Want to create a children's picture book? This article contains a lot of what you need to know—from brainstorming ideas to creating and marketing your book. This article is a guide that will give you the information and confidence you need to get started.
As the capabilities of artificial intelligence continue to expand, many industries are experiencing massive change. The field of writing is no exception, with some predicting that AI will eventually replace writers of the human variety altogether. But is this really likely?
With the right knowledge, writing a grant proposal can be done easily and successfully. In this article, we'll explore the basics of planning and writing a grant proposal for beginners. Read on to learn more.
Are you an aspiring author with a great idea for a non-fiction book? Have you been researching, writing, and revising but are still struggling to get your book published? Don't worry, this article has the tips and tricks you need to write a successful non-fiction book. Keep reading to learn more.
Many authors overlook a crucial trick in fiction writing, which is imperative to produce top-notch creative work for novels, short stories, and memoirs. It requires dedication and effort to master this hidden gem, but once you do, the difference in the quality of your writing will be remarkable.
If you've been dreaming of creating an online course, this article will help you learn how to plan and develop your course so that it can successfully attract students. Get ready to learn how to build your online course from scratch as well as how to advertise it and bring in the right students.
This is the third of my three-article series on how to create fictional worlds and all the details that go into making them unique and special, for your readers. This final article looks at advanced techniques fiction writers can use to make settings/places more believable and exciting for readers.
If you love the idea of creating fictional worlds and would like to learn more about the details that go into creating them, then this article is for you. This is the second in a three-article series where I discuss and examine techniques fiction writers can use to build believable fictional worlds.
Do you ever find yourself completely immersed in the world of a book or movie? Ever wanted to create your own unique world others could explore or escape to? If so, then this article is for you. In it, I will discuss the techniques fiction writers can use to build believable fictional worlds.
This article explores much of what it takes to find and develop your voice as a writer. It also examines editing and revising your work.
Writing fiction well takes time and practice. There are many tips and tricks out there to help you become a better writer, but what is the best way to go about it? In this article, we'll explore different strategies for honing your writing skills so that you can become a master wordsmith.
Are you trying to figure out the best way to write a captivating short story? It's important to comprehend the fundamental components of a gripping short story whether you're a budding author or a student with a writing assignment. Learn more by reading on.
This article takes a look at and compares Plato's and Aristotle's views on the human soul and examines how these great philosophers differed on a number of topics when it came to the human soul.
Writers can craft emotionally intense scenes that compel readers to keep reading by understanding the emotional terrain of romance novels. In a romance novel, we vicariously experience the characters' feelings of love, hope, fear, and jealousy in a compelling and engrossing way that is relatable.
There are steps you can take to improve your chances of writing a story readers will adore, even though there are no guarantees when it comes to what might become a best-selling romance novel. To write a best-selling novel in any genre, you need to closely follow the guidelines of the genre.
Writing can be a completely daunting task that involves a lot more than technical skills and facility with language. To finish what we start, most of us need more. We need a perspective on writing that sustains us. This article looks at sustaining perspectives of legendary African-American authors.
Just as gardeners welcome ladybugs—since these tiny beetles devour the most problematic plant pests—as self-publishers, we have to be gardeners of our writing.
A broad array of solutions are now part of a growing trend within the transportation industry, from providing answers to problems in automobile manufacturing, to injecting innovative ideas into products and services, to remain competitive in consumer markets while achieving business goals.
Rose is challenged to change her life by changing things about herself that she knows have always contributed to her remaining obese, things that have kept her from connecting with people close to her, people she loves.
Already know how to make amazing videos? Determined to take your skills into the realm of filmmaking? These tips from a successful beginning filmmaker might help you decide if you're ready.
Jenny had a special power she did not want. Some called it a gift. Others called it a curse. All Jenny wanted was for it to go away.
After self-publishing her first two novels, this author shares what she sees as the biggest advantages and disadvantages of self-publishing.
If you love stage plays, I think you'll love Irma Nell's story. Strange things happen sometime. Mysterious, inexplicable things. Question is: Do we always have to understand everything, or can life bring blessings to us in ways we can't completely understand?
