This short story of 1640 words titled Mom Only Likes Diamonds centers on the ways in which well-intentioned parents sometimes neglect their children’s needs to preserve their own marriage. The results of this enforced closeness can carry on into adulthood.
My husband's lived experience of his table tennis transition from a standing player to a player with a disability using a wheelchair, and the adjustments made to his equipment, style of play and inclusion in the sport
Although we tend to view imprisonment as locking someone in a small cramped space for a few months or a lifetime, it can take any number of forms, many of which are invisible to anyone beyond the plaintiff and defendant
The mother/daughter connection is one of the most powerful bonds, but its most painful reality comes when roles slowly begin to reverse, and daughters find their chief source of comfort must be shielded from the harshest aspects of their own aging lives
From page to stage, many plays can mean as much or more when read by ourselves than when we see them performed for an audience. Even before writing implements were perfected, plays, both comic and tragic, have been a source of enrichment.
While standards of beauty have changed throughout millennia, the quest for perfection has been ongoing. In an era when even vocal cord surgery is available, the future of cosmetic surgery seems infinite.
From Egyptian hieroglyphics to current emoticons, the urge to communicate with as many people as can be reached has been a primal human need. Formatting and presenting intriguing written work will capture your reader.
A Saint decanonized is a fact-based story of the human element of Saint Christopher’s removal from the roster of Catholic Saints. Christian saints are revered by believers as protectors of various aspects of life. Hence, the removal of one of them can cause an enormous amount of pain and disruption
Friendships are one of our major sources of joy and well-being. Sadly, often those most in need of its solace, present themselves in a way which proves smothering to those they approach. Equally painful is the belief in friendships being sold rather than offered.
What is a mermaid? No-one truly knows. Real or mythical, these poems reflect thoughts beyond realities, and how mermaids can be shaped to conform to the ideal of anyone’s perception.
As people age, their lack of control over their lives tends to diminish. This loss of autonomy can result in voicing their frustration upon those most eager to nurture them through their difficult moments.
Often, in hindsight, we realise the significance of events and encounters from the past. The two young women here discern this in individual ways, painful while enlightening.
Greed centers on the passion for acquisition. Grandiosity, though akin to greed, is more focused on the narcissistic drive to be admired and envied. These two short stories deal with the human susceptibility for power and wealth
Nearly every child undergoes a number of formative experiences before reaching adolescence. It is impossible to gauge which of these will impact, in an uplifting or dispiriting influence
Caring for the elderly is often defined as a vocation for the angelic, but the needs of both can nurture animosity and a disposition to deceive
There have been a number of criminal duos, many of them intertwined on an intimate level, Myra Hindley and Ian Brady will almost certainly be viewed, for centuries, as a twosome of demoniac killers
William Calcraft, best known for executing poisoner Mary Ann Cotton, became renowned for his ability to use the short drop method and prolong the hanging process for public entertainment.
Short stories exploring the impact of bullying, both in terms of domestic domination and abuse about personal appearance
The criminal law system penalizes defendants found guilty of murder. The tort of wrongful death is meant to ease the financial and emotional suffering of those close to the victim
The tort of Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress has evolved, by slow degrees, into the legal lexicon. For some time, physical symptoms were required for a claim to be viewed as valid.
Assault is a deliberate creation of a well-based belief that harmful or offensive contact is about to occur. Battery comprises this contact.
Types of food and their preparations are central to nearly every society; etiquette sometimes creates confusion in cross-cultural dealings.
Tort law, consisting of the right of one person to sue another, is a fairly recent development. This article describes the historical development of tort law along with its function in contemporary society.
During the scourge of warfare, defenseless children are often exploited in the most ruthless scenarios. Whether evacuated to safer places, tested for ethnic purity or imprisoned, they suffer.
While numerous people have felt deep conflicts between their physiological and psychological structures, gender reassignment has been slow to emerge as a pathway to freedom
The consequences of personal struggles and the strength to overcome them vary with individuals. While for some, the scars can become a source of power and self, others remain haunted by a degree of anguish.
