Here are 50 ways to create and capture warmth in an unimproved home. These ideas won't look fancy, but they will make you and your family more comfortable. They are nearly all born of experience from having lived for 7+ years in an uninsulated house in Colorado.
Oven pancakes are among the simplest of pancake recipes, and they are especially great for families who have an abundance of eggs. The sugarless, eggy batter lends itself to almost endless variations, additions, and toppings, and it may be made with coconut oil and plant-based milks.
An ulu knife is one of the handiest kitchen tools ever. It can make a variety of cooking and hunting tasks faster and easier to simplify your life.
This information is for men who truly care about their women's hearts. We explore how a woman's menstrual cycle effects her physically, emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually, with a view to helping you understand and encourage her. Includes tips for getting along at "that time of the month".
Does the children's television program "Bob the Builder" help or hinder in the ethical and moral development of our children? Here is a perspective based on experience both as a mother and a contractor's wife.
You are more important than any goal, achievement, or milestone. Learn to design small celebrations encouraging your own inner growth, as you stay the course on your vision board or personal discovery journey.
We explore how to build and maintain a sense of creativity, after your ability to express yourself has been damaged. Learn how to use this skill to reach your goals, and solidify your intentions in life.
Thought boxes reside in each of us. How we fill them determines the state of our wellbeing. Our bodies, minds, hearts, and spirits all respond to clutter, worries, and desires. Make room for wellness, and rest, by managing your thought boxes and belongings.
We show you how to reconfigure your life's direction, and get going where you really want to go.
Your body was designed to feel well, and to heal itself from even the worst stresses and traumas. Do you know how to tap into the free energy of the Universe to boost your self healing powers? Here are tips to get started.
Facing fears through positive image therapy can help you rewire your mind and heart to release the energy of dark memories, replacing these with joyful expectations, paired with small-step goals focused on building courage.
How to develop an understanding with your body of what wholeness and wellness mean, and achieve better mind-body communication.
We offer tips and guidelines for creating affirmations that work for you. Developing your own personal affirmations can be a rewarding process, yielding insights into your thoughts and motives, which can result in healing transformations for your mind and heart.
Learning to become aware of your emotions is crucial to moving forward in your heart and life. Simple exercises help you discern what you are feeling, while engaging with common surroundings.
Manipulation and painful circumstances can make it difficult to know who you are and what you want. We present emotional and mental exercises to help you overcome the gaslighting and conditioning of others.
Creating an electronic yearly Vision Board which is dynamic and changing--a combination of daily ambitions, plus goals geared toward the coming months--is an excellent way to keep on track, and establish your direction and theme for the year.
We teach a system which will help you to set regular, new, effective intentions, daily or on whatever schedule you choose, using a Pinterest board or other format of your choice. Using this system will help you overcome mental blocks due to fear and anxiety.
Choosing images for vision boarding can be a daunting task. We help you understand the subconscious aspects of imagery and color, so that you can confidently choose pictures that inspire and enliven your heart.
A discussion of the role biorhythms play in setting intentions. Pairing firm and detailed expectations with careful timing often yield good results.
Tips on developing a vision board specifically aimed at overcoming fears and trauma patterns, so you can truly live your best life. Includes an outline of the vision board development process, and hints on effective formats.
This is an approach to vision board planning that offers hope to those of us who are socially dysfunctional, or are impaired by mental health conditions, depression, or low energy. We show how you can overcome and live your best life.
Some grain bin moving situations require a complete tear-down and re-erection of your bin ("silo"). Others don't. Here we discuss which is which.
What are the advantages of either a crane or boom truck, when used to help build or tear down a grain bin ("silo")? We briefly discuss both options to help you make an informed decision. Includes tips on using big forklifts, too.
A discussion of different styles of lifting rings used to lift a grain bin ("silo") during construction, when a crane is used instead of grain bin jacks.
A discussion of the various kinds of grain bin jacks and how they are used, plus images and videos.
Photos and text teach you how to lift and fit a medium to small grain bin onto a hopper with the assistance of a crane or boom truck.
Photos and text show how to construct and seal a hopper for a small to medium-small size grain bin ("silo").
A look at different ways to seal a grain bin from the elements (farm situations only). Also how to install wedge anchor bolts.
Tips on how to install a ladder safety cage on a grain bin or silo, with cautions for use. Examples of various ideas and systems, including staircases.
A step-by-step guide to building the main rings and ladder(s) of a grain bin ("silo"). Other parts of the bin are dealt with in separate articles.
Learn step-by-step how to build a small or medium size grain bin ("silo") roof (includes no extra components such as vents). Other sections of the bin are shown in separate articles.
Photo tutorial showing how to build the first ring of sheets on a grain bin. Includes tips and tricks.