Ready to discover (or to re-discover) the "fiery commitment" you'll need to write your first novel? This article retraces the author's journey toward completing her first novel, including ten tips that helped her finally get it done.
Before my mother was diagnosed with dementia, I decided to take her on vacation with me. I thought a trip might "rejuvenate" her, mind and spirit. I found out the hard way just how wrong I was.
Warning signs were there, but I didn't want to see them. I knew Mama was experiencing memory loss, but the word "dementia" wasn't in my vocabulary when it came to words I associated with my mother.
Can you do math in your head? Yes, you can! It's a learned skill that saves most of us lots of time each and every day, and it increases our chances of getting the right answer to math problems!
A close-up look at the personalities of 15 breeds. Includes major traits, size/weight expectations, grooming and exercise needs, as well as intelligence and leadership needs.
Stuck at home with nothing to do? If you like arts and crafts, and working with fabric, you'll love this article! Be sure to check out the picture gallery too. It features many creative works of art created by a very talented self-taught artist.
This article is a companion piece to the Hub titled "Folk Art: The Self-Taught Artist." There are three articles in this series.
A look at “folk art” as unique artistic creations that are “homegrown” and handmade. This is the lead article to a series of three on the topic of art and the self-taught artist.
Thoughts on how I was raised to be a "Child of God," and on what it has meant to me, as I live my life in a troubled world, during troubled times.
Working from home is not for everyone. It works best for people who enjoy being at home more than they like being away from home.
The mind keeps secrets both terrible and wonderful. Will Eva's memories keep her terrorized and chained to the past, or will they compel her to push forward, into her future?
Torn between two loves? I want to love meat and eat like a vegetarian. Can I manage both? Let's talk about it!
Because we can become spiritually sick from allowing worry and anxiety to overwhelm us, the Bible has lessons to help us change our perspective so we can see, once again, the brighter side of life.
A young woman's life is transformed by the decisions she makes. Marybeth finds freedom, strength, and self-confidence through the making of her own decisions—with courage, for better or for worse.
One of the most famous "nonconformist" of all time, Galileo was a rebel. Hence, he suffered the slings and arrows of daring to think differently, holding different beliefs from those of the masses.
Obedience to God ignites a desire to live under His authority, while disobedience sparks a fire for complete independence, the opposite of total submission to God's authority.
Pent up emotions and feelings have to be released, and forgiveness—not anger or bitterness, is the way to release them. But what happens when forgiveness is not just hard, but impossible to do?
Paul Laurence Dunbar and James Weldon Johnson, both celebrated African-American poets, wrote poems using “Negro Dialect,” but for different reasons.
This article presents discussion about special challenges we all face as we work to maintain healthy relationships. It includes two scenarios/examples of relationship with issues that must be overcome.
This article presents some of the most important considerations for creating good advertising content (visual and verbal messaging).
Single? Use it to glorify God through your singleness. You don't have to endure a joyless, lonely existence. Singleness can be celebrated as an opportunity to live a full and blessed life, for God.
Faith is not something we have in the absence of doubt. It is something we have in spite of it. A little doubt can seem more overwhelming than a lot of faith, so we must attend to it when it comes.
God wants us to lean on Him for courage and strength, first to discover our gifts, and then to use them to live meaningful and fulfilling lives, in order to accomplish our purpose for being.
This article examines grief as a process that doesn’t have a designated time factor associated with it. It is a journey, the author says, that does not last always. You can emerge from it--stronger.
The age of e-commerce is now. Are you currently interested in starting an e-commerce business but unsure of where to start? You're fortunate! The fundamentals of e-commerce and how to launch your own online business will be covered in this article. Read on to learn more.
A look at the four types of consumer buying behavior and the behavioral, social and psychological factors that influence them.
This article examines how personal characteristics influence consumer behavior. How does your personality respond to marketing? How can marketers and manufacturers benefit from understanding and targeting consumers' personality?
This article presents the argument that God's punishment against Adam and Eve is not the reason that humans are sinful.
This article is designed to help those who market products and services and want to learn more about the buying behavior of the ultimate consumer.
