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James A Watkins

Joined 15 years ago from Chicago

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    Enter the Mind Benders: Let Us Analyze Psychology & Psychiatry

    2 years ago

    Enter the Mind Benders: Let Us Analyze Psychology & Psychiatry. Why nothing is anybody's fault, there is no such thing as crime, too much self-esteem, psychotropic drugs, therapized nation, happy pills,Carl Jung & his handlers, Behavior is no disease, you must be in denial, imagine there's no Heaven

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    10 Books Every Conservative Must Read by Benjamin Wiker: A Synopsis

    2 years ago

    Every Conservative Must Read: Politics, Aristotle; Orthodoxy, Chesterton; New Science of Politics, Voegelin; Abolition of Man, Lewis; Reflections on the Revolution in France, Burke; Democracy in America, Tocqueville; Federalist Papers; Anti-Federalists; Servile State, Belloc; Road to Serfdom, Hayek

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    The Perils of Ballot Harvesting

    2 years ago

    The Perils of Ballot Harvesting, what the term means, and its history. California became the first state to legalize ballot harvesting in 2016. Ballot harvesting flipped Orange County to Democrats in 2018. Ballot Harvesting played a key role in the 2020 Presidential Election. HR1 for the people act.

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    Undercover Investigative Journalism

    2 years ago

    Undercover Investigative Journalism explores muckrakers Julius Chambers, Nellie Bly and the Upton Sinclair book The Jungle, as well as the Mirage Bar in Chicago, Food Lion expose', Abscam sting, Walter Reed Hospital scandal, Fairlife Dairy, Mercy for Animals, & Planned Parenthood selling baby parts.

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    The Spanish Civil War (1936-1939)

    2 years ago

    The Spanish Civil War (1936-1939): General Francisco Franco, Spanish Nationalists, Socialist Worker's Party of Spain, Valley of the Fallen, Spanish Anarchists, Spanish Communists, Catholic Spain, Comintern, 1931 Spanish Constitution, 1933 Election in Spain, 1936 Election in Spain, Dictator Franco.

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    How Voting by Mail Leads to Cheating

    3 years ago

    How Voting by Mail Leads to Cheating, Vote by Mail Schemes Designed to Cheat, The Jimmy Carter-James Baker Commission, New York Times Report on Absentee Voting Error and Fraud, Absentee Voting vs. Mass Mailing out of Ballots, Voter Registration Rolls, Phantom Voters, Absentee Voting Britain, France.

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    How Progressive Education Ruined Our Schools

    3 years ago

    How Progressive Education Ruined Our Schools explores the ideology behind our public schools, the brainwashing, indoctrination, Horace Mann, McGuffey's Readers, John Dewey, compulsory school attendance, God banned from government schools, prayer prohibited in public schools, the Holy Bible banned

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    The Five Thousand Year Leap by W. Cleon Skousen: A Synopsis

    3 years ago

    The Five Thousand Year Leap by W. Cleon Skousen: A Synopsis examines American Exceptionalism, America built on Anglo-Saxon Principles, All Men Are Created Equal, God Revealed Divine Law,America the Greatest Country on earth, Family, Faith and Freedom, Liberty, Religion and Morality, In God We Trust.

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    The Facts About Election Fraud

    3 years ago

    The Facts About Election Fraud: Heritage Foundation Vote Fraud Database, Leftists specialize in stealing elections, Democrats are famous for voter fraud, Project Veritas video voter fraud for Hillary, illegal aliens voted for Hillary, 1982 Chicago election fraud, Public Interest Legal Foundation

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    Hoax Hate Crimes

    3 years ago

    Hoax Hate Crimes chronicles the hundreds of fake hate crimes across America over the last few years. Included are Jussie Smollett, Nick Sandmann and the Covington Catholic boys, hoax hate crimes by blacks, hoax hate crimes by Muslims, hoax hate crime against Gays, Jews and Hispanics, Victim Culture.

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    The Religion of Secular Humanism

    3 years ago

    The Religion of Secular Humanism is the Religion of our Public Schools. It is designed to destroy faith in Christianity among children. A Cosmic Battle between Truth and lies, a clash of moral views underlies Culture Wars. The Supreme Court imposed the Religion of Secular Humanism on our children.

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    My Life Among the Deathworks by Philip Rieff: A Synopsis

    3 years ago

    A Synopsis of the book by Philip Rieff ''My Life Among the Deathworks: Illustrations of the Aesthetics of Authority" includes teaching agents of the sacred order, the sacred messenger expresses transcendence, "It is forbidden to forbid" is the motto of our times, Happiness comes from right living.

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    The Inquisition: Fact vs. Fiction

    3 years ago

    The Inquisition: Fact or Fiction explores the myth and reality of the Medieval Inquisition or Languedoc Inquisition, Cathars, Spanish Inquisition, Grand Inquisitor Torquemada, Black Legend, Roman Inquisition, 20th Century Socialist Inquisitions, Political Correctness Woke Inquisition Cancel Culture

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    The Gaslighting of America

    3 years ago

    The Gaslighting of America includes the origin of the term gaslighting, gaslighting defined, the purpose of gaslighting, who gaslights, psychological projection, Hollywood hypocrites. examples of gaslighting, narcissists, psychopaths, sociopaths, totalitarians, Theodore Dalrymple, Brandon Smith

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    The Masking of America

    3 years ago

    Masking of America, Masks Are Anti-Trump, Censorship of Mask Dissent, Science Says Masks Do Not Work, Masks Have Not Prevented the Spread of Covid, Masks Are Bad For Your Health, Mask Skeptics are not Science Deniers, Masks As Talismans , What Masks Are Really For, Judge Voids Mask Order

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    January 6: Capitol Peaceful Protests, Riots, or Insurrection?

    3 years ago

    January 6: Capitol Peaceful Protests, Riots, or Insurrection? Trump Inauguration Riots, Kavanaugh Confirmation Riots, Antifa Black Lives Matter Riots, Brian Sicknick, Ashli Babbitt, FBI Led Capitol Riots, John Sullivan, Ray Epps, Capitol Protestors Mistreated held without bail, Democrats love riots

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    A Synopsis of ‘A World Without Heroes’ by George Roche: The Best Book You’ve Never Heard Of

    3 years ago

    A Synopsis of ‘A World Without Heroes’ by George Roche: The Best Book You’ve Never Heard Of. Author George Roche was long time president of Hillsdale College. He writes about the anti-hero, the illusion of happiness, rebellion, sexual revolution, education, godless utopians, Americanism vs. Leftism

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    Definition of Hate Speech

    3 years ago

    Definition of Hate Speech includes Origin of Hate Speech, Conformity is the Concept, Thomas Sowell, Why the Left Hate Free Speech, Dennis Prager. Jordan Peterson opposes Hate Speech Laws, Cato Institute Research on Hate Speech, Facebook Censorship, Criminalizing Hate Speech, Victimhood, Censorship.

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    Top Ten Dumbest Things People Say on Social Media

    3 years ago

    Jesus was a Socialist, human beings evolved from apes, January 6th Capitol Protests an Insurrection, people are born gay, Hitler a Christian, America built on Slavery and Genocide, An unborn baby not a human being, America a Racist Country, A man became a woman, Pro-Life people don't care for babies

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    The Truth About White Flight

    3 years ago

    The Truth About White Flight begins with Michelle Obama's neighborhood growing up, South Shore in Chicago. Moves on the White Flight from the city of Chicago, White Flight from urban cores across America, The Other Side of the River, about racially segregated Benton Harbor and Saint Joseph Michigan.

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    Lockdowns: The Purpose and the Results

    3 years ago

    Lockdowns: The Purpose and the Results, to crush the middle class, President Trump made China mad, beware social engineers, Democrat state governors tyranny, essential vs. nonessential, If it saves just one life, Ron DeSantis, Lockdowns do not work, who benefits, Lockdown losers, Sweden no lockdowns

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    Male and Female He Created Them

    3 years ago

    Male and Female He Created Them. Males and females are different from the earliest stages of development in the womb in myriad ways. Indeed, significant differences between male and female brains prove they do not even think the same way. To deny that there are differences is to lie about the facts.

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    Political Asylum

    3 years ago

    Political Asylum: What It Is, What It Isn't. Asylum means to protect and offer a safe haven to political refugees. This only applies to individuals who can prove they are in danger of being killed or persecuted by their government or with the government's consent in the country from which they fled.

