God One" Bishop Jerry Hayes reviews the meaning of One God by looking at the NT Grk words translated "one."
Here, in the concluding episode we discuss infant water baptism, baptism for the dead, and the types and shadows of water baptism from the Old Testament.
This set of 9 questions and answers conclude the discussion on the salvific nature of water baptism.
This episode on baptism picks up the Q&A at Q47 and runs through Q56. We examine the Bible's statements concerning the place of importance WB should hold in our order of religiosities.
Since John the Baptist was the forerunner to the messiah, and since he promoted water baptism for the remission of sin, we will address his baptism at this point in our Q&A.
Our article covers questions 31-40 of the Q&A on Biblical Water Baptism. The formula is further examined as to the friction between baptism into the titles and baptism into the name.
This article examines the biblical formula to be invoked over the candidate in water baptism. We will review the formula and its purpose.
In Episode II on Water Baptism we discuss the biblical mode. Historically, water baptism has been performed in the modes of sprinkling, pouring, and immersion. Which is biblical? Here is the truth.
This article begins a series on biblical water baptism. Through a series of 70 questions and answers Bishop Hayes leads the reader through the many aspects of this most important subject.
The subject matter of this paper is understanding the question, which is the genesis for the Olivet discourse. How may one arrive at the proper answer not understanding the question?
It is amazing how much turns on the interpretation of the word "generation" as used by Jesus in Mt 24:34. In this writing we will explore what Jesus meant by "generation;" the crux of the matter.
In this 9th episode on Divorce and Remarriage we examine the status of divorcees in the Bible. Here we answer the question: "What place does the divorced person hold in biblical society?"
Examples are great teachers. A greater lesson can not be had that to witness how a biblical command was biblically executed. IN this study we will see just that in biblical examples of divorce.
Our article deals with the Kingdom of the Son of Man as presented by the prophet Daniel.
This 4th in a series of Kingdom Teachings of Jesus examines Mt 16:27-28; in particular the statement concerning some of His hears being alive when He returned with the holy Angels.
Part III of the Kingdom teachings of Jesus looks at Mt 13, called "The Kingdom Chapter." Here, Jesus teaches 7 kingdom parables. The students of ecclesiology, and eschatology can not ignore this ch.
In this article several passages from the Gospel of Matthew are reviewed in regard to the Kingdom teachings of Christ. Matthew writes to inform his readers that Jesus established the throne of David.
This article begins a series on the Kingdom teachings of Jesus. Here we look to Christ's own words concerning the Messianic Kingdom, its nature and particulars.
Moses sets forth the "Words of Institution" for divorce and remarriage. In this writing we will review those words in an expository study.
This article continues the narrative concerning the OT prophet's writing about the church age. This paper reviews the prophet Malachi's prophecy of the universal celebration of the Eucharist.
The prophets of the OT foresaw the Church; Amos spoke of it in terms of the Tabernacle of David being rebuild. James, the Lord's half brother, saw this in the Spirit and proclaimed it to be so.
When the Prophet Joel wrote of the messianic age he had the Church age in view. This article is continuing the narrative of how the prophets foresaw the Lord's church.
The purpose of the writing is to show the event of Calvary to be the cutting of God's promised New Covenant with Israel, thus demonstrating the Church to actually be the Israel of promise.
It is argued by dispensationalist that the OT prophets did not see the Church in their prophecies. In this view the OT prophecies only pertain to Jews. This article challenges that position.
This article examines the intention of God for marriage, in the beginning. What the Bible declares marriage to be is shocking to most. This is required knowledge for an understanding of divorce.
Here we begin the Introduction to the vision of the Seven Churches of Asia. In particular we take a close look at v9 of ch 1.
Those who teach that God is a Trinity offer Philippians 2:6-8 as a proof of their dogma and as a refutation of the teaching of Modalism (Oneness). Here, I, as a Modalist believer, examine this text.
We look at the plural pronouns of Ge 1:26; 11:17 & Is 6:8. Is one person of the Trinity actually speaking to another person/persons of the Trinity? This article gives the Modalist/Oneness answer.
An introduction to Christian creeds. What is their function and purpose? Are they biblical? These are two questions addressed.
This article is an exegesis of Revelation 1:8; it concludes our introduction to the Revelation. Here Jesus is unveiled as the Almighty God .
This article continues the John's greetings to the churches of Asia. The saints are called kings and priest, but are warned of a coming judgement.
The Word of God instructs us to study. Many have never been taught the rules involved in studying the Scripture. Here they are introduced. Let all Bible students pay heed!
From the 2nd cent. forward, Christians have debated the person of Jesus: Is he, or isn't He God? If He is God, is He the Father since the Bible makes clear that the Father is the only God there is?
This article concludes the introduction to Christian Divorce and Remarriage. Here is discussed the egalitarian aspect of Divorce.
This series of articles answers the all consuming question: May a Christian divorce and remarry? This is the first of many article to come on the subject. Be sure to read them all.
The book of Revelation opens as an epistle. As such it contains an official greetings in verses 4 and 5. This article exegetes that greeting.
This article reveals the literary form of the book of Revelation. Such information goes a long way in helping the Bible student grasp the knowledge offered by this great book.
The Apostle John writes a prologue to the Revelation; we review it here. First things first.
The Kingdom of God. What is it? What is its make-up and nature. This article ventures into these questions.
So much depends on the order of sequence for the visions of Revelation that this question must be settled before any progress can be made is understand this all importunity manuscript.
This article investigates the mystery person of the Bible called Melchizedek. Here we consider the documents of Qumran, that, for the first time, gives extra-biblical information concern him.
The biblical book of Revelation is apocalyptic literature and as such is cryptic in nature. There are messages encrypted within the text. The list of the twelve tribes delivers just such a message.
A biblical study in anthropology. Here we explore the question: Is man ontologically two distinctives - body and soul, or three - body, soul and spirit?
The East thinks circularly, while the West thinks linearly. These two philosophical approaches to Bible prophecy will illumine many things.