Just as we have to learn how to eat right in order to best nourish our physical body, we also need to feed our spirit the right things in order to nourish and keep it healthy—for our own good.
This article explores some of the most important external variables that must be considered when making pricing decisions. It takes a look at things such as, pricing decisions made in different types of markets; consumer price sensitivity; pricing strategies driven by consumers and competitors, and...
This article provides an introduction to some of the primary factors that must go into the decision about what to charge for products/services. It will help anyone, seasoned and new marketers, because it looks closely at pricing considerations that can help in developing sound pricing strategies.
This article examines methods used to set prices when a company has more than one product for sale. From using a "skimming" strategy while bringing a new product to market, to bundling old and new products together into a "package deal," this article explores pricing structures used by companies.
This article takes a look at why and how new product development is managed by companies.
Life's journey is filled with both joy and affliction. But since we can choose how to feel about what comes for or against us, it's possible to live life inspired, every day.
Since disobedience leads to sin, it is my goal to offer something in this article that can benefit, in some way, anyone who is struggling with being obedient to God's authority.
This Hub presents a discussion about plus-sized women who have found plus-sized success in life. It also contains a pictorial essay about plus-sized women who are goal-oriented, amazing and fierce.
The introduction of new products or services can require large outlays of cash. Manufacturers often use test markets to gather information related to sales potential & other marketing considerations.
You might be surprised to learn that simply engaging in really simple everyday activities, while thinking positive thoughts, can help anyone chase the blues away.
This article presents the four main stages of the product life cycle: Introduction, Growth, Maturity, and Decline. It includes a brief discussion of "success strategies" marketers can employ at different stages of the product's life cycle.
This article is about learning to use prayer and faith for self-control, from moment to moment, over feelings and emotions that lead you to overindulge in food and drink.
Starting over can definitely be rough and tough, for work or for any other area of your life. Now is the time to begin working on making the changes you want to see in your work and in your personal life, in 2020.
God provides a way for us to turn away from sin. If He can move mountains, He can remove the desire to sin from you. But you have to desire a life that rises above the sinful desires of the flesh.
As we go through challenging times, if you are needing, continually looking for, and always striving to discover new hope, this article is here to tell you about how hope is always there, waiting for you. Waiting for us, even during times when it seems to be gone for good.
This Hub provides a basic introduction to many of the "macro level" considerations affecting a company's ability to be/stay in business.
This article examines the "micro" marketing environment, elements external to marketing management, and the effects on a firm's ability to serve or respond to customers, suppliers, and others.
Resentment holds you back, and you're better than that. This article is about finding personal peace and contentment by learning to release pent-up resentment.
Christians should not become broken and destroyed, spiritually, by suffering. Why? Because it is only by going through periods of suffering that we learn to put our faith completely in the word of God.
This article examines considerations that must precede and accompany the marketing planning process.
Here's a look at considerations related to customer value. It's a fact: Successful marketers understand the need for consumer-focused marketing that emphasizes creating and sustaining customer value.
This Hub examines patience and why we all need to develop it. Unless we understand and learn to appreciate the need for patience, we run the risk of missing out on important life lessons.
If you write, there's a good chance you might feel the need to reconnect, from time to time, with what it is that makes good writing good. This article offers information that can help anyone improve basic writing skills.
God’s wisdom is something we should use every day, not only to discern or judge what is true, right, and of lasting value, but also to provide what we need during times like these, when life keeps getting harder.
Are you a small business owner or a marketer with a limited budget? If you are, did you know there are ways to communicate with potential customers that can have high impact, and low or no cost?
Learning the basics of advertising can help anyone improve their understanding of the marketing process. One source estimates that U.S. ad spending in 2019 will amount to 240.7 billion U.S. dollars, up from 223.7 billion recorded in 2018.
If you knew the harm that could result from negative words spoken by you, to you, would you change how you talk to yourself? This article presents a strong discussion about how you can keep your "self-talk" positive.
This Hub examines some of what it takes to centralize a company's marketing services and activities. It presents advantages provided by allowing one department to handle all marketing activities.
This article discusses how, in order to develop and grow spiritually and in the physical world, we sometimes have a need to develop more and greater self-confidence.