This discussion is born out of the experiences of a long-time grain bin contractor. Here we consider the many requirements of the building site itself, and the concrete or foundation for a grain bin. Includes advice for bins with and without hoppers.
This is a discussion of tools required to build or tear down a grain bin. Included are ways to avoid injury to you or the bin ("silo"). This is not a how-to on building a bin, only a discussion of tools and techniques.
The basic steps of building a new grain bin and what you need for safe grain bin construction. Photos are included to help you decide whether to take this on as a DIY project.
If the idea of homeschooling appeals to you, but the process or choices seem overwhelming, perhaps this explanation will help you decide whether to try it. Your commitment need not be complicated.
This is a step-by-step dowry chest preparation, including both traditional and modern ideas, plus suggestions for boys.
Learn how to strengthen and reshape a sagging, gambrel-style barn roof using floor jacks and wood bracing. Pictures and step-by-step instructions are included.
The story of my homemade violin, and how it encouraged dreams of uplifting others through all kinds of music, including my own compositions.
Homemade custard may be safely preserved by pressure canning. Chocolate, vanilla, butterscotch, and coconut milk recipes are given here, along with a whole-egg variation. The entire canning process is shown.
As a child, I was known for being odd and a bit difficult. The fictitious rabbit Fiver was my hero, as he used his strange traits to everyone's advantage, and never lost sight of his dreams. His far-sight and determination still inspire me.
Holy Sex is a commentary on the Bible book "Song of Songs" which also endeavors to give advice to married couples on how to improve their sexual enjoyment through ridding their relationships of guilt.
Jerusalem Kugel is a "cake" made with pasta and eggs. It is filling, sweet, and versatile. The cooking process is simple and straightforward. Here's how to make it!
Queso blanco made with yogurt culture is particularly good for slicing for sandwiches, frying into delicious cheese snacks, or chopping into chunky omelettes, hashes, and soups. Learn how to make this semi-hard-pressed cheese at home (photo guide included).
Pressure-canning your own homemade chicken broth is easy, and having it available in your cellar is convenient and inspiring.
Pressure canning chicken is easy, and it gives you access to meat for quick meals, as well as cellar stock for emergencies and a DIY lifestyle.
Have you acquired a deer that is either intended for dog food or is not fit for human consumption? In this article, the pictures and text show you how to easily cut a carcass into parts to make it suitable for a dog to eat.
Pictures and text show you how to butcher a deer into parts which will be suitable for splitting up amongst your family and dog. It's easier than you think! Article 3 of 4 showing deer butchering and raw dog feeding.
How my daughter taught me a lesson about reality by refusing to play with playdough until after she knew how to shape bread dough.
This article contains photos and text that will teach you step-by-step how to pressure-can milk by sealing it in jars for long-term storage.
A chapter book about the paranormal, which is neither unduly scary nor depressing. The story is plausible, the characters true-to-life, and the subject matter both interesting and helpful. The question to answer is: How do you return a doll when its owner is dead?
Christian marriage advice can be extremely damaging. Avoid a lifestyle of abuse by learning what to look for in the areas of interpersonal relationships, your partner's responses to stress, and his (or her) family history/health.
Typical Christian marriage advice exacerbates abusive tendencies. I designed a list of questions to help you recognize abuse in the areas of conversation, lifestyle choices, and personal habits.
Selfish behaviors are exacerbated by common Christian marriage advice, and nowhere is this more evident than in the response to a desire for control. Also discussed are maturity and sexuality.
Christian marriage advice usually exacerbates selfish and abusive behaviors. Learn why, and how to tell if you are at risk in your own relationship.
Thoughts on the landmark science-fiction/horror movie, "The Lawnmower Man", as it relates to human nature, and the potential for grace.
A review of a book which has been crucial to my family's exploration of early history, and which has helped ground us in faith.
Forgiveness can be the toughest thing in the world to actually do. See if these six suggestions don't help you conquer your worst memories at last!
This article walks you through 3 steps on how to truly forgive anyone, for anything . . . including yourself.
The Tale of Despereaux is a charming and thought-wrenching children's chapter book, suitable for all ages. This article provides a summary and analysis.
Encourage joy to take root in your children's hearts by teaching them to give thanks through a simple, daily gratitude journaling project with you.
Giving thanks to your Creator can increase your joy, improve your health, and make you a better friend. See how easy it is to get started writing a Gratitude Journal.
How my father and I modified a turn-of-the-century farmhouse kitchen sink (never properly plumbed) to accept modern plumbing. Pictures and text show the process, which you may adapt to your own needs.
We've installed two manual pitcher pumps in our home. This article discusses how to build hand pumps and our experiences with them.
Have limited water, power, or other resources to process laundry at home? Use an old-fashioned wringer washing machine! Learn how to operate one here.
Learning the difference between people-pleasing, and truly loving - from the perspective of someone with Dissociative Identity Disorder (Multiple Personalities).