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    There Goes the Neighborhood: The Coming of the Pit Bulls

    3 years ago

    There Goes the Neighborhood: The Coming of the Pit Bulls examines what happens when the dog breeds in a community change from family pets to fighting dogs such as Pit Bulls. Are Pit Bulls more dangerous than other dogs? Are dogs born with predispositions? Are owners of vicious dog breeds different?

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    Hell: Annihilation or Trillions of Years of Torture

    3 years ago

    Hell: Annihilation or Trillions of Years of Torture presents the doctrines of Conditional Immortality and Annihilationism held by the Seventh Day Adventist Church, among others. We explore Scripture in the Old Testament and the New Testament, and the various views of Christians down through the ages

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    Illegal Aliens Carry Covid and Other Infectious Diseases into America

    3 years ago

    Illegal Aliens Carry Covid and Other Infectious Diseases into America. Covid Streams Across the Border. What the Law Says About Allowing Diseased Illegal Aliens to Enter Our Country. Illegal Aliens Carry Contagious Diseases Once Eradicated in America. Measles, tuberculosis, whooping cough, mumps.

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    ‘Woke’ Is the Ideology of Democrats

    3 years ago

    Woke Is the Ideology of Democrats. The Woke hate Christianity, Capitalism, America, Western Civilization, White people, heterosexual men, fathers, traditional families, and Israel. There is no God in Woke. It rests on a foundation of Atheism and Communism. Woke is a form of Gnosticism.

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    Is It Within the Realm of Possibility That the Virus Could Have Been a Biological Weapon?

    3 years ago

    Is It Within the Realm of Possibility That the Virus Could Have Been a Biological Weapon? The Geneva Convention prohibits use of biological weapons, which means they must exist. But would the Chinese Communist Party, which already killed 80 million of its own citizens, unleash a virus to beat Trump?

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    School Choice: Education Freedom

    3 years ago

    School Choice: Education Freedom, one issue that unites Americans of all demographic groups. School Choice means parents are free to choose any education option for their children using tax dollars. Education Savings Accounts are the most popular method, favored by 86% of American student's parents

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    Charles Darwin Made a Monkey out of Me

    3 years ago

    What kind of person was Charles Darwin? What motivated him to invent his Theory of Evolution? How did Darwin's ideas naturally lead to Eugenics? What is Natural Selection? Is all of Life a random accident? Why were Darwin and his followers against Christian Charity? Evolution: Fact or Fairy Tale?

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    Origin of the Virus

    3 years ago

    Where did Covid originate? Do we find its origin to be Wuhan, China? Did it come from a 'wet market' where food was sold or from the Wuhan Institute of Virology? Why was there such a controversy over the name first given to the virus? What is gain of function research? How the virus escaped the lab.

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    The Federal Reserve: A Creature from Jekyll Island

    3 years ago

    The Federal Reserve: A Creature from Jekyll Island examines the creation of the Federal Reserve after a top-secret meeting of a banking cartel on Jekyll Island in 1910. We look at the U.S. economy & banking before the Federal Reserve Act was passed by Congress in 1913, and how Congress was persuaded

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    Illegal Aliens: What the Term Means and Why Democrats Censor it

    3 years ago

    Illegal Aliens: What the Term Means and Why Democrats Censor it explains the legal definition of illegal alien in federal law, demonstrates why the term is not racist, points out it was used by Presidents Clinton and Obama, explores the origin of 'undocumented immigrant' and censorship by Democrats.

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    The Son of God

    3 years ago

    Jesus Christ, Son of God, God Incarnate, Lord of the Sabbath, Miracle Worker, Healer, Greatest Exorcist, Apostles, Last Supper, Hosanna, Jesus arrested, trial of Jesus, Pilate washes his hands, Barabbas, scourging, crucifixion, Golgotha, empty tomb, Resurrection of Jesus, Ascension, Great Commission

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    The Uighurs

    3 years ago

    The Uighurs, or Uyghurs, are a tribe of Muslim Turks. Twelve million of them live in the northwestern corner of China, in that country’s largest province, Xinjiang. Millions of Uighurs are in concentration camps, used as slave labor while they are tortured, killed, raped, and their organs harvested

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    Jesus: Son of Man

    3 years ago

    The Life of Jesus, Son of Man, Virgin Mary, Holy Family, Jesus Earthly Ministry, Person of Jesus, Teachings of Jesus, Parables of Jesus, Kingdom of God, Do Not Judge! Birth of Jesus, Slaughter of Innocents, Prodigal Son, Good Samaritan, Good Shepherd, Unmerciful Servant, Tares, Lost Sheep, Lost Coin

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    Are Police Racist Against Blacks?

    3 years ago

    Are Police Racist Against Blacks? The arrested for driving while black myth. Are courts and prisons racist? Interracial crime. Michael Brown, Freddie Gray, Keith Lamont Scott, Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, Jacob Blake, the Democrat narrative of the Left: America is racist, white people are racists.

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    White Privilege: Much Ado About Nothing

    3 years ago

    White Privilege is a concept taught to children in schools. The idea is that those with white skin are bad people. And since white men founded America it is a horrible country. If white children become successful adults, it will not be due to their talents or efforts but because they have white skin

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    Homeless in America: Why?

    4 years ago

    Homeless in America: Why? Explores homelessness in America, the homeless in New York, homeless in Los Angeles, homeless in San Francisco, homeless in Seattle, homeless in Vancouver, the Homelessness Industry, Why are People Homeless in America, How to Solve the Problem of Homelessness in America.

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    Intelligent Design: ID

    4 years ago

    The Intelligent Design (ID) movement started in the 1990s. Philosopher of Science Stephen Meyer defines ID as "the idea that certain features of the natural world are better explained as the product of a guiding transcendent intelligence than as the result of unguided natural processes.”

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    Cultural Marxism: The Frankfurt School

    4 years ago

    Cultural Marxism, the Frankfurt School, The Long March, the New Left, Antonio Gramsci, Georg Lukacs, Wilhelm Reich, Kurt Lewin, Max Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno, Herbert Marcuse, Free Love, Sexual Revolution, Sensitivity Training, Prison Notebooks, Eros and Civilization, Polymorphous Perversity, Woke.

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    The Triumphs of President Trump

    4 years ago

    President Trump loves America and Americans, Pro-Life, School Choice, Veterans, Energy Independence, Stopped Illegal Immigration, Built Border Wall, Crime Dropped, Race Relations Improved, Stood up to China, ISIS, and Iran; stood up for Christians and Israel; Economy Booms, Deep State Exposed.

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    The Democrat Plan for America

    4 years ago

    The Democrat Plan for America includes Immigration, Election law, Abortion, Health Care, Middle Class, Suburbs, Small Business, Churches, Freedom, Surveillance, Censorship, Green New Deal, Free College, Student Debt, Public Schools, Guns, Crime, Taxes, Regulations, Equity, China & Globalism

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    The Great Reset

    4 years ago

    The Great Reset is a plan by elite globalists to use COVID-19 as a springboard to usher in a world government without borders. The idea is to “save the planet” by stopping global warming, making the world “sustainable,” and ending world hunger, poverty, inequality, division, crime, and war to boot.

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    What Is Cancel Culture?

    4 years ago

    Cancel Culture is a movement of Democrats to cleanse America of conservative ideas by eliminating conservative persons from the public square. It works through vicious bullying, public shaming, harassment, and intimidation to attack and demonize conservatives and suppress their right to free speech.

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    The Devil’s Matrix: This World of Lies, Deceptions, Illusions & Distractions

    4 years ago

    The Devil’s Matrix is the latest book by James A. Watkins, a long time magazine article writer at HubPages. The book shows how a blinding false reality has been purposefully created for Americans through the employment of Lies, Deceptions, Illusions & Distractions. Do you want to know the truth?

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    Carl Rogers: The Essence of Madness

    4 years ago

    Carl Rogers: Humanist Psychologist taught self-esteem, nonjudgmentalism, unconditional love no matter what people do, praise children no matter what they do, it's not your fault you do what you do, find yourself, be yourself, mental health cannot be defined. Carl Rogers: How do you feel about that?

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    Why Are Christians Happier & Healthier, Better Spouses, Better Neighbors & Better Citizens, Who Live Longer Lives?