Will you allow your inner voice to keep telling you to put off starting your own business? This article presents two case studies to help you forge ahead to determine when it's time to start your business.
A themed room is fun to put together, especially when designed to celebrate or honor a love of books and reading. Reflect your personality, and what you love, to add warmth and character to your home.
It is not difficult to get a bad reputation just by being in business. Many people believe businesses are interested only in making money, and that ethics and morality seem to have no place in business. This article takes a look at the meaning of some basic "business ethics" concepts.
This article examines the difference between the concepts of "media relations" and "public relations." While many people use them interchangeably, they actually refer to two distinct professional areas.
No matter what weight or size you are, loving yourself unconditionally will help you learn to make more healthful choices that will automatically result in weight loss.
This Hub takes a look at some of the primary tools of storytelling, for film, that can help anyone who is considering making a movie adaptation of a novel.
This article presents information designed to help you become more aware and more confident when it's time to consider alternatives, before making big and difficult choices.
Writers who publish their own work can use this Hub to help guide or improve the selection of images used to support, illustrate, emphasize, or set the tone for an article or story.
This article examines four major areas of responsibility of project managers: Project scope, resources, time, and costs considerations. Also, provides overview of things "managed" by project manager.
This article offers a three-step process for overcoming the destructive effects of self doubt.
This article takes a look at the best way to smack the ugly face of procrastination with the spirit-empowering Word of God.
Want and need to be blessed? Want and expect to be divinely cared for? Want prosperity and happiness to be yours? This article examines the nature of blessings, and what it really means to be blessed.
This Hub looks at reasons why ending “self-centeredness” actually allows you to love yourself and others, more and better.
This article offers advice and suggestions that can help bring an end to just about any bad habit, if/when someone is ready to call it quits.
This article takes a look at what it means to be resilient and offers advice to help anyone triumph over adversity, life's disparaging events and occurrences, tough breaks, and/or other formidable challenges.
Want to insert a dream sequence into your next book? You might want to read this article to look at what writers need to consider before, during, and after inserting a dream into a book or novel.
What are the two main elements that can "drive" a well-told story? In this article, the author looks at both plot and characters as elements that can be used to drive a story. Then she offers methods that can be used to develop characters well, for those wanting to learn how to write a good,...
Hub looks at what it takes to create a fictional hero who seems real. What are the critical, primary considerations writers must take care not to overlook when dreaming up a character to be a hero?
This article will look at both scientific and not-so-scientific considerations that might help ignite the spark of romance.
This Hub provides information/discussion, and steps to take if/when, as an employee, you feel you have been discriminated against in an illegal manner.
This article takes a look at the meaning of employee empowerment. How does it look at work? What must employees understand to be truly empowered? Who benefits from employee empowerment?
This article defines and looks at the topic of management ethics. Should corporations be held to the same ethical/moral standards as individuals, in the management of business? Why or why not? Is it really reasonable for for us to hold corporations to standards of ethics and morality?
Facing change head-on can help you to focus and re-energize your life. This article examines ways to calm fears, stress, and anxiety that can accompany major life changes.
This article takes a look at different topics associated with having enemies. Who is an enemy? Is it possible to interact, harmoniously, with someone who does not like you?
Be careful when it comes to what you say to you. This Hub will help you become more aware of your inner voice, to help you make your self-talk positive.
This article is about managing the stress of change. It looks at change as something we fear, that, if viewed properly, can offer opportunities for personal growth and development.
Fueled by negative self-talk, it is known that negative thinking contributes to increased stress, a major contributor to a host of other medical maladies.
Beware: Reading this article can lead to positive thinking that could lead to goal achievement. If you prefer negative thinking that leads to failure, and if you don't want to laugh your way to success, then do not read this article!
When friendship is toxic, it is dysfunctional. Instead of being a source of joy and peace—a life preserver, it's more of a danger to your emotional health—an anchor that causes your spirit to sink.
This article takes a look at change management from a communications planning perspective. Effective communication is vital to success in business and crucial to the success of change management.