Hostility and contempt towards women, or belief in their inborn inferiority, have pervaded religious and political ideology. Many women believe the fight continues to obtain equality and respect
While those working in the hospitality industry provide vital services, Some believe the growing expectations of tipping is becoming too high. Perhaps a middle ground needs to be reached
Start the day inspired with Jesus and Christianity. Choose a quote for any day of the week when preparing yourself to overcome adversities which lay ahead
Palimony is a claim by one partner who has been rejected by the other that their commitment was such as to justify the same rights to financial assets as would be awarded to a divorced spouse
Collection of over 200 one liner quotes and sayings suitable for social networking, humor, satire, cards and headings about all aspects of life
One of the most horrifying crimes comes about when a doctor, trusted at the deepest physical and psychological levels, exploits their position.
We search for the explanations of the mysteries that touch upon our existence; these quotes focus on philosophy, existentialism, and metaphysics
Joy can be found in a short novel, memoir or historical account. There is unique pleasure in engaging with a book for a brief but memorable experience for a day
As time passes, we tend to reassess words and actions as we emerge from childhood through adolescence. Maturity may re-affirm our original reactions and interpretations, or instead may alter them.
Most cultures have developed customs that bring two people together within a traditional marriage. Still, ongoing changes reflect evolutions of ideas in societal frameworks
While societal mores impact expectations of spousal conduct, abuse is unacceptable in any era. Motivations of husbands diverge; incentives for violations seem to spring from a quest for power.
All of us have need of an inspirational boost in order to sustain hope and courage. Renewal can be the motivational wellspring of quotes written by those who have triumphed over similar struggles
Overall, the word “assassination” has been associated with a premeditated killing of a celebrated often pro-active political figure. Their removal often influenced the path of society, both by the debatable necessity, or public outrage of such an act.
A proverb can be defined as a saying that imparts wisdom acquired by sages throughout their lives. They can range from homespun awareness to enigmatic philosophies.
The ceaseless march of science and digital technology has thrust mankind into the era of gadgetry. How soon will today's creations become obsolete depends upon tomorrow’s needs and discoveries.
The proliferation of books on true crime reflects its rise and impact upon public reading. Historically murder was always a newsworthy event. Nowadays too many atrocious crimes ply for top place.
Memoirs chronicle one significant aspect or segment of a person's life rather than its entirety. They convey the ambiance of their social framework, broadening the reader’s knowledge and perspective.
Grief and loss are dealt with in various ways. To some extent, this is based on background and temperament. At times both anguish and memories can confront us when we least expect them to arise.
My collection of 100 random quotes chosen for their meaningful and enigmatic content both from modern and established authors and complemented with pleasing images
While censorship is associated with religious suppression and totalitarianism, it is practised more subtly in the media even in those countries which pride themselves on freedom of expression in the written word.
Though growing girls are often considered to be closer to their mothers than fathers, paternal values can also have an intense impact for good or evil
People wishing to communicate with the dead often seek the aid of psychic’s, medium’s, and clairvoyant’s. While some deem this practice fraudulent, others have found deep fulfilment
Increasingly, gangs are recruiting children into lives of crime and violence. Even the most dedicated teachers cannot shield students once their school day is over
In order to feel guilt or shame, we must first have a conscience. By what means does this conscience evolve, and how does it impact upon our dealings with others?
Views differ as to what generates the concept of sin, and why some sins are deemed more deadly than others. Some scholars believe religion to be its source, or conscience is activated by wrongdoing.
Foster care can result in deep and lasting love on both sides. Sadly, some foster parents are exploitive, or the children have been too emotionally damaged to live happily in a family environment
These poems reflect the various ways in which relationships can be sources of tender intimacy. Sadly, whether between lovers or family members closeness can also cause loss and conflict
Every civilization has created and venerated deities, and many include demigods and saints. In today’s world we often need to idolize these beings in order to gain emotional fulfillment?
The prison experience for women differs from that of men, mainly caused by separation from children. Still, small day-to-day acts of compassion can help ease the ongoing sense of despair and anguish.
Lies and betrayal are synonymous with the bigamist. In western societies, bigamy is a legal and moral violation. Still, in parts of the world, religions and cultures regard polygamy as a way of living
This article explores some of the reasons behind addictions to nicotine, food, and alcohol, as well as the potential to overcome and recover from their control.
Residential centers for substance abuse issues have proved vital in the treatment and recovery of addicts. Still, in some cases out-patient care, while remaining in the community is preferable.