    4 years ago

    Why Are Christians Happier & Healthier, Better Spouses, Better Neighbors & Better Citizens, Who Live Longer Lives? Married Christian women are happier than single secular women. Christian teenagers are happier and healthier. Christian Charity, Education, and Medical Care. Christian faith transforms.

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    Black Lives Matter (BLM)

    3 years ago

    Black Lives Matter (BLM) is a group of Marxist revolutionaries. This article includes the Origin of Black Lives Matter, Ideology of Black Lives Matter, Activities of Black Lives Matter, Public Schools promote Black Lives Matter, Support for Black Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter: What Do They Want?

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    An Intelligent Person’s Guide to Modern Culture

    4 years ago

    What is culture? Culture reveals who we are as a nation. Our beliefs, behaviors, values, traditions, customs, ceremonies, rituals, and taboos show what matters to us. Culture binds us together as a people. The essence of culture is religion, language, history, art, and community, Roger Scruton says.

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    Mind Over Matter: Does Your Mind Exist Apart From Your Brain?

    4 years ago

    There is a growing political divide in America. Which side of it you take might depend on how you answer this question: Does Your Mind Exist Apart From Your Brain? This article explores Free Will, Consciousness, Near Death Experiences, Placebos, Religious Spiritual Mystical Experiences and more.

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    4 years ago

    Antifa is a communist group of atheists determined to overthrow the government of the United States. It acts as a paramilitary arm of the Democrat Party. George Soros and other leftists provide funding. Antifa members burn with a demonic hatred for America, Western Civilization, and Christianity.

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    The Mighty Power of Prayer

    4 years ago

    The Mighty Power of Prayer. Jesus loved to pray. Jesus and Paul commanded us to pray. Prayer is Communication and Fellowship with God. Prayer has great benefits for spiritual, physical, and mental health. Prayer can make you a better person. Prayer can heal you. The World's Last Night by C.S. Lewis

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    The Language Police

    4 years ago

    The Language Police by Diane Ravitch exposes the political correctness imposed on our public school curriculum and textbooks by pressure groups. It involves propaganda, social engineering, dumbing down, suppression of the Truth, and rewriting history to glorify the losers and denigrate the winners.

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    Sanctuary Cities

    4 years ago

    A Sanctuary City is a place where Democrat politicians grant illegal alien criminals immunity from deportation. What is the law? Why do Democrats send violent criminals into our communities, treat illegal aliens better than American citizens, and entice people to come here illegally? Political Power

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    Victory of Reason: How Western Civilization Left the Rest of the World in the Dust

    4 years ago

    The Victory of Reason: How Christianity Led to Freedom, Capitalism, and Western Success by Rodney Stark shows how Western Civilization left the rest of the world in the dust. Belief in God the Creator and His Bible led to the Scientific Revolution, individual freedom, equality, and the rule of law

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    Sexual Desire: A Philosophical Investigation by Roger Scruton

    4 years ago

    Sexual Desire: A Philosophical Investigation by Roger Scruton, a book summary includes normal sexual desire, men and women are different, obscenity & pornography, the biological basis of reproductive organs, sexual perversion, sexual morality, marriage vows vs. contracts, Sigmund Freud chimes in

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    Is the Pope Catholic?

    4 years ago

    Pope Francis: Vicar of Christ or Heretic? The issues explored are Pagan Idolatry, Environmentalism, Islam, China, Marxism, Globalism & Open Borders, Anti-Western Civilization, Progressive Secular Humanism, Sexual Sin is so old fashioned, St. Gallen Group, George Soros, John Podesta, Cardinal Sarah

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    Build the Wall

    4 years ago

    President Trump and Conservative Americans want to build a wall on the border that separates Mexico from the United States. The purpose of the wall is to keep out illegal aliens, human smugglers, drug traffickers, gang members, terrorists, sex slavery, disease, drugs, crime, weapons, and mooches.

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    Fools, Frauds and Firebrands: Thinkers of the New Left by Roger Scruton: A Book Summary

    5 years ago

    This is a summary of the book 'Fools, Frauds, and Firebrands' by Sir Roger Scruton. The central theme of the ideology of the Left is that the Government “ought to be in charge of society and empowered to distribute its goods.” The Left despises Western Civilization, Christianity, and Free Enterprise

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    The Masons

    5 years ago

    The Masons are the largest fraternal organization in the world. Freemasonry is a way for men with all sorts of different religious beliefs to come together as brothers. However, those beliefs must include One Supreme Being and faith in the resurrection and immortality of the human person. No Atheist

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    The Story of the Knights Templar

    5 years ago

    Hugh de Payens of Champagne, France, with eight of his fellow knights, organized the Knights Templar, officially The Poor Fellow Soldiers of Christ and the Temple of Solomon, in 1118. Their mission was to protect Christians from Muslims marauders and slavers during their pilgrimage to the Holy Land.

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    The Soul of the World by Roger Scruton

    3 years ago

    This is a brief summary of the book 'The Soul of the World' by Sir Roger Scruton. The author teaches us that your mind is not your brain; human beings possess moral thinking; about the covenant; a face is not an elbow; Sex; Death is the Disquiet of us all; Faith; what you believe is what counts.

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    The Matriarchs of Women's Liberation: Simone de Beauvoir, Betty Friedan, and Kate Millett

    5 years ago

    Simone de Beauvoir (1908-1986) was the intellectual matriarch of contemporary feminism. Her ‘masterpiece' The Second Sex (1949) could be described as a vehement objection to femininity. The Feminine Mystique by Bettye Friedan (1921-2006) is autobiography disguised as science. Kate Millett followed.

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    The Occult History of the Third Reich

    5 years ago

    One of the most ignorant, evil lies that pervades social media is “Hitler was a Christian.” Nazism was a marriage of Socialism, Science, and the Occult. Adolf Hitler knew it could not coexist with Christianity. Nazi Germany was the most educated, progressive, scientifically advanced nation on Earth.

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    Sir Roger Scruton

    5 years ago

    Sir Roger Scruton died January 12, 2020, at the age of 75. He was a true Renaissance Man who wrote fifty books, as well as articles, novels, and operas. His work covered art, beauty, architecture, music, religion, literature, sex, environmentalism, hunting, wine, and what it means to be human.

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    Commander In Chief

    5 years ago

    The President of the United States is the permanent Commander in Chief over the American military. He may deploy and direct his armed forces as he sees fit. This authority comes from the Constitution, Article II, Section 2. The President does not need permission from anyone to use military force.

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    What Is the Deep State?

    10 months ago

    The Deep State is the federal bureaucracy that creates laws, enforces them, and judges and punishes transgressors, which means it possesses all three powers that are supposed to be separate in America: legislative, executive, and judicial.

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    The Economic Miracle of President Trump

    5 years ago

    The day President Trump was elected, our economy was in sad shape. In his first year in office, thousands of companies announced enormous new capital investments, employee raises and bonuses, and plans to hire more people. Unemployment went down to its lowest level in fifty years, and wages went up.

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    Jean Paul Sartre: Existentialism

    5 years ago

    Jean-Paul Sartre, Philosopher of Existentialism; Apostate, Atheist, Communist, Antinomian, Nihilist, self-described Chronicler from Hell; Debaucher, Drunkard, Drug Addict, Serial Fornicator; Read and Adored by Millions; Loved Stalin, Mao, Tito, and Franz Fanon; Hell is Other People, Life is Absurd.

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    An Epidemic of Loneliness

    5 years ago

    Look at all the lonely people. Where do they all come from? Well, the loneliest people in the world today live in America, Australia, Sweden, Britain, Canada, and Japan. Could it be because of dangerously low birth rates? Could fractured families be to blame? Loneliness and social isolation hurts.

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    Chick-fil-A is the Best

    3 years ago

    Chick-fil-A is the most beloved restaurant in America. And the most hated. America's favorite fast-food restaurant and America's favorite overall restaurant, Chick-fil-A is third in the nation for food sales, and first by double in food sales per location, despite being closed on Sunday for the Lord

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    Oprah Winfrey: Spirit Guide

    5 years ago

    Oprah Winfrey, one of the richest woman in the world, perhaps the most influential woman in America. 1/3 of American women look to Oprah for religious and spiritual guidance. Her spiritual guides are Deepak Chopra, A Course in Miracles, Life after Life, The Secret, Eckhart Tolle, Pantheism.