Tips for beginners who want to learn how to write an effective press release, from how to determine the "news worthiness" of a story or idea, to the writing of the headline and body of the release.
This articles presents a discussion about why obeying God is not something that's done to help God. It's not something to do to help us, and to avoid punishment. Obedience to Him glorifies God, but should be done out of a desire to live your best life possible, on Earth.
Small business owners, entrepreneurs, and non-profit organizations can benefit greatly from learning what successful companies know about "public relations."
Is pride ever a good thing to have? If God wants us to be humble, does that mean we can never feel pride? This article explores the negative aspects of pride, but it also looks at the other side of pride.
You do not have to stay on the hamster wheel of negative thinking. It is possible to take charge of what you are saying to you, and in doing so, change your negative thoughts to positive actions. This Hub presents a story about someone I know who did just that, successfully. See what you can learn...
Does a perfectly competitive market exist anywhere in the world? The best answer is no because perfect competition is an ideal, not reality. So, how far from ideal is America's market system?
Demonstrating the spirit of God in your work life, church life, social, and leisure life is the goal of Christian living. This Hub looks at what it means to take God with you to work.
This article is about learning to replace negative thoughts with positive ones, in order to become your own best friend.
A self-respecting person has a strong sense of the worth and value of self and others, as human beings. This article views self-respect, self-worth, and self-esteem as traits offering no room for compromise.
As a Christian, I choose to be humble. Growing up, my mother always demonstrated great humility in her dealings with others. For this reason, this article discusses how, sometimes, kindness is perceived as weakness by those who don't understand the strength that is required in order to be humble.
Are you a new entrepreneur or a new business owner, or have plans to become one or the other? If so, this article provides an introduction to techniques used by successful marketers to find and keep customers.
A person who has been "redeemed" is simply someone with great flaws who is simply saying, "I am too weak to do this alone, so I surrender to God."
The path to getting published is not easy, and neither is the task of writing a book. This article offers information and tips that can help aspiring new writers write and publish their first book.
Ready to document your life, on paper, by telling your life story? Maybe it's time to think about writing your autobiography.
This article offers information designed to help anyone considering spending two years of his or her life pursuing the MBA at a top business school.
As a former marketing professor, I can tell you what you need to know to prepare a successful Statement of Purpose for your business school application. It could mean the difference between getting into the business school of your dreams or not.
This article provides a definition and examples of vertical advertising. It also includes a discussion of some of the many benefits for advertisers who choose to use a vertical advertising strategy.
As a marketing consultant and former college professor of marketing and communications, Dr. Middlebrook offers advice and information for website owners considering selling space to advertisers.
This article discusses online and offline tried-and-true methods you can use to market your website, as well as methods that might work that aren’t so tried-and-true.
Even though you can never know for sure a marketing campaign will go viral, there are things you can do that might increase your chances for success.
Do you have a website? Are you making money from it? If not, and you’d like to, then it could be that you need to learn about and then add to your site something called “pay per click” advertising.
This article looks at all it takes, in addition to money and writing talent, to keep hope alive while trying to publish your novel or non-fiction book.
The essential elements needed to develop a basic, bare-bones marketing plan, as told by a marketing consultant and former college professor of marketing.
This Hub introduces the career field of veterinary medicine, and what it takes to become a licensed, practicing veterinarian.
This Hub was written in response to the question: What are some dogs that are smartest, and easiest to train? Here the author presents her top 5 picks, with plenty of pictures and information on each breed.
Working in one field while considering doing something else entirely? This article introduces the career field of dentistry, and what it takes to become a licensed, practicing dentist.
This article is filled with "Did you Know?" type facts, trivia, songs, and information about different types of birds, and one mammal (that was once thought of as a bird!).
Are you ever overly harsh and critical of yourself, to the point where you are assaulting your worth as a human being? This article tells a true story about a man who almost allowed a messy office and negative thoughts about himself to stand between him and success at work.
Even without the glam, the glitter, or the salaries, the best school teachers in America should be as important to us as double- and triple-digit-million earning stars of screen, sports, and music.
If you had to choose between getting a million dollars or saving someone's life, which would you choose? This article explores different forms of prosperity and their importance to us as Christians.
