Attempting to find a better life as an RN, I decided to accept a corporate position with a home health company. All indications, including my previous experience, had me optimistic for success.
As a single person, especially one trapped between generations; wouldn't it be nice to have a place to go that is recognized as the the 'final word' regarding any etiquette question you may have?
For 'beginner' online daters. Meant to be entertaining, but please note the serious messages. The goal is to prevent the 'beginners' from becoming intermediate, advanced or lifetime online daters!
Do you wish to learn about the affects of childhood abuse on other adult survivors? Gut wrenching, convoluted dreams of childhood affect me on a deep level & occur randomly with no obvious triggers.
Is there really a difference between "play ball" or "mouth off"? Both engage, enrage, have sides, winners and losers. If there isn't a good game on tonight, tune into your favorite political channel.
A young nurse is crisp and fresh with updated book smarts. The older nurse has valuable life experience, broad knowledge, instinctual abilities and doesn't need to think twice in an emergency.
Before deciding to become a nurse, most people really don't understand what is really involved in terms of responsibilities and lifetime physical and emotional effects of the profession.
Has the lagging US economy prompted you to consider professions that you have not previously considered; professions that promise financial security such a nursing? Do you feel called to be a nurse?