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    Hero or Villain: Christopher Columbus

    5 years ago

    Christopher Columbus: Hero Or Villain? The life, motivations, and voyages of the greatest explorer Christopher Columbus. Includes Columbus Day, Indigenous Peoples Day, The New World, Queen Isabella & King Ferdinand of Spain, District of Columbia, Columbia University, the Greatest Man Who Ever Lived.

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    Witchcraft, Wicca, and That Old Black Magic

    5 years ago

    Witchcraft, Wicca, Black Magic, White Magic, Red Magic, Good Magic, Grimoires, Sacred Feminine, Sorcery, Pentagram, Paganism, Samhain, Beltane, Witches Sabbath, Great Goat, Ancient Serpent, Initiation, Ritual, Ceremony, Incantations, summoning demons, Legemeton, Sex, Drugs, Blasphemy, Old Religion.

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    The New World Order: Global Government

    5 years ago

    The New World Order of Global Government is coming. Why will World Government feature Worldwide Socialism? FDR, Rex Tugwell, Council on Foreign Relations, Robert Muller, UNESCO, Julian Huxley, Destruction of the Sacred, Hatred of the Human Race, Luciferian Conspiracy, the Antichrist, Hatred of God

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    The Long Fight Over Brexit: What Was It Really All About?

    4 years ago

    Brexit means the British Exit from the European Union. It is part of a populist uprising across Western Civilization against Globalists who are planning a New World Order, a World without Borders, without nation-states, governed by unelected experts, by bureaucrats unaccountable to ordinary citizens

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    Progress & Religion

    5 years ago

    Progress & Religion explores the relationship between Western Civilization and Christianity. Science, Technology, Capitalism, Free Enterprise, Industrial Revolution, Machines, Equality, Individual Freedom, Representative Government, Literacy, Schools, Hospitals, and Universities all from Christendom

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    Venezuela: The Fruits of Democratic Socialism

    3 years ago

    Venezuela, once the richest country in Latin America, voted for Democratic Socialist Hugo Chavez, who promised socialist paradise and thus brought despair and death on itself, along with famine, starvation, disease, incredible inflation rendering the currency worthless, the collapse of medical care

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    Secrets of the Occult

    5 years ago

    Secrets of the Occult, Astrology, Psychics, Mediums, Tarot Cards, Séances, Spiritualism, Spiritism, Channeling, Parapsychology, Holistic Healing, Fortunetellers, Soothsayers, Wizards, Necromancy, Sorcery, Eliphas Levi, Arthur Ford, Bishop James Pike, Ruth Montgomery, Define Occult: hidden knowledge

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    Origin of the Illuminati

    5 years ago

    Origin of the Illuminati is the story of the Illuminati, from Adam Weishaupt to the United Nations, showing the connections between the Illuminati and Atheism, Satanism, Luciferianism, Socialism, Communism, the French Revolution, anti-Western Civilization, the New World Order, and the Antichrist.

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    American Indian Genocide: Fact or Fiction?

    5 years ago

    American Indian Genocide: Fact or Fiction? Looks at the questions, What is Genocide? Were the American Indians the Targets of Genocide? The Smallpox Blanket Hoax of Ward Churchill, the Noble Savage Myth, King Philip's War, the French and Indian War, the Founding Fathers, the Gold Rush, Howard Zinn.

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    The Red Pill: The Truth About Men

    5 years ago

    The Red Pill: Truth About Men, inspired by the documentary by Cassie Jayle: Men's Health, Toxic Masculinity, Fathers are Valuable but not Valued, Misandry: Feminists Hate Men, Boys Feminized in Schools, Ritalin, Testosterone Levels Falling, False Rape Charges, False Child Abuse Claims, Family Court

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    Friedrich Nietzsche: Zarathustra Hath Spoken

    5 years ago

    Friedrich Nietzsche son of a pastor, Grandfather of Psychology, Father of Nihilism, Beyond Good and Evil, the Antichrist, God is Dead, Thus Spake Zarathustra, possessed by the Eternal Serpent, Fifth Gospel, Christianity the one great curse, Insanity, new prophet, new holy book, new religion, despair

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    Fascism: What Is It?

    4 years ago

    What Is Fascism? Fascism was invented by Mussolini as a name for his new political movement that combined Socialism with Nationalism. Previously, Socialism had been an ideology of Internationalists, Globalists who wanted to erase all borders. Today Fascism is falsely called right-wing by the Left.

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    The Father of Socialism: Auguste Comte

    3 years ago

    The Father of Socialism: Auguste Comte includes comment by Dostoyevsky and Henri De Lubac. Comte father of sociology, social science, secular humanism, fascism, communism. Animated by the Spirit of the Antichrist, Comte hated the Gospel, God, and Jesus, invented Religion of Man, Religion of Humanity

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    The Russian Collusion Hoax Conspiracy

    5 years ago

    The Russian Collusion Hoax Conspiracy launched by Hillary Clinton, Democratic National Committee, Steele Dossier, President Obama, John Brennan, James Comey, Loretta Lynch, Susan Rice, Robert Mueller, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, FBI, DOJ, John McCain, Mueller Investigation, Fusion GPS

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    Karl Marx: Annihilator of Men

    5 years ago

    Karl Marx, Annihilator of Men, Destroyer of Worlds, Scientific Socialism, A New and Better World, Marxism an Ideology, Marxism a Religion, Communist Manifesto, Das Kapital, Socialism vs. Communism, Abolition of Private Property, Marriage, Family, Christianity, Utopia, Satanism, False Messiah, Legacy

  • 4

    Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Father of the Left

    5 years ago

    Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Philosopher, Philosophical Father of the Left, First Modern Intellectual, Teacher of Mankind, Proponent of Free Love, Father of Progressive Education, Source of Socialism, Communism, and Fascism, Inventor of the Noble Savage. Man is born free and everywhere he is in chains.

  • 37

    Sigmund Freud

    5 years ago

    Sigmund Freud: Everything you always wanted to know but were afraid to ask. Freud collected pagan idols of demon gods; Cocaine; Freud and Faust; Freud the Devil; Freud the Antichrist; Subconscious; Atheism; Psychoanalysis; Psychology; Therapy; Future of an Illusion; Freudian Psychology; Satanism.

  • 67

    Who Is the God of the Google Gods?

    5 years ago

    Who is the God of the Google Gods: the Church of Google, the Creepy Line, Google Loves Democrats, Google hates President Trump & Deplorables, the Good Censor, News Searches, Fact Checks, Keyword Searches, Adsense Demonetization, Google Employee Bigotry, Personal Assistant Prejudice, Burning Man

  • 16

    Collies: A Breed Apart

    5 years ago

    Collies: A Breed Apart; author's history with Collie Dog Breed; Characteristics of the Rough-Coat Scotch Collie or Rough Collie; heroism, temperament, intelligence; lifespan, average height and weight; Origin of Collies; History of the Collie Dog; Lassie novel, films & TV series; Pal played Lassie

  • 17

    South Africa: No Country For White Men?

    5 years ago

    South Africa: No Country For White Men or 'South Africa: What is Going On?' Our subtopics include expropriation of white-owned farms and land; the History of South Africa; Apartheid; African National Congress (ANC); Nelson Mandela; Colonialism; BEE; Crime and Violence in South Africa; Malema; Zuma

  • 39

    Make America Great Again: What Does It Mean?

    5 years ago

    Make America Great Again: What Does It Mean? American citizens are assaulted in public for wearing caps that say Make America Great Again. The Left says America was never great. Conservative Christians believe America was the greatest country in the history of the world before progressives ruined it

  • 22

    Godless by Ann Coulter: Book Review

    5 years ago

    'Godless: The Church of Liberalism' a book by Ann Coulter was a # 1 best seller in 2006. 'Godless' describes Liberalism as a godless religion. My review covers abortion, the Catholic priest scandal, Oprah Winfrey misdiagnoses AIDS, the Theory of Evolution, Scopes Monkey Trial, and Unborn Babies

  • 12470

    The Truth About Global Warming & Climate Change

    4 years ago

    Does Climate Change? Of course it does. Are we experiencing Global Warming? Is Global Warming man-made? Will the world end in 12 years, as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortes says? Was Al Gore right? What is the inconvenient truth about the Inconvenient Truth? Have Ice Caps melted? Are Polar Bears gone? Hoax!