Are you a "good Samaritan" or a Levite? How can we know whether or not we are a being good and loving neighbors?
This article examines four self-inflicted, "irrational attacks" against self-confidence and self-esteem. Provides examples of “wrong thinking” that, unchecked, become part of your regular internal dialogue.
Hey, since it rains on the just and the unjust, does that mean it is not possible to always have a positive outlook? Hub takes a look at how to turn darkness to light by choosing to think positive.
This Hub presents a true story about how a college student changed what she was saying to herself. By checking her self-talk, she changed her internal dialogue, and that helped her to change her life.
This article presents two bittersweet and memorable stories about two very special dogs. Loyalty, love, and bravery seem to never be in short supply for many of our canine friends.
Always scrambling to get things done to prepare for a hurricane? Then this article is for you, me, and people like us who are always hoping this year we'll be smarter.
Are you worrying so much that you forget all about faith? Do your problems seem bigger than any potential solution? This article takes a look at what it takes to nurture and to grow the kind of faith that can shrink worries and, ultimately, frighten them away.
Is it possible to forget your worries, and just go on and get happy? This article takes a look at what it takes for Christians to overcome fear, and to replace it with faith.
This article takes a close look at the concept of suffering, asking and responding to the age-old question about why God allows it to exist in the world.
The message of this article is "be encouraged." The author hopes it will inspire and encourage, no matter the depth, height, or circumference of the challenges any reader might be facing.
This article explores forgiveness as something that should last, once it is given, and the rewards of it should be visible in your life.
This article looks at the Christian concept of forgiveness as the best way, the only way to release yourself from the burdensome weight of past transgressions.
Believe it or not there are people, somewhere, who do not like you or me. This article takes a tongue-in-cheek view, pondering this topic and presenting possible signs to help you know
This article looks at understanding and embracing God's word, when it comes to finding love, as the best way to be better prepared to look for, to find, or to attract into your life real, true, and lasting love.
This article takes a look at the best marketing jobs, salary ranges, and what employers might be looking for as they seek to fill top jobs in marketing.
Still looking for love? Author says live life—every day, as a whole, spirit-filled, loving person who understands God’s definition of love. This, she says, is how to begin your search for true love.
Have a "pretend friend?" Someone who gets close for a particular reason, and after that, is nowhere to be found? Here are several tips to spot "opportunists" who come under the "guise" of friends.
This article asks the question: Is honesty always "the best policy?" It explores why it sometimes seems "crazy" to tell the truth, based on the possible negative consequences of always being completely honest.
This Hub takes a look at friendship as it is written about in Holy Scripture. During trying of times, do you have friends who stand by you, who have your back like a "brother born for adversity?"
This article takes a closer look at living authentically—on purpose for God, while connecting with all you need for living your best life.
Losing a job is no fun at all, but there's no reason to let it get you down and keep you down. Hub offers five tips for staying positive even when something as negative as losing a job happens to you.
In this article, the author shares thoughts and fears she recorded in her diary when, based on news reports, a very big hurricane was threatening to possibly devastate the area where she lived.
How do various systems of business management respond to change? Change management and change management communications are a primary focus/need of business in the 21st century. This article continues Dr. Middlebrook's look at "classic" management theories and practices, and how they can/do...
How do various styles of business management respond to change? With change management being a primary focus/need of business in the 21st century, this article looks at classic management styles and how they might respond/react to change.
Hub contains a big, uplifting story, taught by a tiny little star. Read it to connect or to reconnect with the importance of believing in yourself, even when no one else does.
This article examines the fundamentals of what it takes to write your first novel. The author/teacher wrote this article after being asked hundreds of times: "Do I need a college degree to write a novel?"
Are angels riding along our highways with us? Presenting two accident stories involving "angelic" encounters, author says if we believe in what the Bible teaches, then we must believe in angels too.
Is it possible to give so much "at the office" and at home that you lose touch with "purpose"? Can purpose, ambition, and Christian spirituality co-exist, peacefully, in our lives as Christians.
Article offers pointers about what anyone can do to connect with and focus on, to make any job less of a chore and more of an enjoyable experience.