A how-to with photos and discussion showing how to take down your old grain bin for moving or complete removal.
A photo essay demonstrating unschooling ideals, via a concrete pour in a farm shop building. This is not as hands-on as I would like, but is valuable for my kindergarten and pre-school age kids.
How a tumble-down goat shed and some weeds and wildflowers inspired me to lead my children into a life-long journey of mainly self-directed learning, resulting in the growths of their souls, not just intellects .
My husband and I dated while racing in demolition derbies--good fun, good relationships. This is the story of a car we built, and my night of glory driving it.
Learn how and where to locate used grain bins for grain storage, cottages, or grainzebos. I'll show you how to tell a good-quality bin from a poor-quality one and recommend suppliers in case you decide to purchase new.
A poem expressing that what is appropriate or wise isn't always so...and what may seem inappropriate or unwholesome may not be. God is not as narrow-minded as many people want Him to be.
Here are 6 instructions for learning to hear your Creator's voice--a skill any believer can learn. Allow the riches of God's voice to fill you with hope and dignity.
Learn to hear God speaking to you, like your best friend at your elbow. Explore how your view of God can affect your hearing, and how He wants to break through your communication walls to develop real friendship.
When your chickens produce too many eggs to use fresh, or you find a good sale on eggs, preserve some for later consumption using an old-fashioned method. Store eggs in your basement or closet.
A photo-and-text tour of a goat-milking session on a small, Colorado family farm.
A very special goat who taught me to love dairying, helped the neighborhood children with their troubles, and became a curiosity in my little community.
A step-by-step demonstration showing you how to make fresh-tasting, mild, versatile queso blanco cheese at home. Demonstrated with fresh goats' milk, using both text and photos.
A how-to with photos, discussion, and frequently asked questions, teaching you how to successfully make your own, healthy yogurt.
Adventures raising an "oddball" fancy chicken, which was shipped with an order of 100 meat chickens. He's grown up and has turned into a real, squawking, crowing, egotistical rooster. But he is shy.
This article demonstrates how to prepare a deer for dog food and how to safely remove the guts.
This article will show you how to skin a deer for dog food. Our dog is on a raw food diet, and deer is as healthy for him as it is for us. The photos are realistic and graphic.
How to finish cleaning your butchered chickens so they are ready to eat, and package them properly for freezing. Part 3 of a 3 part series.
A graphic how-to showing what you must do to properly gut and cut up a chicken for eating. Part 2 of a 3-part series.
A Bible timeline (or history timeline) is a fun project for kids of all ages, and can really help improve focus on the details of Scripture. We share ideas and tips for getting started.
A picture tutorial showing the first steps to butchering chickens at home - preparing your work space; killing, scalding, and plucking chickens.
I felt as if I had stepped through the wardrobe and was tramping into the heart of Narnia. I expected to find the lamp post, telling me this was indeed the western wilds. But the land was all mine.
Making feta goat cheese is not complicated. It requires mostly common kitchen utensils, about 4 hours of time spread over a week, and space in your refrigerator. The results are first-rate.
Watch a group of 100 Cornish Rock chickens grow from fuzzy yellow balls to noisy adults. This photo essay shows all phases of care and feeding on a private farm.
A picture-journal entry showing how to move an erected grain bin on a flatbed trailer. Much useful discussion and advice are included in the comments section.
This is a how-to guide with photos and discussion, teaching you to make your own American mozzarella cheese.
A free-verse poem expressing a week in my life while married to a sheet-metal and grain bin building contractor. This job provided memorable days in which we moved and re-erected two WWII-era grain bins, in which pigeons had lived for many years. The bins are now in use for grain.
In this article, pictures and text show you how to make fresh goats' cream butter at home, with an old-fashioned churn. (You may shake it in a jar, too, or use a food processor.) It includes tips on equipment, goats' butter uses, and troubleshooting.
Thoughts on friendships that are cut off too soon.
How high-sugar and highly-processed snacks create little monsters...and what you can do instead.
A sweet friendship, interrupted by life. I'm still hoping for another dance, and he hasn't forgotten either what it was like to be all God meant us to be together.
A partly fictionalized account of my grandfather's experiences in France and Belgium during WW 2. He came home to his farm in Nebraska--but what happened to the rest of his machine gun squad?
Cooking curiously--where does cinnamon come from? What's a chemical, and what's it doing in my food? Who enjoys eating snake?--would we like it? Blend cooking with science, geography, and more as you explore answers!
If demons bother you, consider bothering them back. Here are 11 ways to begin making them uncomfortable in your presence.
My car, my friend. She had a definite personality, and a guardian role in my life and those of my siblings. May she RIP.
The story of how Metallica's song "The God That Failed," led me straight to Jesus and salvation in Him.