  • 197

    Democratic Socialism

    5 years ago

    The standard definition of Socialism has long been: “Government ownership of the means of production and distribution of goods, services, and jobs; central planning collectivism.” Socialism rests on a foundation of Atheism and brings famine, starvation, suffering, misery, death, and Totalitarianism.

  • 38

    What Does the Devil Do All Day?

    3 years ago

    What Does the Devil Do All Day? This book explores Satanic Crime, the Occult, a History of Belief in the Devil Worldwide, Exorcism, Luciferianism, Satanism, Atheism, Paganism, New Age Religion, False Teachers, Music, the Existence of Minds apart from Matter, and the Good News.

  • 18

    Jimmy Schrader, Guitarist Extraordinaire

    5 years ago

    Jimmy Schrader (1953-2019), extraordinary rock and blues guitarist, long time star of the White Summer band, which was once voted Best Classic Rock Band in America. Jimmy Schrader, aka 'The King of Guitar,' songwriter, born blind, from Benton Harbor, Michigan originally, died in Orlando, Florida.

  • 102

    Facebook Thought Police

    5 years ago

    Facebook promised a neutral platform, with free speech. It was to be a forum for true diversity of political discourse. Since the election of President Trump, it has become a site of heavy-handed censorship of Thought Crimes, with the politically incorrect (conservative) banished to the Gulag.

  • 35

    An Honest Conversation About Race

    3 years ago

    Race is a hot topic, what with Black Lives Matter; black multi-millionaires hating America; teachers being told to teach kids about ‘white privilege;’ ‘micro-aggressions’ and ‘safe places;’ jobs and college slots being divided up by race. Many people say we need an honest conversation about race.

  • 86

    Jesus in the World: The First 600 Years

    4 years ago

    Jesus in the World is about the Origin of Christianity. Topics Include the Life of Jesus, the Apostles, the Gospel, the Bible, the Church, Worship, Doctrine, Saints, Monks, Relics, Martyrs, Jews, Heresy, Church Fathers, Constantine, Rome, Byzantium, Church Councils, Creeds, Paul, Augustine, Gnostics

  • 141

    The Pursuit of Happiness: Everybody Wants to be Happy

    5 years ago

    Everybody wants to be happy. The Pursuit of Happiness is an important individual right. Social Science has studied the keys to happiness. What makes us happy? Family, Religion, Government, Diversity, Money, Love, Community, Marriage, Honors, Fame?

  • 255

    New Age Religion

    5 years ago

    New Age Religion is a new combination of very old ideas, a mixture of astrology, psychology, pantheism, paganism, the occult, and Gnosticism, combined with a mysticism drawn from eastern religions to create religion for the Age of Aquarius, a brotherhood of unity but involves no organized community.

  • 105

    C. S. Lewis

    5 years ago

    C. S. Lewis biography. C. S. Lewis books, Mere Christianity, Abolition of Man, Screwtape Letters, Surprised by Joy, A Grief Observed, The Problem of Pain; and his views on Evil and Suffering; God & Man; Free Will; Morality; Salvation; Wider Hope; the Bible; Christian Faith; Christ Jesus of Nazareth

  • 88

    Life After Death: Transcendence

    5 years ago

    Is there life after death? Is transcendence real? What is the human soul? In this article time and space are examined; spiritual growth explored; the School of the Soul explicated—and the great questions of human beings answered: Where do we come from? What happens after we die? Why are we here?

  • 81

    The Feminist Movement

    5 years ago

    The Feminist Movement: Origins of Feminism; The Paradox of Declining Female Happiness; Male Brains Female Brains; Wage Gap: Women's Studies; Dependence of Government is not Independence; Courtship vs. Hooking Up; Casual Sex; Divorce; Marriage; Fertility; Sexually Transmitted Disease; Children suffer

  • 61

    History, Culture, and Music of New Orleans, Louisiana

    15 months ago

    Explore the fascinating history and culture of New Orleans: Cajuns, Creoles, Mardi Gras, voodoo, jazz, gumbo, Carnival, Lent, hurricanes, and more.

  • 73

    Davy Crockett

    4 years ago

    Biography of David Crockett, Christian patriot and soldier, the most famous frontiersman in American history, was and is a folk hero and legend. Davy Crockett the sharpshooter, congressman, Lion of the West, King of the Wild Frontier, tragic hero of the Alamo, subject of the Ballad of Davy Crockett,

  • 52

    The Law by Frederic Bastiat: Summary

    5 years ago

    'The Law' by Frederic Bastiat, summarized here, may be the best book ever written about The Law. In this article I only provide the highlights. This is The Law by Bastiat: the Short Version. “Law is the collective organization of the individual right to lawful defense” ~ Bastiat. Justice by force.

  • 271

    'White Guilt' by Shelby Steele: A Synopsis

    2 years ago

    White Guilt by Shelby Steele: Black Militancy, Black Consciousness, Black Power, Black Riots, Racial Politics, the Bigotry of Low Expectations, Black Responsibility, Freedom, Diversity, White Guilt, Multiculturalism, Preferential Treatment for Blacks, Black English, Ghetto Culture, Book Review

  • 64

    The French Revolution: Cause and Effect

    2 years ago

    The French Revolution is the story of the Jacobins; the Reign of Terror; the Guillotine; the Vendee Uprising; King Louis XVI; Robespierre; Bigot; the Illuminati; the Cult of Reason; Marie Antionette; the Affair of the Necklace; Cagliostro; Atheism; Communism; Feminism; Satanism; and the Antichrist.

  • 60

    The Everlasting Man by G. K. Chesterton: Summary

    5 years ago

    The Everlasting Man by G.K. Chesterton here summarized, highlights, the Everlasting Man: short version: Cavemen, Prehistoric Man, Civilization, Evolution, Polytheism, Myths, Pagans, carthage, Comparative Religion, New Age, the Jews, a Cave in Bethlehem, Christ Jesus, Materialism, the Christian Faith

  • 116

    Hugo: the Movie

    5 years ago

    Hugo is a spectacular film, the crowning achievement in the career of Martin Scorsese. The movie was nominated for eleven Academy Awards and took home five Oscars. Hugo received universal acclaim but disappointed at the box office, falling short of breaking even on the $150 million investment costs

  • 105

    The Long Drive

    5 years ago

    This is a story about one of my adventures: The Long Drive. I drove alone, forty-eight hours in car over two weeks time, covering three thousand miles: Columbia, S.C., Greenville, S.C, Thomasville, N.C., Kingsport, TN, Nashville, TN, West Tennessee, Missouri Bootheel, Hot Springs, AR, Hackleburg, AL

  • 175

    New Testament Canon

    5 years ago

    How was the Holy Bible and New Testament put together? Did Constantine decide the books of the Bible? Are there really any removed, lost, forbidden, missing, banned, or omitted books of the Bible? What does the word 'canon' mean? Read about Gnostics, Marcion, Irenaeus, Turtellian, Origen & Eusebius.

  • 92

    West Highland White Terriers: Westies

    5 years ago

    West Highland White Terriers—Westies—are a dog breed originally bred in the West Highlands of Scotland. They are related to the Scottish Terrier. While Scottish Terriers can be black, red, cream, or white, the Westies are always white. ...

  • 58

    Balloons, Blimps, and Helicopters

    5 years ago

    Balloons, Blimps and Helicopters includes: Invention of the Hot Air Balloon by the Montgolfier Brothers, Military Airships, Dirigibles, Zeppelins, Airships Weaponized for Military Use, the Graf Zeppelin, the Hindenburg, Birth of the Goodyear Blimp, the History of Helicopters, Invention of Airships

  • 83

    Surrealism Art

    5 years ago

    Surrealism Art is unreal, bizarre, and fantastical. Surrealism features imagery that conveys a dream-like quality and transcends everyday reality. Featured here are the art and brief bios of artists Gediminas Pranckevicius, Jacek Yerka, George Grie, Francis Picabia, Rene Magritte, Salvador Dali.

  • 124

    First World, Second World, Third World

    5 years ago

    First World: freedom, democracy, capitalism, Christianity. Second World: socialism, atheism, genocide, suffering, slavery. Third World: primitive, poor, hunger, disease, filth, misery, malnutrition.

  • 30

    Playing Cards History and Playing Card Games

    5 years ago

    Explore the fascinating history of playing cards, and the origin of playing card games, including Poker, Blackjack, Rummy, Bridge, and Hearts; as well as playing cards brands and playing cards slang.