The giving of gifts can be an affectionate result of listening throughout the year to the wishes of others, which can help you in selecting a delightful present for the proper occasion.
The theory of eugenics within the application of social philosophy has been used to justify idealists throughout history. Reforms under this badge of humanitarianism often involve forced sterilization
An increasing number of studies indicate that many parents who pride themselves upon not engaging in physical punishment of their children do inflict major emotional harm which can result in lifelong scarification.
Loneliness is one of the most pervasive plagues of the human condition. Yet, it is often one of the most difficult subjects for society as a whole to address. These stories focus upon sources of isolation
Pomanders are one of the top ways to retain the wonderful aromas that nature provides. This is a list of our favorite flowers and herbs, as well as their benefits.
While adoption is often a joyous experience for parents and children, it can also create deep psychological issues. In recent times, scarcity of potential adoptees has led to disturbing consequences
The following is a collection of rare quotes and sayings that I have unearthed from memoirs and other aspects of literature. Some are from famous authors and many are published here for the first time
While countless songs are composed and recorded each year, there are only a small number of evergreen songs that even if not heard for decades will reappear and again become the hits they once were.
Kevin Craigavon was forced to poach in order to stave off starvation. Fleeing Ireland in fear of reprisal, he landed in America where signs reading “Irish need not apply” were posted outside many shops and factories
Parents are often oblivious to the emotional harm they can cause their children. This may come about when children sense parents are more concerned with social status and material things.
These short stories about Christmas are based on memories. Thoughts of times gone by can become bittersweet as they remind us of romance and younger days which can never be recaptured.
Throughout history, the ruthless have profited by the threat to publicize humiliating information regarding a target. In a subtler sense, emotional blackmail, often created by instilling a sense of guilt, has served as a potent means of control.
Revenge and retribution permeate history, literature, psychology and law. The urge to avenge one’s self for real or imagined slights and injuries is part of the human condition
Hate crime and bullying have long been interwoven into our historical framework. Still, only in recent decades, have they been recognized by the judicial system with an added dimension of gravity.
While generally associated with romantic pursuit stalking can also be rooted in issues of control and power. Whatever its motive its effects can be traumatic upon its victim.
Every crime or civil offense involves one or more victim/s. In addition, those close to someone who has been subjected to violence may be hurt by its aftermath. Whether or not the perpetrator is apprehended the consequences for the victim remain
Collection of quotes and sayings about a variety of subjects, words, events and people; novel and funny, sad and wise, enigmatic and subtly inspiring, chosen for toastmasters and after dinner speeches
Names are a symbol of one’s identity and are of deep significance to the bearer. They are an undercurrent in a variety of situations and evoke feelings that impact on interpersonal dealings.
Given the almost dizzying progress of technology, the opportunities for fraud and deception are bound to expand. The tendency of one person to exploit the trust of another pervades human history.
In order to succeed in sport, an athlete needs a great deal of physical and psychological strength. This vital encouragement often takes place with coaching on the field and in a counselor’s office
Due to their responsibilities, police officers must face countless danger-fraught choices. For the most part, they stay within an ethical code. However, zeal can lead to abuse and injustice.
Liberty is perceived in many guises, equality, freedom and self-expression are taken for granted yet our right of free speech is curtailed by the politics of the day.
For centuries, the power and menace of gambling has been understood. Still, its inclusion in the lexicon of addictions requiring treatment has been fairly recent.
The likelihood of wrongful conviction has been lessened by advances in both DNA testing, and the prevalence of CCTV. Still, we can never completely eliminate the potential and reality of the judicial fiasco
Self-indulgence is fun, but if carried to excess, it tends to spawn physical, emotional and social issues. Self-righteousness is also an insidious vice, and for some, it is as enjoyable as the pleasures they condemn. The quotes in this article explore indulgence, excess, greed, waste and more.
Never has any legal concept been as deeply debated as that of the death penalty. The question as to whether society has the right to end the life of one of its members cuts to the core of the most profound values
In recent times, medical science has recognised Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) as a genuine form of depression for which various treatments have become available
A challenge arises when striving to understand the motive behind a practical joke. Any prank played upon someone risks causing that person physical or emotional pain. Where do we draw the line?
While starting any business is challenging, setting up a counseling practice tends to prove especially daunting. This type of practice requires both stamina and openness to innovation.
