Why do we do what we do? What's the real motive behind our actions and, more importantly, what's the consequences?
What did you eat today spiritually? Was it the fast food version, a bottle of "water" you purchased at the store, or did you take time to prepare the "meal," to really season the "food" and let it simmer for a while so that it could be the best it could.
Much has been said about Role-playing games and being a Christian (Dungeons and Dragons being the main one). Are they really evil as some say? Are they just a game as other say? These are my gleanings on the subject.
A Poem about the good, the bad and the affect we can have on each other.
This week we take the last 3 verses of the Lord's Prayer and break them down to see what is meant by daily bread, forgiving others and asking God not to "lead us into temptation" which seems much like an oxymoron if you really think about, but when you break it down you can see what this even means.
The Lords Prayer, given to the apostles when they asked Jesus to teach them to pray. What can we learn from it as we ask the question, How do we pray?
In the continued interview of prayer in the Bible, this week we will tackle three smaller questions, who should pray, who should we pray for, and what are our condition for prayer.
In the night things that we care not know about, walk here and there. And things that we dare not admit, stalk the things we dare not know. Inspired by two friends while in the army
Who do you pray to? Seems like a simple answer right, but do you KNOW the one you pray too? Who is God?
When should we pray? Is there a Biblical mandate to pray at certain times of the day (before bed, early in the morning), at certain activities (meal time), or because of things that are happening around us. The Bible give direction for everything in life, including "When we should pray."
Jesus told us to "go into a closet to pray". What does that mean? What did Jesus give us as an example of prayer?
To Pray or not to Pray, that is the question. Why do you pray? Is that even the correct question? They say that there are no atheists in a fox hole, but is praying out of fear a good reason to pray? What then is a good "why" to pray question.
What is prayer? More importantly, how does the Bible define prayer. this is part one of a multiple part lesson taught in a Sunday School class where we opened the Bible and the Bible alone to ask about prayer.
A cool treat at a picnic. Cole slaw that is frozen until it is needed. Easy to make, and a real treat on a hot day. Package into small containers before freezing and pull one out the night before you need it.
What is a man? The media portrays men as one thing in the shows and sitcoms, but is that what God intended men to be? What does your family see when they look at you men?