Rondo form is a flexible and versatile way to construct a piece of music. Find out how it works and which composers have used it successfully.
Impressionism gave composers of piano music a new way of looking at things.
Freelancing has its benefits, but what are the drawbacks? Is it as easy as everyone says it is, or is it just like any other job?
How many strings does the average piano have? Why are there so many? Read this article to find out!
Discover how onomatopoeia can add wallop to your words and sizzle to your sentences—and even give you the freedom to make up words from scratch!
Discover how to write your own villanelle—a fixed-verse form of poetry that's both challenging and fun!
Why was "Silent Night" written? The reason behind its inception may surprise you.
Here's some good advice for anyone who's either had too much to drink... or is planning to do so.
What's the best way to store wine—with a cork or a screw cap? Find out one clever solution to this wine drinker's dilemma.
Discover how Romantic composers took piano music to new heights, raising it and themselves to superstar status.
It was during the Classical period that the piano's popularity grew among composers and audiences alike. But how did it happen?
The piano was invented during the Baroque period, but why? What was the reasoning behind it, and what instrument did it essentially replace?
What is the Law of Attraction? Find out exactly where it comes from, how it works, and who came up with the term in the first place.
Christmas is filled with all kinds of traditions; but where do they come from, and what do they mean?
Ever wondered how you can "accidentally" play the right notes? Find out more inside.
Discover the power, simplicity, and diversity you can get with just five notes on the piano!
Mozart’s music still has the ability to move us, inspire us, and enthrall us. So what’s so special about him?
Avocados are not vegetables - so what are they? And why are they so good for you? Find out the answers inside!
What are arpeggios? Find out how to master arpeggio playing on the piano in any key!
Personification gives human characteristics to non-human things. Find out what the difference is between it and anthropomorphism.
Is it really possible to make money online? Rather than reinventing the wheel, try some of these tried and tested techniques.
What do you want to play, why do you want to play, and how much time can you devote are just some of the important questions to ask yourself if you want to learn to play piano.
Why just go on holiday when you can write about it and earn money? Find out how travel writers do it.
Mindfulness gives you the key to making the most of every moment. Find out how to live your life for all it's worth instead of simply letting it pass you by.
Sharps and flats can be confusing, but they are not if you know what to look for. Find out how to take the mystery out of key signatures for good!
Want to lose weight and keep it off? Here's the real truth about weight and the techniques that will keep it under your control.
Use this simple formula to write a haiku on any subject that will stand out from the crowd.
What is the love that dare not speak its name? Find out where the phrase originates.
How many notes make up a chord? Find out how easy it is to create any chord on the piano knowing just a few tips.
Too much stress making your life a misery? Discover some basic and sensible ways to keep your stress levels under control!
How do you set words to music? Find out where to start and how to turn any lyrics into a song.
Where do carols come from? Find out what carols really are and why they might be sung at any time of the year.
Stress is a part of modern life, like it or not. Here are some techniques you can use to help you cope with it, even if you can't get rid of it completely.
Sorrento is a top destination in Italy due to its food, scenery and friendly people. Here's what to do in Sorrento and how to travel from there to other cities, like Naples.
Find out how to cope with stress more effectively by knowing what kind of stress you're experiencing!
Want to make your own jazz music? Here's a technique you can use that'll do the job nicely.
The whole tone scale has a distinct sound and presents unique opportunities for unusual harmonies. Find out what a whole tone scale is and how to construct one yourself.
The piano continues to be a driving force in all styles of music. But where are its roots, and why was it invented in the first place?
A pun is a play on words designed to tickle and tease. But what's a paronomasia, and why should you care? Find out by reading the whole article.
Why is the piano the most popular instrument? Learn what makes the piano so unique, diverse, and a top player in the instrument pack.
Whether you're a fan of sunshine, shopping or sightseeing, there's something for everyone in Singapore. Find out what makes it such a vibrant, happening place.
How many types of cadences are there in music? What's a Perfect cadence? What's a Tierce de Picardie? Find the answers here.
What are cadences in music, and why do we need them? Find out their definition, function and how they work, including in cases like perfect and amen cadences.
What's the secret behind writing crisp, clear, concise sentences? It's a lot easier than you think if you approach it in the right way.
How can a healthy sense of self compassion help you? Find out exactly what it means and how you can implement it in your life.
Practising scales can be a drag. Here are some simple techniques you can use to spice things up a bit.
The name "piano" is just an abbreviation. But what was it called originally, and where did it come from? What happened to the rest of its name?
Ever wanted to write your own piece of piano music? Here are some tips on how you might go about it and some basic techniques to make the most of your musical ideas.
Wondering exactly what a minuet and trio might be? Find out where the musical form originates, what a trio really is, and how the whole thing is put together.