Article looks at at the potential appeal of online and/or distance learning for older-than-age-24 adults and facts related to educational needs of adult learners.
While it is possible for therapists and experts to help you heighten your self esteem and self-confidence, this article warns there's something you have to do first.
This article presents the last two years of undergraduate life for Colleen, a fictional student. After completing two years, she's proven she has what it takes to stay the course, but will she?
Part 2 of "Accepted into College--Now What?" This article continues following a fictional student through her years as a "Survivor, on College Island."
A fun look at going to college, this article follows a fictional college student, Colleen, through her freshman year at school, her first time living away from home.
This article offers a brief chat about anger and several biblical teachings related to managing it. It includes prayer and a video for anyone to use who really would like to take anger management to God—in prayer.
Article looks at learning to control anger as if you were house training a puppy. Learning to control anger doesn’t make you a wimp—it makes you a warrior.
Is it possible to get scorching mad and still behave in a way that is pleasing to God? What does the Bible teach about how we should react/respond to "righteous" anger?
What does the Bible teach us about anger? Is it possible to be angry and not sin? What makes anger turn into sin? What does the Bible say about how to handle anger?
Author presents three methods homeowners can use to stop foreclosure, even after a sale date has been set. Many don't realize it, but hope is still there, even when the situation seems hopeless.
There is a growing segment of the population choosing to serve God from home, without attending church. This article looks inside the Christian lifestyle of the "virtual" Christian.
Getting to see a side of your mate that you've never seen before can be an eye opener. But will what happens during a trip to his hometown be a "deal breaker" for Ford or Ursula?
Learning to say "thanks" while loving God with your all your heart brings God’s beautiful and bountiful blessings into crystal clarity.
As Christians, we are rewarded for our efforts when we choose to do what God says we should do. But before we can do that, we need to make sure we have a good understanding of God's word.
This article examines how thoughts can and do influence our actions. What we think and say can become self-fulfilling prophecies, so it is important to learn to replace negative thoughts with positive ones.
this article presents benefits of using your imagination to visualize and focus on positive thoughts and to help "energize" positive activity, instead of focusing on the negative.
This article takes a look at how to counter negative self-talk, and how to begin a new habit to help you start being a better friend to you.
Article touches on the U. S. and European origins of and advancements in distance education. Includes correspondence schools as part of the history of distance education in the United States.
Writing about a novel about a romantic relationship? Ready to decide whether or not to use the Romance "formula." Article discusses why the formula is used to market books in the pure Romance genre.
Hub argues that attitude separates darkness from light. Author says it's more important to personal well-being than money, education, success, or failure.
This article looks at the success and versatile abilities of comedian Steve Harvey, and compares them to what Internet writers need in order to become successful.
Here's an interesting story about a donkey that demonstrates how we often allow our problems to bury us. This parable illustrates, however, how, using wisdom and creativity, we can use our problems as a way to step up and out from under the weight of seemingly insurmountable worries.
This article takes a look at the realm of television becoming "church" for many. It questions whether it is a good or bad thing, for society, that there seems to be a growing number of ministers delivering their sermons to a growing number of "congregants," through the medium of television.
This articles explores why Jesus often spoke in parables, instead of simply saying, in a direct way, what he wanted to say. Was the "indirect" approach best for conveying what He wanted to say?
This article looks at distance education and what some see as the "watering down" of the quality of education in America, by the increasing numbers of students choosing online schools.
This is a funny story about a weekend at the beach that turned out to be no "day at the beach" for one beloved canine member of our family.
Always beating up on you? This article looks at choosing to be positive instead of negative when talking to yourself, and how it can give you the energy and inspiration to change your life, for good.
Article provides "Insider" information. Author shares years of experience in non-profit marketing to help those new to the nonprofit sector who want to know more about ways marketing can benefit their organization.
Author, who is a graduate of a non-traditional, distance education institution, shares insights and major concerns potential students should explore prior to becoming a distance learner.
Training some dogs is easy, almost like a dream. And then there's Barney. A doggie that marches to his own beat, if you love dogs, this story will have you rolling on the floor laughing.