  • The Power Of Television

    The Power Of Television

    5 years ago

    The Power of Television: The Mad Men of Madison Avenue, Golden Age of Television, Betty Furness the Lady from Westinghouse sells appliances to housewives, The Influence of Television Advertising in America in the 1950s, the Rise of Madison Avenue, Marlboro Man, Jolly Green Giant, Pillsbury Doughboy.

  • 943

    Margaret Thatcher: the Iron Lady

    3 years ago

    A brief biography of Margaret Thatcher, 5th most admired woman in the world of the 20th Century, only female Prime Minister in British history, elected 3 times, first living former Prime Minister honored with a statue in Parliament, the Iron Lady saved Britain from extinction. Winter of Discontent.

  • 36

    The Life of Dr Martin Luther King Jr.

    13 months ago

    A brief biography of Martin Luther King Jr., a Baptist minister who became the leader of the civil rights movement in America during the 1950s and early 1960s. MLK is the only American honored with a federal holiday except for George Washington. His family, life, beliefs, speeches, deeds, and legacy

  • 66

    The Political Thought of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

    5 years ago

    The political thought of Martin Luther King centered on his Christian Faith, nonviolent protest, sacredness of the human personality, a colorblind society, the social gospel, affirmative action, and a guaranteed income. The rise of more radical black power militants forced Dr. King to move left.

  • 70

    Europe: The 19th Century

    5 years ago

    Europe: The 19th Century includes the Christian Faith, the Reality of God, Miracles of Jesus, Kingdom of God, Schleiermacher, Kierkegaard, Kuyper, Heresy, Dogma, Deconstructing Jesus, Harnack, Pantheism, Image of God, Progress, Social Darwinism, Eugenics, Marx, Darwin, Nietzsche, Freud, August Comte

  • 73

    Catholicism in the 19th Century

    5 years ago

    In the 19th Century, we see develop a new, direct relationship between individual Catholics and the Papacy. The Roman Catholic Church now sought freedom from the power of the State. It realized that state privileges came with strings attached that...

  • 52

    Europe in the 18th Century

    5 years ago

    18th century Europe: Enlightenment; Britain maritime power; Peter the Great; Catherine the Great; Habsburgs; Great Turkish War; invention of the novel; Adam Smith, Locke, Vico, Kant; Industrial Revolution; Bach, Mozart, Beethoven; Lloyds of London; the Masons; and invention of Left vs Right politics

  • 63

    Vaclav Havel

    5 years ago

    Vaclav Havel, the brilliant thinker, writer, playwright, and Roman Catholic Intellectual, was born in Prague, Czechoslovakia, and died December 18, 2011. Biography of Vaclav Havel includes his life, work, writings, legacy, and features his magnificent essay 'Politics, Morality and Civility.'

  • Tebow


    5 years ago

    Tim Tebow Biography, born Philippines to Baptist Missionaries, a miracle baby, grew up Jacksonville, best Florida high school football player twice, led Florida Gators to College Football Championship, Heisman Trophy Winner, Tim Tebow Bill, Tebow Rule, Tebowing, Most Hated Man in Sports, Christian

  • 69

    Political Science: Ideology Quiz

    5 years ago

    Political Science: Ideology Quiz lists 26 planks in the platform of an American Political Party in 1958 and asks you to select whose platform it was. It is a multiple choice question with four possible answers given: Libertarian Party, Republican Party, Democratic Party, Communist Party. Have fun!

  • Funny True Stories

    Funny True Stories

    5 years ago

    These three Funny True Stories are not jokes but real life experiences I have had. The first one, 'The Identical Twin Brothers,' has Willie Nelson in it. The second story, 'What We Know that You Don't Know,' is about my brother, dad, and me. 'The Story of the Y-Pipe' happened to me at work. Enjoy!

  • 36

    The Abolition of Slavery in America

    5 years ago

    The Abolition of Slavery in America includes Christians Against Slavery, American Anti-Slavery Society; Frederick Douglass; William Lloyd Garrison; American Colonization Society; Liberia; Theodore Dwight Weld; Samuel John Mills; Gerrit Smith; David Walker; John Brown; Samuel A. Smith; back to Africa

  • 105

    Evangelical Social Reformers

    5 years ago

    Evangelical Social Reformers ended slavery in America. And they combined Social Work with Evangelism, providing food, clothes, shelter, literacy, education, medical care, day nurseries, kindergartens, soup kitchens, employment bureaus, dispensaries, and athletics combined with sharing the Gospel.

  • The Truth About Abortions

    The Truth About Abortions

    4 years ago

    The Truth About Abortion includes Roe v. Wade, NARAL pro-abortion euphemisms and propaganda, Dr. Bernard Nathanson, Abortion Procedures, the Democrat Party of Death, the Church is Pro-Life, Infanticide, Ultrasound, Abortion hurts women and empowers men, Abortion facts, and reasons women abort.

  • 150

    Cool Classic Muscle Cars

    5 years ago

    Classic Muscle Cars are high performance street machines built in the United States for formal and informal drag racing from 1965 to 1970.They are highly prized by collectors today. Featured here are the Yenko Camaro, Chevelle SS 454, Dodge Super Bee, Hemi Cuda, Shelby GT350, and Mustang Boss 429.

  • 83

    18th Century France

    5 years ago

    In the 18th century, France was by far the greatest power in Europe. French was the language of all educated Europeans. The longest reign in European history was that of Louis XIV, King of France (1643-1715). He created what is called the Ancien Regime, which ended in the French Revolution disaster.

  • 144

    The Presidency of Jimmy Carter

    3 years ago

    Jimmy Carter (b. 1924), the 39th President of the United States (1977-1981), the first president from the deep south since 1849. 1970s America was a time of skyrocketing crime rates, a mood of malaise, stagflation, 12% inflation, 20% interest rates, the Iranian hostage crisis, the Helsinki Accords.

  • 92

    The Second Great Awakening

    5 years ago

    The Second Great Awakening sparked the end of slavery in America; Charles Spurgeon, Gypsy Smith, Charles Grandison Finney, Burned Over District, Cane Ridge Camp Meeting, Great Ulster Revival, Seventh Day Adventists, Jamaica Revival, Timothy Dwight, Great Ulster Revival, William Miller, Millerites,

  • 82

    Christian Missionaries

    5 years ago

    The incredible stories of Christian missionaries, including 'Father of Modern Missions' William Carey, 'Father of American Missions' Samuel John Mills, First Black Missionary to Africa Lott Carey, Adoniram Judson, Allen Gardiner, Titus Coan, Hudson Taylor, John Clough, and Lottie Moon in China.

  • 123

    A History of the Jaguar Car

    17 months ago

    The Jaguar car is world-famous for its stylish designs, thrilling performance, luxurious and comfortable interiors, outstanding handling and ride, quality engineering, and state-of-the-art technology.

  • 56

    Tosh Point O

    6 years ago

    Tosh.0—pronounced tosh point oh—is the most watched weekly series on the Comedy Central television channel. Tosh.0 averages 2.2 million viewers per episode, about ten percent more than The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. Tosh.0 surely has...

  • 307

    Multiculturalism in America

    5 years ago

    Multiculturalism in America: Cultural Marxism, Traditional American Culture, the Woodstock Generation, What is Multiculturalism, Moral Relativism, Are All Cultures Equal, Identity Politics, Ghetto Culture, the Dangers of Multiculturalism, Why Multiculturalism is Taught in Public Schools, Propaganda.

  • 148

    History of the Mormon Religion

    5 years ago

    A History of the Mormon Religion, Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints, includes founder Joseph Smith, angel Moroni, Lost Tribes of Israel, Golden Tablets, Nauvoo, Brigham Young, and on to Utah

  • 60

    D L Moody

    5 years ago

    The most famous man on Earth in 1899 was Dwight L Moody. D. L. Moody was an evangelical preacher focused on charity and evangelism who founded the Moody Church and Moody Bible Institute in Chicago. One of the first fundamentalists, he stressed the Love of God for us—and the need for us to love Him.

  • 52

    Alfred Kinsey

    5 years ago

    The Sexual Revolution: hailed by Liberal Atheists as the greatest advance for mankind since the wheel—or at least since penicillin. Alfred Kinsey is the man to whom we owe much for these changing mores. According to this view, Kinsey freed us from ignorance about sexuality. The man and his research:

  • 441

    Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinics

    5 years ago

    Planned Parenthood, the largest operator of abortion clinics in the United States, operates clinics that provide what it calls "reproductive services," which means, oddly enough, they stop reproduction. Parenthood is the last thing they are planning. They call it 'health care' but it is death dealt.

