Today's literary trend is to demand representation so people can enjoy our books. This is harming our sense of empathy as we pretend surface features are more important than deeper connections. If you need a character's gender, or skin color to relate, your sense of empathy is appalling.
There is a growing movement of people who believe the Earth is flat. Is this stupid and if so, how do we respond to it?
How do social groups start? What makes people band together for a common cause? What did it take to unionize people with differing sexual preferences? Listen (rather, read) a while and I’ll give you my opinions.
Social justice is critical to a healthy society. Having empathy for others and supporting those around us becomes more important as we grow technologically. Social Justice Warriors, however, are not building a healthy society.
When I first heard the phrase “Social Justice Warrior,” I thought “That’s a perfect way to describe who I want to be.” A champion of justice in society. The desire is still there, the label no longer applies.
Liam Neeson shared a story about wanting revenge for someone he loves. This sparked outrage about him being racist. What does it really say about him?
There’s a trend among Christians. They don’t actually understand other religions exist. I don’t mean they think there are no other religions but instead cannot comprehend what “other religions” actually means.
Labels help us define our world. Much of the time they are a great asset. How can a label be a bad thing? That's what we're here to talk about.
While some conspiracy theories turn out to be true, this is obviously not always the case. The difficulty in getting true conspiracies brought to light is in part because some theories are riddled with fallacy. Even theories that turn out to be true get clouded when people jump to conclusions.
Was it a false flag attack? Is there a huge conspiracy within the US government still being played out to push US citizens into a certain mindset? Are stupid "Truthers" just seeing things that aren’t there? Here’s the way I look at it.
Congressman Eric Swalwell wrote an op-ed about gun control calling for a ban and a buyback program. In response Joe Biggs declared it would lead to war. Swalwell welcomed the idea threatening nukes? Really? Well, maybe it’s not quite so simple.
I set out to package my ideas on gun control in an easy-to-understand way. It was harder than I anticipated. This is the last part. Before you argue in the comments about my stupidity, that’s why I made the other articles. Read them and we can argue my stupidity more to the point.
Among the many methods people have talked about for protecting our children from guns, gun owners are saying “arm our teachers.” But is this a good idea?
I’m writing a series of articles about guns and gun control. It's troublesome to finish. I wanted to offer a reasonable compromise, but the more I dig, the less possible it seems. This is kind of a rant, but also expressing concerns.
There's often a wide gap between those who believe in conspiracy theories and those who don't. I hope to bridge that gap and provide some clarity.
This article provides a breakdown of some popular gun control ideas and highlights problems with them.
These articles are meant to break a complex subject into easier segments. Each part focuses on one topic within a larger idea. This part focuses on law media's push and lies about guns and gun control.
Are the police here to protect us? Here we discuss law enforcement's role in society.
These articles are meant to break a complex subject into easier segments. Each part focuses on one topic within a larger idea. This one focuses on fear. Fear of guns, and fear of having them taken.
This article examines the six main reasons people like guns.
This article focuses on what a gun is and what it's not.
While I'm not an expert in constitutional law, I understand the English language. This is my attempt to break down the second amendment to be understandable to us common folk.
Here, in the USA, we excel at destroying language. “What does that word mean?” You ask? Not us. Here in the good ol' USA, we assume and call it good. That's why "literal" is no longer literal.
I used to think to be Atheist means one is certain no god exists. This is why I've never identified as Atheist. If pressed, I'd tell people I was Agnostic. Eventually, I learned I was wrong.
Christians like to ask questions that sound great to them, but often have no idea how silly the question sounds to people who don't believe in their faith. Whether it's an attempt to convert, or just posture to others, this question doesn't land like they think it does.
"Going Green" is terribly popular. But is this mindset helping, or doing more harm?
Someone posed this question on Hubpages. Angry responses and thoughtful perspective followed.
One of my passions is photography. I love to take pictures. What better combination than pictures and favorite locations? These were all taken at Tumwater Falls Park in October of 2009. Right at the entrance is this simple and beautiful waterfall....
On May 28, 2011, Adam Kokesh was "body slammed and choked" by police at the Jefferson Memorial. He was arrested for dancing. In process of the arrest he was thrown to the ground and held down by the throat. We have here a story that tears me...
In many places around the country people see Bin Laden's death as reason to celebrate. This brings up a serious question. Is it ever appropriate to be happy someone died?
Are Christians better than the rest of us? Do you see them behaving as though they are? Here's what I see, and why.
In school, we were assigned the "I Am" Poem format. I felt like changing it up a bit and posting it here. I will post the template below. If you write one, please send me a message and I will link to it. I am tired of fighting and weary of this...
Gun control is always at the top of our political lists. There are those who argue we must take all guns out of the public. And there are those who argue we must arm civilians. Where do you fit in?
Define religion. All religion offers answers to important spiritual questions. They offer some way to define that which we cannot explain. Along that vein, they offer a view of what happens after death. If...