Waking up in the morning I think of all the chores, all the cooking Moaning in complaint but nevertheless stretching. Snapping the sleep away and my spirit dampening With gloomy face I walk in a daze Into the kitchen for breaking the...
The poem was painted by the poetess while dwelling into the perceptions that runs the world. The world is equal for all...all...
Reminiscing... Bang!!! The sound of the window closing woke me up form my disturbing sleep. No matter how many times I think about fixing the bolt of the damn window, I forget. Guessing it is one of the perks of the old age,...
Reminiscing... verysmartbrothas.com Creek....Croak.....Creek....Crock........that is the only sound one can hear in this usually silent room. the sound of the ancient rocking chair that had been in our family for years...and me rocking away to the...
Mourning... Pain pain pain that is all I feel again and again. Lost in the sea of emptiness knowing that I can't shower him with hugs and kisses, Feeling dark hollowness and missing the warmth of our cuddles, Streaks of salted fluid running...