Food processors are designed to make life easier in the cooking department. But are they really worth the money, or are they just gimmicks to make us buy appliances we don't really need?
What's the purpose of the staff in music notation? What are clefs for, and why are there so many? Find out the answers to these questions and more!
Need an easy way to remember the order of sharps and flats in music? Understand opposites and remember the numbers 5 and -5. Read more about how these tips work.
What's the fastest and easiest way to memorize a piano song? Is it a good idea, and if so, what benefits will it bring? Look inside to find out more.
Why do pianos go out of tune? Part of the reason lies in how they're constructed, and part of the reason lies in where they're positioned. Look inside and find out more!
What's the best method for learning a new piece of piano music? Find out how to get that new piano piece under your belt as quickly as possible.
Similes and metaphors can help make language more interesting and colorful. Find out how to tell the difference between them and how to write your very own.
Want to be able to relieve yourself of some of the inevitable stress that life throws your way? Here's a technique that's guaranteed to help you slow down, calm down and put things in perspective.
Are you a victim of the monkey mind? Find out what the term means, how it manifests itself, and what steps you can take to alleviate it.
Want your articles and hubs to stand out from the crowd? Here are some tips on how to spice up your pictures... and make sure they're totally original.
Is your self confidence affected by your own self image? If so, what can you do to make sure that image is positive and contributes to your overall sense of self worth?
Know what a metaphor really is? It's not a simile, that's for sure. But where does the word come from, and what does it actually mean?
What can you do when you run out of writing ideas? Here are some tips on ways to find inspiration without having to wait for it to find you!
Can you look more confident even if you don't feel that way? Find out what you can do to give off the impression of total confidence... and boost your confidence levels at the same time.
Your body image can seriously affect your levels of self esteem. But is it different for men and women? When do the problems really begin? And what can you do to balance the scales?
Can stage fright be conquered? If so, what things can you do in advance to make sure you hold your nerve? Find out the answers inside.
Want some quick ways to boost your self esteem? Here are 10 simple but effective things you can do to help rediscover the unique individual you really are.
How can you build your self esteem? Start by taking a look at the thoughts, feelings and behaviors that are holding you back.
What are panic attacks? What causes them and how does panic manifest itself? Find out how your body and mind make changes that can be disorienting and leave you feeling isolated and helpless.
Who are the top publishers for children's books? Which of the top children's books publishers are accepting submissions from new authors? When do you need an agent? Find out the answers to these questions and more!
Want to know where to find copywriting clients? Discover the best sources online and offline, find out where to look, what to look for, and what you need to apply in the first place.
How do you make a copywriting portfolio? Do you really need one, and what benefits can it bring you? Find out everything you need to know.
An illustrator's job is to tell the story in pictures. The intended audience will help determine the number and type of images.
Online copywriting training should give you all the tools and techniques you need to succeed. Find out what to look for, the differences between free and paid training, and which additional resources you can use to enhance your learning.
Are you all thumbs when it comes to playing scales on the piano? Here's a technique you can use to conquer the basics of scale playing quickly!
Beginners Piano Lesson Seven moves around quite a bit, introduces flats and sharps,and features a challenging left hand. All that, and a little quiz, too!
Piano Lesson Five for beginners adds a couple of new dimensions to the mix, including a new time signature and two different hand positions!
Piano Lesson Four for beginners shows you how to play a famous piece of music by Beethoven. You get to use two hands at the same time and read music... WOW!
In this lesson you're going to start reading real piano music, just like the pros. Discover what all those strange musical symbols mean, and why there are two clefs in piano music.
Here's the second lesson for beginners on the piano, the first time you get to play a well-known song from real music notation.
Learn how to play music on the piano from day one using this simple, step-by-step method. Perfect for beginners of all ages who want to learn the piano from scratch.
Harmony can be a difficult concept to understand. This exercise shows you an easy way to learn it so you can harmonize tunes on the piano all by yourself.
Swing is a technique for jazzing up the music you're playing without having to change the way it's written. Find out more and listen to how it works.
How can you make the piano sound like a harp? One note at a time...
Alberti Bass is a method of playing broken chords in a particular pattern. It gives flexibility and versatility to the way you accompany on the piano, and can also be used as a technique for jazzing up the music.
Staccato and legato are musical terms that tell you how to perform the music. Staccato means detached, while legatos means smooth, so in musical lingo they're practically opposites.
Accompanying on the piano can be as simple or complicated as you want. Here's an easy way to create a back-and-forth style of accompaniment using broken chords.
Boogie Woogie sounds great on the piano. Here’s an easy way to learn the basics and start playing boogie woogie piano music quickly.
The blues scale gives the music you write an edgy feel. People who "sing the blues" are often relating tales of woe, but if you write tunes with chords you can create funky pieces that will lift your spirit. Good Luck!