  • 85

    Fidel Castro: Cuban Revolution

    5 years ago

    Cheered on by the American Left, especially the New York Times, Fidel Castro led the Cuban Revolution, along with his friend Che Guevara, leading to the Bay of Pigs and Cuban Missile Crisis.

  • 108

    William Wilberforce

    5 years ago

    William Wilberforce and the Clapham Circle of Evangelical Christians abolished the slave trade and then slavery itself in the British Empire and sparked a reformation of morals and manners which ushered in the Victorian Age of England. Wilberforce, the greatest social reformer in world history.

  • 150

    Andrew Jackson Biography: 7th President of the United States

    15 months ago

    Andrew Jackson was the seventh president of the United States. A war hero and self-educated man, he stood apart from the other presidents of his time.

  • 97

    18th Century England

    5 years ago

    The story of 18th century England includes Queen Anne; the 1st King George; the 1st Prime Minister, Walpole; Bonnie Prince Charlie; Dr. Samuel Johnson; John Wesley; Captain Cook; Mad King George III; the Rights of Man; the Rights of Women; American Revolution; Thomas Clarkson; Mutiny on the Bounty

  • 150

    Public Employee Labor Unions

    5 years ago

    A brief history of public employee labor unions; public employee union pensions; the origin of labor unions. Do unions kill productivity? Are unions good for America? Who are the rich robber barons today? Public employees make far more than private sector workers today, and have incredible benefits.

  • 91

    Cartier: Art in Jewelry

    5 years ago

    Cartier sells the most beautiful things in the world. Although few people can afford to buy Cartier jewelry or watches, to simply behold the beauty of these creations holds a fascination for many. Cartier jewelry evokes pleasure for people. ...

  • 62

    History of Christianity: 18th Century

    5 years ago

    Christianity in the 18th Century saw denominations multiply and theology concern itself with Grace, Repentance, Hell, the Holy Spirit, what does Born Again mean, Miracles, Personal Relationships with God, and Holy Music composed by John Newton, Isaac Watts, Augustus Toplady, George Handel's Messiah.

  • 64

    A History of Commercial Airliners

    5 years ago

    From 1913 a young Russian designer, Igor Sikorsky, set his mind to develop large aircraft. Sikorsky invented a giant airplane (the Grand) with four engines and a wingspan of 88ft 7in. Naysayers said it would never fly, but fly it did, with eight...

  • 26

    World's Fair: Columbian Exposition

    5 years ago

    The Columbian Exposition was an 1893 World's Fair held in Chicago. It was the third in America. A World's Fair is a large public exhibition of manufactured products, new inventions, art, exhibits to promote tourism and cultural understanding; and much more—music, food, and entertainments.

  • 76

    The Definition of Deism

    16 months ago

    Explore the historical background that led to the rise of Deism and its eventual demise.

  • 74

    A History of Aviation

    6 years ago

    The History of Aviation—Wright Brothers; pioneers; acrobatics; speed and distance records; barnstormers; air mail; Lindbergh; Earhart; navigation; air traffic control; golden age; manufacturers.

  • 179

    The Vietnam War

    4 years ago

    The Vietnam War in French Indochina: Ho Chi Minh, Rolling Thunder, Prisoners of War, atrocities, the anti-war movement, draft dodgers, Tet Offensive, President Johnson, Viet Cong, Paris Peace Accords.

  • 102

    The Great Awakening

    5 years ago

    The First Great Awakening was a thirty year Evangelical Christian Revival that led to American Independence. It united the colonies for the first time as 75% of colonists participated, with George Whitfield, Jonathan Edwards, and Francis Asbury leading the way, spiritual event historically important

  • 116

    Waiting for Superman: A Documentary Film

    5 years ago

    Waiting for Superman is a documentary about the schools in the United States.  The filmmaker is a liberal who felt guilty about sending his child to a private school, since liberals are staunch supporters of public school teachers unions. Liberals with money send their children to private schools

  • 82

    John Wesley

    5 years ago

    John Wesley bio and quotes; greatest preacher of the 18th century; John Wesley has a Revelation; meets the Moravians; becomes a traveling preacher; comes to America; John Wesley founds the Methodist Church; focus on charity to and salvation of the poor; John Wesley died the best loved man in England

  • 68

    The Korean War

    5 years ago

    The start of the Korean War begins with Socialist aggression, proceeds to Inchon, the Truman MacArthur dispute, MacArthur fired, MacArthur comes home a hero, the lesson of the Two Koreas revealed, the Forgotten War, General Matthew Ridgway, POWs, Korean War Truce, Red Chinese Army intervenes.

  • 206

    1955: The Year That Was

    5 years ago

    1955, America hit its Zenith, Manufacturing Booms, Baby Boom, Suburbs, Prosperity, James Dean, Marlon Brando, Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley, Beatniks, President Eisenhower, Atomic Bomb, Television, Great Migration, Interstate Highways, McDonalds, General Motors, Movies, Novels, Everybody in Church.

  • 100

    Jonathan Edwards

    5 years ago

    The message of Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758), Yale valedictorian at 17; became best loved American preacher, minister, theologian and philosopher; sparked the spiritual revival of America known as the First Great Awakening; his famous sermon Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God; Be afraid of Hell

  • 226

    Looking Back on "The Andy Griffith Show"

    22 months ago

    "The Andy Griffith Show" is set in Mayberry with Sheriff Andy, Deputy Barney Fife, Opie, and Aunt Bee. These are the best episodes with Andy Griffith, Don Knotts, and Ron Howard. This includes character sketches and actor biographies.

  • 161

    Freak Show

    3 years ago

    The first traveling freak show of unusual persons appeared 1738 in Europe. Schlitzie, Lazarus Colloredo, Chang & Eng, General Tom Thumb, Myrtle Corbin, Prince Radian, Mademoiselle Gabrielle, Mule Faced Woman, Lionel Lion Faced Boy, Daisy & Violet Hilton, Johnny Eck, Betty Lou Williams, Lobster Boy

  • 132

    Gustave Dore

    5 years ago

    Gustave Dore (1832-1883) created the most popular illustrations and engravings in history. He reminds me of the top character actors of all time—you know their work, but you don't know their names. Gustave Dore was the most famous living artist in the world during his lifetime.

  • 64

    Vitaliano Designer Mens Neck Ties

    5 years ago

    Vitaliano mens ties are cut and sewn by hand in Bologna, Italy. The Vitaliano Pancaldi Company has made neck ties over sixty years. Vitaliano designer ties are constructed only from the finest silk jacquard—shiny fabric intricately woven with a tonal design. The weave creates the effect of shadows.

  • 70

    Mexico in Modern Times

    5 years ago

    20th Century Mexico: Mexican Revolution, Catholic Church, Leftists, Pancho Villa, Emiliano Zapata, Cristero Wars, Nationalization, Braceros, NAFTA, Chiapas, Drug War, Remittances, Madero, Huerta, Carranza, Obregon, Calles, Mexican Repatriation, Cardenas, Operation Wetback, Fox, Portillo, Madrid.

  • 98

    America in the 17th Century

    5 years ago

    In the 17th century, America was primitive and nearly vacant. A few million Neolithic people were scattered over thousands of miles. Today it is the mightiest, richest, most dynamic civilization in human history. America is an idea—individual rights, democratic self-government, freedom and faith

  • 75

    17th Century England

    5 years ago

    17th Century England, the times of King James I, Guy Fawkes, Blarney Stone, Puritans, King Charles I, English Civil War, Oliver Cromwell, The Great Fire of London, King Charles II, King James II, John Locke, The Glorious Revolution, Slavery, the Irish Problem, Thomas Hobbes, and Paradise Lost.

  • 106

    History of Christianity: 17th Century

    5 years ago

    The History of Christianity series continues into the 17th century with sections about Lutherans, Baptists, Quakers, Pietists, Huguenots, Anglicans, Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan, King James Version of the Holy Bible, Reformed Theology, Calvinism, the Great Commission, Church of England, and Sin

  • 1375

    Darwin and Evolution

    4 years ago

    Is Darwin's Theory of Evolution true? What is the truth about the origin on life on earth, the origin of man, DNA, Intelligent Design, and Darwinism? Was Charles Darwin right on the origin of life?