Obsessive compulsive disorder is recognized as ranging from mildly distressing behavior to a debilitating illness. These cases have been gleaned from literature and my experience as a psycho-therapist
Ideally, war is a conquest and peace results from the opposing parties agreeing upon a new moral and political framework. Alternatively one side will win while the other will be subjugated
Grief is a natural reaction following death and bereavement. When a loved one passes, we mourn them and share our sorrow with others close to us whilst confronting our own mortality. Enjoy this collection of quotes and stories about death, grief, and coping with loss.
The question as to the meaning of life is asked by mankind in his quest to understand his existence. This query continues in various forms: art, philosophy, and metaphysical thought.
So long as the permitted degree of domination continues, those subjected to its control can feel shielded from harm while free of suppression.
Our earth provides humankind with the natural stimuli that encourages and nurtures us. Within that tangled world we strive to control our uncharted future.
Burglary involves the unauthorized entry into the building of another with the intention of committing a crime therein. While this is generally theft, a conviction can result from unlawful entry in order to commit another felony
Cruelty and forms of abuse can be disguised as an effort to help a subordinate, or partner to fulfil their potential. In a brutal sense, this comprises an attack on the psyche of the victim
Ultimately, the need to read and write seems to be integral to one of the deepest needs we have, that of reaching beyond ourselves and being understood through literature
While some art forms can be enjoyed on a variety of levels, others are wholly or largely visual. Art also embraces aspects of theater, ballet, acting, sculpture, and architecture.
Involuntary manslaughter serves as a catch-all for killings which do not fall within a definite rubric. Involving the unlawful killing of another, it lacks the premeditation of first degree murder
From the moment we are born, our time on this earth begins passing. Early childhood seems almost timeless yet as we begin to grow older, gradually life becomes more regimented and memories abound
Once a death by murder has been ascertained, the legal system must decide which category of killing has occurred. Since its early development the judiciary has accepted the idea that at times, even the gentlest person can be inflamed by an overpowering frenzy.
These quotes and anecdotes about cats and dogs illustrate their integration into human society as our favorite pets. They share our love and are often represented in literature, films, and cartoons.
English football clubs commemorate their famous players with statues. We have picked the top eleven images and included historical descriptions, the name of the sculptor, and the date the statue was unveiled.
Knowledge can be acquired by studying the works of others. Wisdom can grow from experience and observation, yet we can fail to learn the compassion and understanding possessed by the truly wise.
Love, like hope, is one of the most compelling forces in human life. While marriage is often associated with romantic passion, love can take any number of forms.
The crime of kidnapping has a long, sad and sordid history. While its primary motivation is greed, other reasons can prove equally powerful. This article illustrates some of the ways societal values and penalties have evolved.
Conspiracy in itself can constitute a crime. Assistance given in any form, with knowledge of its intended use in a criminal act, involves the provider in whatever conduct ensues.
The crime of arson may be perpetrated for a number of reasons. Its primary motivator is financial gain garnered through insurance fraud. Still, some arsonists act out of revenge.
Given the publicity surrounding the defence of insanity, there tends to be a public belief in its prominence during criminal trials. In fact this defence is raised only in a small percentage of trials
While terminology sometimes differs, concepts and principles underlying various types of homicide are much the same throughout the English-speaking world. Killings during the commission of a major felony are viewed as especially heinous.
Causing the death of another human being by deliberate poisoning, if proved to a court’s satisfaction, constitutes incontrovertible evidence of premeditated murder.
What renders cases involving first degree murder of more interest than almost all other crimes? Arguably, it is the human element which is most absorbing. The killing of one human being by another possesses the most fascination.
Many students beginning their law school careers bring with them a sense of arrogance. Caught up in the exuberance of youth, they have met with success in most, if not all, of their early endeavors.
Learn about the evolution of criminal law, from inception as an act in itself, towards understanding that both intent and act are vital to the judicial view of the commission of a crime.
The great poets conveyed so much in a comparatively limited space. As time passes we come to treasure lifetime memories within these poems.
These poems focus largely upon people I have known and the dynamics noted in various types of human relationships. I am fascinated by the ways people interact with tenderness, fondness, rancour and rage
Learn how to evade invasive questions. Your personal information is a valuable product in the hands of those who might wish to use, share or profit from it.