  • 252

    Origin of the Universe

    4 years ago

    The Origin of the Universe quickly covers the Genesis Creation Story, the Big Bang, the Rare Earth Hypothesis, and the Atheist point of view of something coming from nothing life from non-life. How did the universe begin? Was our cosmos created? Where did man come from? How did life appear on Earth?

  • 72

    The Mexican-American War

    5 years ago

    The Mexican-American War, American Intervention in Mexico, Republic of Texas, Stephen Austin, Sam Houston, Republic of California, Spanish Missions in California, Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, Santa Anna, General Zachary Taylor, General Winfield Scott, Battle of the Alamo, Battle of San Jacinto, Polk

  • 48

    The History of Mexico: Independence to Modern Times

    5 years ago

    Birth of Mexico, 'Father of the Nation' Miguel Hidalgo; Mexican War of Independence, Mexican Empire, United Mexican States, Mexican Civil War, Le Reforma, Emperor Maximilian I, Benito Juarez, Porfirio Diaz, Catholic Church in Mexico, Liberals hate the Catholic Church, Caudillos, Positivism in Mexico

  • 76

    Colonial Mexico

    5 years ago

    Colonial Mexico includes the Aztecs, Hernando Cortes, Conquistadors, Black Legend, Noble Savage, Spanish Conquest of Mexico, New Spain, Spanish Missionaries, Juan de Zumarraga, Silver Mining in the New World, Hacienda, Slavery in Mexico. Mexico is named for the Aztec god of war, Mendoza, Encomienda

  • 227

    Detroit Michigan

    5 years ago

    Fifty years ago Detroit was among the richest cities in the world and offered perhaps the best quality of life of any city in America. Today, it is bankrupt, the most dangerous place in the country, boasts 78,000 abandoned homes, and 47% of its people cannot even read or write.

  • 191

    Education Problems in Public Schools

    5 years ago

    Education Problems in Public Schools: John Dewey, Progressive Education, Secular Humanism, Darwinism, Moral Relativism, Social Justice, Multiculturalism, Self Esteem, feminizing boys, Anti-Americanism, Anti-Christian, Identity Politics, Political Correctness, Diversity, Dead White Guys, Vouchers

  • 386

    Immigration & Illegal Aliens

    5 years ago

    Comprehensive Immigration Reform; Illegal Aliens; Jobs Americans won't do; Immigration Act of 1965; Anchor babies or birthright citizenship; Why does the Left hail the deliberate browning of America?

  • 149

    Sir Isaac Newton

    5 years ago

    Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727) is known as the first popular hero of modern science. The words "scientist" and "physics" did not exist during his lifetime. The most enduring legacy of Sir Isaac Newton is his explanation of how the universe operates...

  • 87

    Royal Society of London

    5 years ago

    The Royal Society of London for Improving Natural Knowledge was at first called the Invisible College. Herein: Sir Francis Bacon, Edmund Halley, Christopher Wren, Robert Hooke, Robert Boyle, Isaac Newton, William Harvey, Henry Oldenburg, John Ray, Anton van Leeuwenhoek 'the Father of Microbiology."

  • 86

    Science in the 17th Century

    16 months ago

    The word scientist was coined in 1840, but the 17th century is revered among scientists as an age of great discovery. This is the century of Galileo, Kepler, Bacon, Pascal, Descartes, and Newton.

  • 104

    Brief Biography of Blaise Pascal

    5 years ago

    Blaise Pascal only lived 39 years, but he left a lasting legacy of influence in theology, philosophy, literature, mathematics, economics, and social science.  He also invented the syringe. When the precocious Pascal was only thirteen, he discovered a mathematical error in the work of Rene Descartes.

  • 86

    Life of Galileo

    5 years ago

    Galileo Galilei, deemed the Father of Science by Albert Einstein, the Father of Astronomy or the Father of Physics by others. The life of Galileo Galilei began in Pisa, Italy. He was born on the very day Michelangelo died in 1564. This is the story of Galileo and his science, a biography of Galileo.

  • 88

    Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut

    5 years ago

    Harrison Bergeron is a short story by Kurt Vonnegut about the dangers of being fanatical about equality; Crab Mentality; and Tall Poppy Syndrome. Also included is a brief biography of Kurt Vonnegut.

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    Europe: The 17th Century

    5 years ago

    Europe in the 17th Century includes sections on the Netherlands, Spain, Poland, Russia, Sweden, Monarchy, Coronation, Duels, Jesters, Thirty Years War, the Peace of Westphalia, Bourgeoisie, Origin of Opera, Flamenco, Witchcraft, Alchemy, Vagabonds, Rosicrucians, Bernini, Life in 17th Century Europe

  • 126

    The Beatles, The Blues & Jimi Hendrix Experience

    5 years ago

    The Beatles music has been purchased by more people than that of any other musical artist in history. The Beatles introduced me to rock n roll. It was seeing the Beatles on the Ed Sullivan Show that made me want to be a musician. I have always loved the Blues. Jimi Hendrix is my favorite guitarist.

  • 65

    17th Century France

    5 years ago

    17th Century France is the time and place of the Sun King Louis XIV.  France was the most populous country in Christendom by and the absolute monarchy reached its zenith. We will take a look at Madame de Montespan, Black Mass, Madame de Maintenon, Jean Baptiste Colbert, Fenelon, and the Huguenots

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    Wise Words of Wisdom from Baseball

    5 years ago

    Wise Words of Wisdom from baseball: No one knows how long life will last; Life is not fair; Wait for a good pitch; Be prepared to sacrifice; Have a game plan; Everybody makes errors; Pick up your teammates; Best batters fail 70% of the time; Leave a legacy; Be a mentor; You always have a chance.

  • 119

    Lake Michigan Circle Tour

    2 years ago

    The Lake Michigan Circle Tour is a designated scenic road system that circumnavigates Lake Michigan; it includes excellent roads, huge sand dunes, beautiful vistas, fabulous beaches, and 100 historic lighthouses.

  • 103

    The 8 Best Baseball Hitters of All Time

    10 months ago

    Examine some true powerhouses of baseball, the best hitters of all time: Ty Cobb, Rogers Hornsby, Jimmie Foxx, Stan Musial, Mickey Mantle, Frank Robinson, Hank Aaron, and Barry Bonds.

  • 453

    History of the Gypsies

    13 months ago

    Who are the Gypsies, and where did they come from? This article gives us a glimpse at the history of the Roma or Romani, also known as Gypsies, who are not Egyptians at all.

  • 229

    Goofy Songs

    2 years ago

    Here are the greatest goofy songs ever, six novelty songs such as 'The Israelites' by Desmond Dekker, 'Shame on You' by Spade Cooley, 'Tie Me Kangaroo Down Sport' by Rolf Harris, 'My Boy Lollipop' by Minnie Small, 'Please Mr. Custer' by Larry Verne, 'Basketball Jones' by Cheech and Chong. Enjoy!

  • 193

    Famous American Photographers

    3 years ago

    Famous American Photographers: Irving Penn, Garry Winogrand, Walker Evans, Margaret Bourke-White, Bruce Davidson, Philippe Halsman, Weegee, Sally Mann, Herb Ritts, William Myers, Wallace Kirkland

  • 160

    12 More Women of Fox News

    14 months ago

    Recognizing twelve more women who currently work (or have worked) as journalists at the Fox News Channel, including Martha MacCallum, Gretchen Carlson, Jenna Lee, and Jane Skinner

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    Road Trip: Northwest United States

    5 years ago

    Road Trip: Northwest United States is about your writer's journey across the top of America on US-2. Featured are many magnificent photographs taken during the journey, and descriptions of the places visited. We travel through the states of Washington, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, and Minnesota.

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    The Progressives Who Changed the Supreme Court

    5 years ago

    Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr., Louis Brandeis, William Brennan, and Thurgood Marshall are the Progressive Judicial Activists who changed the Supreme Court by Legislating from the Bench. The Constitution is the Supreme Law of the United States of America. The Supreme Court's job is to see it is followed.

  • 143


    5 years ago

    Progressive ideology as explained by Herbert Croly, Woodrow Wilson, John Dewey, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and John Rawls, including moral relativism; the deconstruction of truth; the destruction of traditional American values, customs, conventions, beliefs, and morals; Progressives are Utopians.

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